Title: Online Document Creator
1Leap towards a paperless future
Customer Communication Management (CCM) allows
businesses to create digital Online Document
Creator create the document quickly and template
generate digital documents without any
development effort!
2What makes CCM the best choice for your brand
Go green Going paperless is good for your
business, customers, and the environment. Be the
brand that cares. Business-ready Generate quick
PDFs with pre-defined templates, multiple file
format support, customizable fields and more! No
compromise on safety With password protection,
confidential information can be accessed by
intended audience only.
3Get the Sinch advantage
Customer Communication Management enables brands
to create visually appealing digital documents
quickly and send them across to customers
periodically or on-demand. Bid goodbye to
cumbersome paper communication!
4Multiple file format
Online Document Creator would allow banks and
insurance companies to create ready-to-use PDFs
from other file types like TXT, CSV, JSON, and
XML with ease.
5Digital signature
Welcome packets, statements, correspondence and
forms have been important methods for
organizations of varying types to interact with
their customers. authenticate crucial data
transfers with digital signatures.
6Contact us
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Head Office Sinch India Noida 5th Floor, Tower-4
Express Trade Tower 2B-36 Sector 132 Noida
201302 Uttar Pradesh IndiaTel 91 120
6139000 Fax 91 120 6139100 customercommunicatio
n.aclmobile_at_gmail.com https//www.sinch.com/en-in