Title: The 21st Century and Arenac Countys 4H Youth Program
1The 21st Century and Arenac Countys 4-H Youth
- Growing Together for Today and Tomorrow
2A lifetime of 4-H experience.
- As a youth
- Sewing, Home Economics, Photography, Small
Animals, - 4-H Exploration Days, and 4-H/LABO Exchange to
Okayama, Japan. - Earned the 4-H Gold Key Award.
3Linda L. Hall Lifetime experience with 4-H.
- As an Adult
- Ceramics Leader,
- Involved with Market Rabbits Citizenship
project, as a parent - Member of the Leaders Committee and experience
in Fund Raising. - 4-H Club Read VISTA for Ogemaw County, a
children's literacy program.
4Other Volunteer Experience- Over 14 years
volunteer experience with Boy Scouts of America
- As an adult
- Den Leader, Committee Chair
- A general understanding of Character Counts
program. - Round Table Commissioner- Key facilitator at
monthly mini-trainings for adults from 5 Counties
in our AuSable District. - District Trainer-
- Learn, Do, Mentor...
5Linda L. Hall, B.S.W.
- Education
- Kirtland Community College
- Liberal Arts Business Administration,
Associate's Degrees in 5/98. - Saginaw Valley State University
- Bachelor's in Social Work in 4/01.
- Experienced in grant writing.
6What are the Most Pressing Challenges
- that Arenac County Youth Face today?
7Lack of Economic Security, high High School
Dropout Rates, Teen Pregnancy, and Unemployment
8Lack of Economic Security
- 1,437 children, or 38.7 your population, live in
homes where a child support order exists. - Of these 47.9 of non-custodial parents neglect
to make payment for that Parental support. - There is an 11 unemployment in your county.
9Arenac County is
- 76th Of 83 counties, or 21.4, for having the
highest number of High School dropouts per county
population. - Has an average of 20 of births in the county
from teenage mothers, who do not have a 12th
grade education.
10What is the solution?
- Communication and Cooperation are the keys
- To Grow Stronger Arenac County YOUth.
11My Vision
- would include creating, implementing, and
evaluating a cooperative plan, between existing
parties, to empower the youth of Arenac County to
become successful adults.
12How do we get there?
- Network-
- Plan-
- Advertise-
- Implement-
- Evaluate-
- Communicate during all phases!
13Communication and Cooperation are the keys
- To Grow Stronger Arenac County YOUth.
14Remember the Power of 4-H is YOUth!