Title: Compulsory Attendance
1Compulsory Attendance
- Kathleen Krall
- School Law for Educators
2Components of Attendance
- Place of Residency
- School Admission
- Compulsory Attendance
- Absent from School
- Violation of Law
3Place of Residency
4Place of Residency
PS Public School Code (24 P.S. Code
2302) Any resident child aged 6 to 21 may
attend public schools
Required 8 years to 16 years
- Where parent or In loco parentis resides
- Parent who has custody
- Emancipated minor
- Non-resident child living with resident without
- Non-resident child who is in foster care
- Non-resident child living in facilities within
school district
5Admission to School
6Admission to School
- Student must be 5 years, 7 months before
September 1st for the fall semester and 5 years,
7 months by Feb. 1st for the spring semester.
- For a new school, parent must sign statement
concerning present and past suspensions/expulsion
from previous school.
7Admission to School
- Partial immunization
- Religious grounds
- Medical reasons
- Oral verification by previous school for homeless
- To be admitted, the child must be immunized.
However there are exceptions
8Absent From School
9What is your schools attendance policy?
10Absent From School
- May be excused
- May be unexcused
- May be unlawful
11Excused Absences
Usually of short duration determined by the
school district Doctors excuse Death in the fam
ily Impassable roads Approved education trips R
eligious instruction (up to 36 hrs.)
Long term is in excess of 30 days upon
recommendation from medical doctor.
12Unexcused Absence
- Parent/guardian or child can be subject to
prosecution and fined.
- If age 17 or older the student pays no penalty.
School District may be liable.
13Violation of Law
14School must give adequate notice to parents of
unexcused absences
- Based on Case Law Commonwealth v. Grace (Pa. 1969)
- Recognize absence on a certain date or dates
- Absence was unexcused
- Violation of Public School Code
- Summary offense and penalties may be imposed
- Unexcused again, District Justice will be
involved without further notice from school
15Currently, children can be held responsible for
being truant where parents have taken every step
to ensure attendance
- However, if a parent does not take every
reasonable step
- Convicted of a summary offense and fined 300
- May take a parenting education program
- Community service
- Serve up to 5 days in jail
16And for the student who is held responsible for
his/her truancy
- Over the age of 13, summary offense to child or
assigned alternative program
- 90 day to 6 months suspension of drivers
- Under the age of 13, not subjected to summary
offense but referred to school for services.
17Compulsory Attendance
18Compulsory School Age
- 8 years until the age of 17 years (24 P.S. Code
- Age is the controlling factor
- Does not require parents to send their child to
19Public vs. Private Education
- Landmark case, Pierce v. Society of Sisters (1925)
- In violation of due process, the Supreme Court
allowed parents the choice on where to send their
20Exceptions to law in Pennsylvania
- First Amendment issues
- Health and Safety issues of the child
- Enrolled in private trade or business school
- Licensed non-public school
- Tutoring approved by school district
- 16 yrs or older and employed
- 15 yrs or older and engaged in farm or domestic
- 14 yrs and engaged in the above, completed
elementary school, board approved, state approved.
- Students that are home schooled
- Home school legal defense association
- http//www.hslda.org/