Title: Knowledge Management at the Naval Postgraduate School
1Knowledge Management at the Naval Postgraduate
- Information Systems Group Naval Postgraduate
SchoolMonterey, California 93943
- KM Expertise at NPS
- KM Center for Excellence at NPS
3Naval Postgraduate School
- Top-tier institution specializing in research and
analysis - Accredited graduate educational curricula
- DoD organization
4KM Expertise at NPS Faculty
- Expertise in
- Information Technology Databases, DSS, software
engineering, workflow management - Allied disciplines cognitive science,
organizations/management - Military domains Navy/DoD operations,
procedures, cultures - Decade-long experience in KM concepts,
technologies and applications
5KM Expertise at NPS Faculty (Contd)
- Active participants in networks of KM researchers
and practitioners - Ability to deliver KM projects tailored toward
enhancing the Navys competitive advantage
6KM Expertise at NPS Students
- Expertise in Navy/DoD combat and support areas
- Significant commitment of effort through thesis
research cycle and instruction
7KM Projects at NPS
- Analysis of tasks/
- processes
- Framework for classifying and evaluating KM
opportunities - Business process redesign in procurement
activities - Process knowledge in virtual organizations
- Design of KM Systems
- Expert Diagnostic Advisor
- Process support for procurement
- Retention of process knowledge
- Data inter-operability
- Managing knowledge in war games
- Assessment of Impact
- Measurable changes in process and performance
- Lessons Learned
- Application to Combat and Support Activities
- Shipboard combat operations
- War gaming/planning/strategy
- Shore support activities
8Analysis of Tasks and Processes
- Creation of framework for classifying and
evaluating KM opportunities - Business process redesign in procurement
activities - Study of process knowledge in virtual
9Design of KM Systems
- Knowledge-based advisor for the MK-92 Fire
Control System - Process support for procurement activities
- Retention and application of process knowledge in
virtual organizations - Data interoperability and integration across
heterogeneous environments - Knowledge management in war games
10Application to Combat and Support Activities
- Combat
- Shipboard
- War gaming
- Support
- Procurement and supply chains
- Software and product design and maintenance
11Assessment of Impact
- Evaluate the impact of the retention and
application of process knowledge in - software maintenance
- product design
- Assess the impact of process re-design on
procurement activities
12Naval Postgraduate SchoolCenter for Excellence
in Knowledge Management
13Concept and Roles
- Serve as a nucleus for Navy KM activities
- Facilitate the exchange of best-of-breed insights
and practices in the Navy, Industry and Academia - Conduct analysis and develop applications in KM
- Develop and apply Knowledge Management solutions
that combine the possibilities of technology and
the realities of military organizations in order
to create sustainable competitive advantages for
the U.S. Navy
15Managing Knowledge as a Resource
- Managing the knowledge resources of an adaptable
organization requires attention to several
aspects of knowledge - Optimizing the use of resident knowledge within
and across organizations creating and nurturing
communities of practice, recording and
disseminating best practices, lessons learned - Minimizing dissipation of knowledge from
turnover/shifting of personnel - Preserving continuity in knowledge structures
across successive organizational forms
- Shape the overall thrust and direction of the KM
effort in the Navy - Coordinate and leverage the KM effort across
different projects - Implement medium/long-term focused projects
17Shaping the KM Effort
- Identify and validate KM opportunities/
applications with high payoffs - Design framework(s) and procedures for
implementing the KM initiative
18Coordinating across Projects
- Coordinate across different stages of KM project
life-cycles - Leverage concepts and ideas across projects with
similar characteristics
19Implementing Projects
Analysis of tasks/ processes
Learning Knowledge Transfer
Design of KM Systems
Assessment of Impact
Application to Combat and Support Activities
20Analysis of Tasks and Processes
- Analysis and re-engineering of tasks and
processes for KM - Development of quantifiable measures of impact
- Field studies
- Modeling/experimentation of KM
21Design of KM Systems
- Repositories for KM capturing, maintaining and
disseminating knowledge - Knowledge networking and distribution
- Yellow-page type search and retrieval systems for
locating and accessing knowledge - Intelligent document management
22Design of KM Systems (Contd)
- Integration with intelligent agent technology
- Decision support and expert systems systems for
Knowledge Work
23Assessment of impact
- Surveys and interviews
- Field studies
- Analyses of costs and effectiveness
- Experimentation
24KM Center Organizational Structure
- Board of Advisors
- Operational Advisory Group
- Director
- Membership
25Board of Advisors
- The centers overall direction will be guided by
a Board of Advisors - The Board will be drawn from key stakeholders and
experts in the Navy, industry and academia
26Operational Advisory Group
- Guidance for the centers activities at the
project level will be provided by a Working Group - The working group will be drawn from
representatives of the user and producer
communities of the Navy and related organizations - Examples CNO-N6, HQMC-C4, DoN CIO, Fleet
N6's/CKOs, ONI/DNI, Naval Space Command, SPAWAR,
- The Director of the Center will be drawn from the
Faculty at NPS - The Director will be tasked with day-to-day
responsibilities for running the center
- NPS Faculty and students
- Affiliates and Fellows, drawn from other
29Implementing KM An Integrative Perspective
Organizational Capabilities
Systems and Technologies
KM Process
30Organizational Capabilities The Role of KM
Knowledge Layers
Knowledge Dynamics
Knowledge Frame
Knowledge Base
Organizational Capabilities
Source Kusunoki et al, 1998
31The Process of KM
Enhance/ Delete
32Implementing KM Systems and Technologies
- Technological solutions
- DBMS, e.g., Oracle
- Repository maintenance, e.g., Lotus Notes
- Document Management systems, e.g., Domino,
AmberWeb - Expert System Shells, e.g., KEE
- Core technologies
- Data Base/OLAP/Data mining
- Networking/collaboration technologies
- Document Management
- Artificial Intelligence
- Web-based technologies
- Systems
- Knowledge Repositories
- Expert Advisors
- Yellow Page Search Systems
- Users
- Combat/Shipboard
- Support/Administrative
33The MK92 Fire Control Diagnostic Expert System
- Knowledge-based software system designed to
assist onboard technicians in diagnosing and
resolving problems occurring in the Fire Control
System (FCS) MK92 onboard the FFG-7 Class ships - Deployed in eighteen U.S., six Australian, six
Spanish, and three Egyptian Navy ships
34The MK92 Fire Control Diagnostic Expert System
- Demonstrable benefits include
- Providing onboard technicians with
troubleshooting expertise where scarce - Capturing and preserving domain troubleshooting
expertise which will otherwise be lost - Significant reduction in No Fault Evident (NFE)
replacement of parts - Reduction of Mean Time To Repair
- Improvement in operational readiness
35Process Support for Procurement Activities
- KOPeR Knowledge system for the capture and
application of expertise in process innovation
redesign. Currently being used to redesign Navy
procurement processes - I-Mall Multi-agent system for the capture and
application of acquisition process knowledge for
supply-chain processes. Currently being used to
enact a virtual "marketspace" for matching Navy
billets with officers
36KOPeR Project
- Objective capture, formalize distribute
reengineering expertise - Sponsor ONR NAWC
- Research
- Developed proof-of-concept intelligent system for
process redesign - Applied to redesign of NAWCWPNS procurement
37KOPeR Project (Contd)
- Results
- Redesigned processes with 1/3 cycle time and
lower cost - BPR novices able to redesign processes
- Web-based demo system now available
38I-Mall Project
- Objective enact procurement processes via agents
- Research
- Developed proof-of-concept multi-agent system to
procure software - Applying to Navy officer billet-matching process
- mall metaphor - Results
- Agents faithfully represent buyers sellers
- Agents perform process with correct behaviors
- Web-based demo system now available
39Retention of Process Knowledge in Virtual
- Objective Provide decision support for knowledge
management in virtual organizations - Sponsor NSWC
- Research
- Developed VDA A proof-of-concept decision
support tool for knowledge management in
distributed environments - The tool is being applied to two activities in
knowledge management software maintenance,
product design
40Retention of Process Knowledge in Virtual
Environments (Contd)
- Results
- Software maintenance
- Initial use of the tool has shown promise for
retention of process knowledge in adaptive and
corrective maintenance - Product design
- The tool helps product designers achieve
continuity of design across successive versions
of a product
41Data Interoperability and Integration
- Effort aimed at increasing data access and
sharing across heterogeneous environments - Involves investigation of knowledge
representation and integration issues - Developed prototype for integrating data across
incompatible database management systems
42Knowledge Management in War Games
- Collaboration between Naval War College and NPS
- Objective Create an architecture for managing
knowledge on war games design, outcomes, lessons
learned - Approach Argumentation-based framework for the
capture and retention of game-based data - Deliverable IBIS-based proof-of-concept system
for data capture and knowledge management in war