Title: American Industrial Hygiene Association
1Steven E. Lacey, PhD, CIH, CSP AIHA Board of
Directors 11 March 2009
2American Industrial Hygiene Association
3Our Mission
- AIHA promotes healthy and safe environments by
advancing the science, principles, practice, and
value of industrial hygiene and occupational and
environmental health and safety.
4Our Vision
- AIHA continues to be a catalyst in growing a
global community of industrial hygienists and
related occupational and environmental health and
safety professionals improving the quality of
life, resulting in the elimination of
environmentally related illness and injuries -
5Brand Promise
- We promise to deliver cutting-edge products and
services through a superior level of commitment
to our customers who protect the health and
safety of workers.
6(No Transcript)
7Strategic Goals
- Professional Community
- Advocacy, Influence, and Value
- Information, Learning, and Knowledge
- Operational Excellence
8Goal 1Professional Community
- Objectives
- More younger professionals
- Increase international membership
- Draw more local section members/professionals
from other disciplines - Increase enrollment and promote academia
- Increase accreditation certification
- Community networking
9Goal 2Advocacy, Influence, and Value
- Objectives
- Public policy
- Guidelines and Standards
- Public awareness
- Collaboration and unity
10Goal 3Information, Learning, and Knowledge
- Objectives
- Promote research
- Products for students/young professionals
- Products for consultants
11Goal 4Operational Excellence
- Objectives
- Member/customer satisfaction
- Ensure availability of financial, staff,
volunteer resources - Provide strong technical support
- Emerging trends
12Local Sections
13Local Section Demographics
- Do you belong to a local section?
- Yes 58
- No 42
- How often do you attend a local section meeting?
- Once a year 28
- Two to three times a year 36
- Four or more times a year 24
14American IndustrialHygiene Foundation (AIHF)
- Established in 1981
- Distributed over 1,000,000 in scholarship to
over 45 schools and 377 students - Board of Trustees oversight
- Raises money through
- Annual Fun Run/Walk at AIHce
- Conference pin at AIHce
- Annual Fund Solicitation
- Donations from individuals, corporations, and
- local sections
- Donations accepted to either endowment or general
fund mail directly to AIHA
15Academy of Industrial Hygiene
- Promotion of IH with government, industry, and
labor - Support academic accreditation of IH programs
(ABET) - Sponsors the annual PCIH
- Work with other stakeholder organizations to
foster strategic alignment - Secretariat of the Joint Industrial Hygiene
Ethics Education committee which educates IHs on
the application of Member Ethical Principles - AIHA members who are CIHs are Diplomates of the
Academy, as well as CIHs who join the Academy as
Academy Affiliate members
16Membership DemographicsWhere Our Members Work
- Factories and manufacturing plants
- Corporate headquarters or offices
- Government agencies
- Universities and colleges
- Consulting firms
- Independent consultants
- Hospitals and healthcare facilities
- Domestic and international locations
17AIHA5 year Review of Revenues and Expenses
18Products and Services
2008 Expense By Source
2008 Revenue By Source
19- The AIHA Senior
- Management Team
20Supporting the IH ProfessionAnnual Conferences
- Annual conferences
- AIHce
- Focusing on emerging issues and continuing
November 8 - 11, 2008 Tampa, Florida Where
Science and Sustainability Meet
May 30-June 4, 2009 Toronto, Ontario Discoveries
Beyond Boundaries
21Distance Learning TeleWeb Virtual Seminars
- Each year, AIHA strives to offer 9 TeleWebs on a
variety of topics. Individuals can earn 0.5 CM
Point, 0.25 CEU, and 0.25 COC for each TeleWeb by
simply submitting a processing fee, a test and an
evaluation. - Three ways to participate in an AIHA TeleWeb
- Telephone (only)
- Telephone and Internet (computer with internet
access) - Archived TeleWeb CD following the scheduled live
22Attending TeleWebsMade Simple
- Check upcoming TeleWeb listings at
www.aiha.org/TeleWeb and register. - The local section Site Registrant will be
e-mailed handout materials that can be duplicated
and distributed to all LS participants. - Plan a local section meeting around the 2.5 hour
TeleWeb. - Submit a roster listing all student participants.
- Individuals seeking CM points, CEUs, and COCs
complete the final exam and evaluation.
23TeleWebs Local Sections
- Local sections are encouraged to utilize these
TeleWebs as a revenue and member generating event
for their local section. - Offer member/nonmember registration rates to
offset costs and generate additional funds for
local section activities. - Register at the AIHA member rate.
- Utilize a members offices or a university
auditorium, equipped with computer, internet, and
phone connections, and provide refreshments. - Reach out to the student community. Offer a
reduced rate for students and schedule the event
on a university campus, thereby creating an
environment to network with the next generation
of industrial hygienists.
24We Need YOU to Volunteer for
25Volunteer Opportunities
- Types of volunteer groups
- Technical Committees
- Working Groups
- Special Interest Groups
- Two levels of membership
- Full member
- Corresponding member
- Volunteer Project Examples
- Write books, guidelines, white papers, and
distance learning courses - Review and comment on state and federal bills
related to Industrial Hygiene - Work on professional development courses and
round tables sponsored by a committee. - Serve as a liaison to another national association
26Value of the Profession Study
- Desired Outcome
- Making the business case Integrate IH/OH into
the business model as a risk minimizer/profit
driver/employee satisfaction enabler, rather than
an expense line. - Achieved by
- Effectively communicating the value of the
profession to various stakeholders - Profession speaking with one voice
- Enabling AIHA members to position business value
and speak to the business community - Initiating and engaging in a public dialogue on
the business value of IH/OH investment - Sustained visibility with target business
audience - Improved policy and regulatory climate for AIHA
and its members/members companies
27OEHS Library CentralAn online OEHS resource
- One-stop shop for IH OEHS Resources
- http//www.oehslibrary.com
- Newly revised in 2007
- Pay-per-download
- Electronic database containing
- Books
- Synergist JOEH Articles
- White Papers
- Standards
- Guidelines
28Published Resources
- Developed by AIHA Volunteer Groups
- Over 100 publications from AIHA Press
- Books
- Symposia proceedings
- Industry standards and guidelines
- Occupational exposure limits
- Educational courses/distance learning materials
- For Sale on AIHAs Marketplace, Amazon.com,
School Bookstores
29Career and Employment ServicesCareerAdvantage
- Largest industrial hygiene job board
- Free resume posting for job seekers
- Job Fair held during AIHce with onsite employer
interviews, seminars, mock interviewing, and
resume critiquing
30Contact Us
- Questions? Feedback?
- http//www.aiha.org
- infonet_at_aiha.org
- (703) 849-8888