Title: Introduction to Industrial Hygiene
1Introduction to Industrial Hygiene
- Safety Management
- TM 650
- Carter J. Kerk
- Industrial Engineering Department
- South Dakota School of Mines
- Summer 2007
2Introduction to Industrial Hygiene
- Read Asfahl
- Chapter 9, Health and Toxic Substances
- Chapter 10, Environmental Control and Noise
3Industrial Hygiene
- Part science, part art
- Industrial Hygiene is the application of
scientific principles in the workplace to prevent
the development of occupational disease or injury - Requires knowledge of chemistry, physics,
anatomy, physiology, mathematics
4IH Topics
- Toxicology
- Occupational Health Standards
- Airborne Hazards
- Indoor Air Quality
- Skin Disorders
- Noise Exposure
- Radiation
- Thermal Stress
- Anatomy
- Biohazards
- Chemicals
- Illumination
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Ventilation
- Vibration
- Sampling
5History of IH
- Disease resulting from exposure to chemicals or
physical agents have existed ever since people
chose to use or handle materials with toxic
potential - In the far past, causes were not always recognized
6Earliest Recordings
- Lead poisoning among miners by Hippocrates, 4th
century BC - Zinc and sulfur hazards by Pliny the Elder, 3rd
century BC
7The Original Metallica
- Georgius Agricola published a 12 volume set in
1556, De Re Metallica - Town physician in Saxony
- Silver mining
- Described diseases of lungs, joints, eyes
- Woodcuts (see next slides)
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11Metallica Quotes
- If the dust has corrosive qualities, it eats
away at the lungs, and implants consumption in
the body - Later determined to be silicosis, tuberculosis,
and lung cancer
12Metallica Quotes
- there is found in the mines black pompholyz,
which eats wounds and ulcers to the bone this
also corrodes iron . . . There is a certain kind
of cadmia which eats away at the feet of workmen
when they have become wet, and similarly their
hands, and injures their lungs and eyes. - Later recognized as manifestations of toxicity of
arsenic and cadmium
13Metallica cont.
- A young American named Herbert C. Hoover and his
wife, L.H. Hoover, translated Agricolas work
into English. - The translation was published in 1912
- Hoover graduated from Stanford in 1891 as a
Mining Engineer - Hoover served as the 31st president of the US
(1929 1933)
- Published work describing mercury poisoning of
miners in 1567 - His famous quote, All substances are poisons
there is none which is not a poison. The right
dose differentiates a poison and a remedy. - This provided the basis for the concept of the
dose-response relationship.
15Dose-Response Relationship
- The toxicity of a substance depends not only on
its toxic properties, but also on the amount of
exposure, or the dose - Paracelsus differentiated between
- Chronic (low-level, long-term) poisoning
- Acute (high-level, short-term) poisoning
16Bernardino Ramazzini (1633-1714)
- Wrote a book, De Morbis Artificum (Diseases of
Workers), starting the field of occupational
medicine - Urged physicians to ask the question, Of what
trade are you? - He described diseases associated with various
lower-class trades, such as corpse carriers and
17Other Pioneers around 1770
- Sir George Baker
- Linked Devonshire colic to lead in cider
- Percival Pott
- Linked soot exposure and scrotal cancer in
chimney sweeps
18The Mad Hatter
- Lewis Carrolls Alice in Wonderland (1865)
- Mad Hatter exhibited symptoms of mercury
poisoning, such as mental and personality changes
marked by depression and tendency to withdraw - Mercury was used in processing hides made into
hats - Bars were installed on windows at hat factories
presumably to prevent afflicted workers from
leaping during bouts of depression
19Protection Starts to Arrive
- English Factory Act, 1833, allows injured workers
to receive compensation - English Factory Inspectorate, 1878
- US Workers Compensation started in 1908-1915 in
several states (state programs, not federal) - Occupational Safety Health Act enacted in 1970
creating OSH Administration - Created regulations, inspections, recordkeeping,
enforcement, etc.
20Birth of Industrial Hygiene
- A few industrial hygienists were practicing in
early 1900s - Physicians sometimes saw the industrial hygienist
as a threat to their realm of expertise - Dr. Alice Hamilton was a pioneer Occupational
Physician and female pioneer. She helped foster
the field of IH in the US - American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA)
formed in 1939
21Industrial Hygiene
- Other terms
- Occupational Hygiene
- Environmental Hygiene
- Environmental Health
22Professional Organizations
- American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA),
www.aiha.org, member organization - American Conference of Governmental Industrial
Hygienists (ACGIH), www.acgih.org, member
organization for government employees - American Board of Industrial Hygiene (ABIH),
www.abih.org, independent organization that
administers certification programs for industrial
hygiene professionals - IHIT, Industrial Hygienist in Training
- CIH, Certified Industrial Hygienist
- Requires maintenance of certification
23Scope of IH
- Recognition, Evaluation, and Control of hazards
or agents - Chemical Agents
- Dusts, mists, fumes, vapors, gases
- Physical Agents
- Ionizing and nonionizing radiation, noise,
vibration, and temperature extremes - Biological Agents
- Insects, molds, yeasts, fungi, bacteria, viruses
- Ergonomic Agents
- Monotony, fatigue, repetitive motion
24Control of Agents
- Controls in this order of preference
- Engineering Controls
- Engineering changes in design, equipment,
processes - Substituting a non-hazardous material
- Administrative Controls
- Reduce the human exposure by changes in
procedures, work-area access restrictions, worker
rotation - Personal Protective Equipment / Clothing
- Ear plugs / muffs, safety glasses / goggles,
respirators, gloves, clothing, hard-hats
251. Recognition of health hazards
- Walk-through survey with someone knowledgeable of
the processes - Regular intervals, keep records
- Planning stage reviews
- Modification reviews
- MSDS reviews
262. Evaluation of hazards
- Measurements
- Air sampling, noise meters, light meters, thermal
stress meters, accelerometers (vibration) - Calculation of dose
- Level and duration of exposure
- Keep records
273. Control of Hazards (Prioritized)
- 1 Engineering
- Substitute a less hazardous material, local
exhaust ventilation - 2 Administrative
- Worker rotation, training
- 3 Personal Protective Equipment
- Respirators, gloves, eye protection, ear
protection, etc.
284. Recordkeeping
- Important in all phases of the program
- Often required by regulation
- 29 CFR 1904
- Increase program effectiveness
- Useful in legal challenges
295. Employee training
- Effective component if total program is
implemented and engineering controls are first
established - Often required by regulation
- Right to Know or Hazard Communication Standard
29 CFR 1910.1200 - Regular intervals
- Keep it interesting and effective, use a variety
of techniques - Keep records of dates, individuals, topics,
306. Program review
- Regular intervals (yearly, semi-annual)
- Review the written program as well as the
implementation - Updates for new regulations, new chemicals, new
processes, or any changes - Audit components of the program
- Internal OSHA inspection
- Involve employees, consultants, management
- Toxicity The ability of a substance to cause
harm or adversely affect an organism - Toxicology The science and study of harmful
chemical interactions on living tissue
33Occupational Toxicology
- Workplace exposure to chemicals
- You or someone you know has probably experienced
an episode of toxicology - Injury or death due to
- Smoke inhalation
- Confined space incident
- Ingestion or absorption of a chemical
34The Dose-Response Relationship
- A time of exposure (dose) to a chemical, drug, or
toxic substance, will cause an effect (response)
on the exposed organism - If the amount or intensity of the dose increases,
there will be a proportional increase in the
- Dose The amount of a substance administered (or
absorbed), usually expressed in milligrams of
substance per kilogram of the exposed organism
(mg/kg) - Response The effect(s) of a substance may be
positive or negative
36Dose Response Curve
37Acute and Chronic Terminology Exposure as well
as Response
- Acute exposure short time / high concentration
- Chronic exposure long-term, low concentration
- Acute response rash, watering eyes, cough from
brief exposure to ammonia - Chronic response emphysema from years of
cigarette smoking
38Possible Response Levels
- No response at low dosage levels there may be
no response at all - Threshold dose the lowest level of dosage at
which a response is manifested - NOAEL no observed adverse effect level
- NEL no effect level
- Above threshold dose response can be positive
up to a point and then could become toxic to the
organism - Different people or organisms will exhibit a
variety of responses
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40Indicators of Relative Toxicity
- Toxicity ability of a substance to cause harm or
have an adverse affect - How much harm?
- What aspect of the population?
- Notation
- LD, lethal dose
- LC, lethal concentration
- ED, effective dose
- EC, effective concentration
41LD50 a measure of relative toxicity
- Most common toxicity notation
- Determined in the lab and based on an acute
exposure to adult test animal - Lethal dose that produces death in 50 of the
exposed population - LD50, 35 mg/kg, oral, rat
- 35 mg of dose per kg of rats body weight, when
administered orally, produces death in 50 of
exposed population - Comparing the LD50 between two substances gives
the relative toxicity between the two substances
42LD50 Relative Toxicity
Agent LD50 (mg/kg)
Ethyl Alcohol 10,000
Sodium chloride 4,000
Morphine sulfate 900
Strychnine sulfate 2
Nicotine 1
Hemicholinium-3 0.2
Dioxin (TCDD) 0.001
Botulinum toxin 0.00001
43Effect of route of administration
44How can we interpret animal test?
- Animal tests can give an indication of relative
toxicity which can be extrapolated to humans - Problems
- Toxicity variance between organisms
- Animal doses (strength or time) may be higher
than realistic human exposures - On a body weight basis, humans are usually more
susceptible to toxic effects, sometimes by a
factor of ten - Therefore, human interpretation requires use of a
safety factor
45Epidemiological Studies
- Prospective epidemiological study
- Take a cohort (or group of individuals) with a
common exposure - Follow through time to see if they develop
disease - Retrospective epidemiological study
- Take a cohort with a disease and trace back
through time to see if there is a common exposure - These are difficult with many confounding
factors, but are quite valuable
46Latency Period
- Long delay between exposure and disease
- Some diseases may not develop for many years
- Lung cancer may occur as much as 30 years after
exposure to asbestos - This makes animal studies and epidemiological
studies even more difficult, but also very
47Routes of Exposure
- Inhalation
- Ingestion
- Absorption through the skin
- Less common
- Injection
- Absorption through eyes and ear canals
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- Most common route of entry into body
- Therefore our area of highest concern
- Lungs are designed for efficient gas exchange
between the air and bloodstream - Lungs have up to 1000 square feet of exchange
area (about 32 feet by 32 feet) - Normal days breathing volume 8 cu ft
- Therefore great potential for toxins to enter
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51Skin Absorption (2nd most important route)
- Skin surface area is about 20 square feet (4.5 ft
by 4.5 ft) - Compare to 1000 sq ft for lungs
- Materials can be absorbed into blood stream just
below the skin surface or toxins can be stored in
fat deposits - Obviously workers can easily expose their hands
into solvents, oils, chemicals, etc., plus these
materials can be sprayed or rubbed on other parts
of the body - Many chemicals are either soluble in water or in
oil (fat, lipid) - The skin easily absorbs lipid-soluble materials
- Solvents
- Water-soluble materials are not easily absorbed
- Lipid layer on skin provides a barrier
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53Ingestion (3rd most important route)
- Ingestion is not usually intentional
- Unintentional ingestion
- Failure to wash hands and face before meals
- Eating/drinking in areas where airborne hazards
exist - Lighting cigarettes with dirty hands
- Application of cosmetics
- Use of chewing tobacco or gum in contaminated
- The digestive tract is moist and designed for
efficient absorption - Surface area of intestines is greatly increased
by small projections (villi) - Thin surfaces, highly vascularized
- Materials easily transferred to bloodstream
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- Less common
- Possible hazards
- Outdoor work, construction sites, hazardous waste
sites, plants, animals, reptiles, insects,
abrasions, puncture wounds, cuts
57Absorption into eyes and ears
- Much less common but possible
- Moist surfaces
58Distribution of Toxins
- Once toxins are in the body, there are several
mechanism of movement and action - Inhalation
- Toxics may enter bloodstream
- Toxics may irritate or scar lung tissues directly
- Skin Absorption
- Toxics may enter bloodstream
- Toxics may irritate, corrode or burn skin directly
59Once absorbed into the body, toxins can move to
other tissues and organs through various ways
- Filtration
- Toxins move through membrane pores
- Diffusion
- Movement from higher concentration to lower
concentration - Active transport
- Movement across a membrane otherwise impermeable
by a transport mechanism - Chemical reaction or carrier molecule, requires
energy - Phagocytosis
- Toxins eat or engulf other cells or by use of
white blood cells
- Important in metabolism, energy storage, protein
synthesis - Receives blood from digestive tract and works to
concentrate, transform, and excrete substance
(both good and bad toxins) - Thus produces bile (enriched) which is returned
to the intestines
- Receive 25 of cardiac output for filtration
- Primarily for elimination of water soluble
molecules - Large molecules (proteins) and lipid soluble
materials are reabsorbed through the tubules of
the nephron - Nephron functional unit of the kidney (see next
slide - Materials pass by filtration, diffusion, active
62Classes of Toxins and Toxic Responses
- Irritants and Sensitizers
- Systemic Toxins
- Neurotoxins
- Reproductive Toxins
- Carcinogens
63Occupational Health Standards
64Exposure Limits
- Mainly concerned with air quality values in the
workplace - Air concentration below which health hazards are
unlikely to occur among most exposed workers - Based on scientific studies (animal, human)
- Other topics noise, electromagnetic fields,
ionizing radiation, etc.
65Sources of Exposure Limits
- OSHA limits are the only ones enforceable as law
- Other sources
- ANSI (American National Standards Institute)
- ASTM (American Society for Testing Materials)
66Exposure Limit Terms
- TWA Time-Weighted Average
- 8 hour, 15 minute, 5 minute, instantaneous
- 8-Hr TWA (CxTx)(CnTn)/8
- Cx concentration measured during time interval
Tx - n total number of intervals measured
- Make sure time intervals in numerator match time
in the denominator - Concentrations
- Parts per million (ppm) gases, vapors
- Milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3) solids
(fumes, dusts, mists)
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- OSHA PELs are found in Tables Z-1 and Z-2 of
29CFR1910 Subpart Z - Use these to look up substance-specific standards
71Example PELs (Table Z-1)
Substance PPM Mg/m3
Ammonia 50 35
Carbon Dioxide 5000 9000
Carbon Monoxide 50 55
Chlorine (C) 1 (C) 3
Notes PELs are 8-hr TWA unless otherwise noted.
C refers to ceiling limit
72Example Benzene PEL
- Table Z-2
- 8-hr TWA 10 ppm
- Acceptable ceiling concentration 25 ppm
- Acceptable max peak above acceptable ceiling
concentration for an 8-hr shift 50 ppm for 10
min - See 29CFR1910.1028 for more specific standards on
- Substances known to cause cancer
- NIOSH uses notation Ca
- OSHA addresses carcinogens through
substance-specific regulations - ACGIH uses a 5 category system
- A1 through A5
74Respiratory Protection Standard
- 29 CFR 1910.134
- Assign responsibility for program
- Written procedures on selection, use and care of
respirators - Medical surveillance program
- Employee training on use, care and limitations of
respirators - Fit testing appropriate for contaminants
75Respiratory Std Cont.
- Procedures for cleaning, storing, maintaining,
and inspecting respirators - Periodic monitoring of contaminant levels
- Periodic review of the program for effectiveness
- Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response
Standard - 29 CFR 1910.120 (1926.69 Construction)
- Ensure health and safety of workers at sites
where hazardous materials have been either
accidentally released or dumped or where they are
treated, stored, or disposed of.
77Confined Space Standard
- 29 CFR 1910.146
- Confined Space
- Large enough to enter and perform work
- Limited or restricted means for entry or exit
- Not designed for human occupancy
- Permits
78Occupational Noise Exposure Standard
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80Airborne Hazards
- Route of entry Airborne hazards are the most
serious concern - Processes welding, grinding, spraying, hot
processes, engine exhausts - Pollen, spores
- Lungs efficient transfer of gases in and out of
the body - But also provide a route of entry for hazards
82Anatomy Function of the Lungs
- Regions of the respiratory tract
- Upper (nasopharyngeal)
- Middle (tracheobronchial)
- Lower (distal)
83Upper (Nasopharyngeal)
- Head, nose, nasal passages, sinuses, mouth,
tonsils, epiglottis, back of throat - Lined with mucous membrane
- Moist, sticky substance captures materials
- Many small hairs
- Help to trap particles
84Middle (Tracheobronchial)
- Trachea (windpipe), bronchi
- Rings of cartilage and muscle
- Cartilage provides structural support
- Muscles contract to help force air
- Coughing, sneezing
- Lined with mucous membrane and hairs (cilia)
- Cilia move like waves to push mucus and particles
upward - Cigarette smoking can paralyze the cilia
- Particle-laden mucus is removed by coughing,
expectorating, or swallowing
85Lower (Distal)
- Bronchi split (bifurcate) repeatedly into two
smaller passages (17 times) called bronchioles - Diameters decrease accordingly
- Bronchioles end in microscopic sacs called
alveoli (site of gas exchange) - Alveolar membrane is one cell thick
(pneumocytes), surrounded by capillaries - Passive diffusion
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89Microns (Micrometer)
- One thousandth of a millimeter
- 0.001 mm 1 mm
- Greek letter, m
- Useful in discussion of the size of inhaled
particles - Visible to human eye
- gt 100 mm 0.1 mm 0.01 cm
- Human hair diameter
- 5 500 mm 0.005 0.5 mm
90Protective Mechanisms of the Respiratory Tract
- Larger particles (gt10 mm)
- Removed in nose and upper airways
- 5 10 mm
- Captured in tracheal region
- 3 5 mm
- Contact mucus lining in tracheal or bronchi
- 0.5 3 mm
- Can reach alveolar region, but few do
91Capture of particles
- Mucus (moist, sticky) linings
- Tortuous pathway
- Multitude of branches and splits
- Large surface area of the route
- Once particles are captured in mucus, they are
removed by the mucociliary elevator or ladder - Cough reflex
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93Protection in the Alveolar Region
- Primary defense macrophages (specialized white
blood cells) - Engulf foreign objects and attempt to dissolve
them - The smallest of particles may pass through cell
membranes and lodge between cells (interstitial
94Airborne Hazardous Materials
- Aerodynamic Diameter
- Useful for comparing particles with irregular
shapes (dusts, fibers, etc.) to particles with
regular shapes (droplets, mists, etc.) - The diameter of a reference spherical particle
with a unit density of one (1) that has the same
settling velocity as the contaminant particle
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96Classes of Airborne Materials
- Particulates / aerosols
- Solid particles, dusts, fibers, mists, droplets,
fumes - Gases / vapors
- Gaseous contaminants, vapors
- Oxygen-deficient atmospheres
- lt 19.5 oxygen
- Combination
- Any combination of particulates and/or gases,
including oxygen-deficient atmospheres
97Effects of Inhaled Materials
- Airborne toxins
- Local effects on tissues
- Ammonia irritation in respiratory tract
- Systemic effects through blood transport
- Carbon tetrachloride (liver)
- Solubility
- More soluble upper respiratory tract, moist
tissue around eyes ammonia - Less soluble penetrate to middle and lower
respiratory tract phosgene gas
98Occupational Diseases Associated with Airborne
- Pneumoconiosis
- Physiological Responses
- Mineral Fibers and Other Fibers
- Metals
- Organic Particles
99Indoor Air Quality
100IAQ Outline
- Introduction
- Indoor air quality as a public health concern
- Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning
systems (HVAC) - Basic instruments for use in IAQ studies
- Microorganism contamination and IAQ
- Radon and asbestos
- Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
- Recent phenomenon
- Due to construction of energy conservation
construction techniques starting in the 1970s - Sick Building Syndrome
- Tight Building Syndrome
- Gases emitted from cleaning chemicals, building
materials, office furniture, carpets - Radon, asbestos, Legionella (put Rapid on the
national map!) - Industrial and Non-Industrial (e.g., schools)
- Ventilation Issues
102Indoor Air Quality as a Public Health Concern
- The energy crisis in the 1970s spawned
construction of thousands of energy efficient
buildings - Sealed windows
- Thermostats not accessible or adjustable by
occupants - Self-contained environments with controls for
temperature, humidity, airflow - Complaints odors, too hot, too cold
- Physical symptoms headaches, respiratory
- Too hot, too cold, too drafty
- Conditions vary with seasonal changes and HVAC
- Air is too dry
- Contributing to irritation of the respiratory
tract and eyes - Too much humidity
- Contributes to growth of microorganisms,
encourages odors and mustiness
105Stuffiness or Lack of Circulation
- Can be related to location of diffusers or
outlets relative to occupants - HVAC system is undersized, poorly maintained, or
improperly operated - Poor circulation can lead to stratification of
air - Some areas benefit, other areas suffer
- Dead zones may allow odors and CO2 to accumulate
to unacceptable levels
- Many objectionable odors coffee, body odor,
vehicle exhaust, chemical smells - New construction or renovation odors fresh
paint, off gassing from furniture or carpet
fabric (formaldehyde) - Odors may be drawn in from outside
- Air intakes located near loading docks, trash
dumpsters, incinerators, exhaust stacks
107Physical Symptoms
- Dryness of eyes and respiratory tract, headaches,
tiredness, upset stomach, runny nose, nasal
congestion, drowsiness - CO2 levels gt 1000 ppm may cause headaches and
drowsiness - Symptoms are often non-specific enough to draw a
cause-effect relationship
108US Statistics on IAQ
- About half of IAQ problems were attributed to the
HVAC system - Poor system design
- Poor maintenance
- About 40 due to chemical contaminants or
microbes - In 10 of the cases, no cause could be found
109Psychosocial Factors
- Do not disregard this category
- Job satisfaction, degree of control over ones
environment, window placement and window control
110OSHA Standards for IAQ
- On December 17, 2001, OSHA withdrew its IAQ
proposal and terminated rulemaking proceedings - Proposed
- CO2 lt 800 ppm
- RH lt 60
- Maintain HVAC records on original design
specifications, cleaning, repairs - Exhausting designated smoking area to the outside
and keeping them under negative pressure - Locating air intakes of systems to prevent
capturing outside air contaminants
- American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and
Air-Conditioning Engineers - www.ashrae.org
- 62-1989, Ventilation for Acceptable Air Quality
- 55-1992, Thermal Environmental Conditions for
Human Occupancy - 52-1992, Methods of Testing Air Cleaning Devices
Used in General Ventilation for Removing
Particulate Matter
112Fresh Air Recommendations
- ASHRAE Recommendations
- 1905 30 cfm / person
- 1936 10 cfm / person
- 1973 5 cfm / person
- Energy crisis concerns
- 1989 20 cfm / person
- Concerns about 2nd hand smoke
113Basic Instruments for IAQ Studies
- Thermometer
- Velometer (air velocity)
- Rotating vane anemometer
- Heated-wire anemometer
- Gas Detection Instruments
- Detector tubes
- Psychrometer (relative humidity)
- Smoke tubes
- IAQ multi-function instruments
- Air temperature, humidity, CO2, air velocity,
dewpoint, computer interface
114Occupational Noise Exposure
115Outline Occupational Noise Exposure
- Physics of sound
- Anatomy of the ear
- Evaluating hearing ability and hearing loss
- Standards for occupational noise exposure
- Measuring noise in the occupational setting
- Controlling noise
- High levels of noise cause hearing loss
- Hearing loss is mostly irreversible and usually
preventable - Noise can also produce stress, reduce
productivity, and cause communication problems
117Physics of Sound
- Noise unwanted sound
- Energy in the form of pressure waves
- Waves can be described by frequency (f), speed
(c), and wavelength (?) - c f ?
- Sound moves at 344 m/sec in air, 6100 m/sec in
steel - Some materials will amplify or reflect sound
- Frequency (f) is related to pitch
- Healthy, young person can detect 20 to 20,000 Hz
(cycles/sec) - This declines with age and exposure history
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119Sound Pressure Level
- We can measure sound pressure
- Force per unit area
- SI units, pascal, Pa
- All sound pressures are related to a reference
sound pressure of 20 ?Pa (approximate lower
threshold for human hearing at 1000 Hz) - Lp 20 log10 (P / 20 ?Pa)
- Where Lp is the sound pressure, in decibels (dB)
- P is the measured sound pressure, in Pa
- The decibel is a dimensionless quantity based on
the logarithm of a ratio and gives a more
convenient range of values than would Pa
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121Weighting Scales A, B, C
- Each scale approximates the response of the human
ear at different ranges of pressure - Because the human ear does not hear sound as if a
machine. The human ear is more sensitive to
higher frequencies - Derived from comparison experiments
- Example a noise of 1000 Hz frequency and an SPL
of 20 dB sounds as loud as a noise of 25 dB at
500 Hz - A-Scale is most common and referenced by OSHA
regs - B-Scale rarely used (medium sound pressure
levels) - C-Scale common for evaluating explosions and
impact noise
122Anatomy of the Ear
- Outer ear and ear canal directs and amplifies the
sound by 10-15 dB - Sound pressure waves impact on the ear drum and
vibrate the three tiny bones in the middle ear - Malleus (hammer)
- Incus (anvil)
- Stapes (stirrup)
- Which vibrates against the oval window leading to
the inner ear
123Inner Ear
- Cochlea (inner ear)
- Basilar membrane (lining of the cochlea)
- Supports 25,000 specialized hair cells
- Which send characterizing nerve impulses to the
brain - Three semicircular canals (in orthogonal planes)
- Filled with fluid
- Provides sense of balance and relative body
position - Have you ever felt dizzy?
- Eustachian tube
- Connects middle ear to throat
- Equalizes pressure
- Have your ears ever popped?
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125Hearing Loss
- Conductive hearing loss
- Interruptions along the pathway reducing hair
stimulation - Excessive earwax, otitis media (fluid in middle
ear), ruptured eardrum - Sensory hearing loss
- Presbycusis (loss due to age)
- Noise-induced hearing loss
- Sociacusis (loss from everyday life)
- Nosacusis (loss from disease, heredity, drugs,
sudden and severe pressure changes, traumatic
head injuries) - Tinnitus (follows traumatic exposure to loud
noise perceived ringing, roaring, hissing may
be permanent)
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128Evaluating Hearing Ability and Hearing Loss
- Audiograms
- A hearing evaluation exam, called audiometry,
produces a report called an audiogram - OSHA requires all workers exposed to an 8-hour
TWA of at least 85 dBA (Action Level) receive a
baseline audiogram and annual follow-up exam - Employee sits in soundproof booth with headphones
and control button to produce HTL (Hearing
Threshold Level) - Method of Limits at the following test
frequencies 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 6000
Hz, the range most detectable by the human ear - Speech range 1000 4000 Hz
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130Reasons for Variation in Audiometric Testing
- Ear wax buildup
- Head cold, congestion
- Confusion about response procedure
- Incorrect placement of headphones
- Hair under headphones
- Audiometer malfunction
131OSHA Occupational Noise Exposure Standard
- 29 CFR 1910.95
- Requirements for maintaining and calibrating
audiometric equipment and technician training - Table G-16A of Appendix A
- Relates A-weighted sound level to allowed
duration - Table A-1 of Appendix A
- Converts Noise Exposure (Dose) to 8-hour TWA
132Quantifying Hearing Loss
- Watch for changes in the HTL (Hearing Threshold
Level) - STS (Standard Threshold Shift) decrease of 10
db or more at 2000, 3000, or 4000 in either ear - Represents permanent hearing loss
- Call for a re-test (after at least 14 hours of
relative quiet) - TST (Temporary Threshold Shift) a shift in HTL
that disappears after the person has been in a
quiet environment for a few hours
133Standard Threshold Shift (STS)
- If an STS is identified
- Notify the employee in writing
- Provide additional training
- Provide adequate hearing protection
- Workers Compensation
- Realize that WC laws for identifying and
compensating STS will vary across the states
13429 CFR 1910.95
- Enacted in 1971
- Hearing Conservation Program is required whenever
employee exposures exceed 85 dBA 8-hr TWA - This is half the allowable noise exposure for an
8 hour day or 50 Daily Noise Dose (DND) - Note 90 dBA for an 8-hr TWA is 100 DND
135Hearing Conservation Program Elements
- Exposure monitoring
- Audiometric testing
- Hearing protective devices
- Training program
- Access to the written standard
- Recordkeeping
136Measuring Occupational Noise
- Sound Level Meters (SLM)
- Used for area surveys
- Settings for average, peak, impulse, ABC scales
- Noise Dosimeters
- Used for individual monitoring
- Clip microphone near the ear
- Wear all day
- Calibrate before and after
137Adding Decibels
- Often there is a need to combine two or more
noise sources - Because decibels are logarithms, they cannot be
added directly - 80 dB 85 dB ? 165 dB
- 80 dB 85 db 86 dB
- Given three machines in a room measured at 80,
85, and 87 dB, respectively - SPLtotal 10 log (1080/101085/101087/10)
- SPLtotal 89.6 dB
139Computing Daily Noise Doseand Calculating 8-hr
- OSHA limits workers to 100 of the daily dose or
90 dBA for 8-hr TWA - D 100 (C1/T1 C2/T2 Cn/Tn)
- D daily nose dose, in percent
- C total time of exposure at the measured noise
level - T reference allowed duration for that noise
level from Table G-16a of Appendix A of 29 CFR
- A workers exposure was monitored for 2 hrs at 80
dBA, 2 hr at 85 dBA, and 4 hr at 87 dBA. What is
the DND (Daily Noise Dose)? - D 100 (2/32 2/16 4/12.1) 51.8
- The worker received 51.8 of their DND. (This is
OK.) - Given a DND 51.8, find the 8-hr TWA.
- Go to Table A-1. Round to 55 (conservative).
Yields 85.7 dB TWA. The Hearing Conservation
Program is required.
141Controlling Noise
- Engineering Controls
- Administrative Controls
142Engineering Controls
- You can make a career out of engineering
controls for controlling noise - Devices insulative curtains coverings for
noise-reflective floors, ceilings, walls
vibration isolation devices - Remember sound is a wave and cannot turn around
corners this is the concept of directivity - Reflection sound waves can bounce back and
add sound pressure at the source - Resonance a material vibrates at the same
frequency as the emitted sound use an
vibration isolator or rubber mounting
143Engineering Controls
- Some surfaces absorb the sound energy, or do
not allow it to reflect effectively - Noise control curtains fiber-filled cloth office
partitions - Proper preventative maintenance (PM) on
machines parts such as motors, bearings, drive
belts, pumps, etc. - Adjustments, lubrication, replacement, vibration
isolators - Think outside the box for new designs and work
with suppliers - One of the best engineering controls is
distance - The relationship between noise and distance
follows the inverse square law - Doubling the distance reduces the noise by ΒΌ
- Tripling the distance reduces the noise by 1/9
144Administrative Controls
- Used when engineering controls are exhausted or
infeasible - Limiting time in exposed areas worker rotation
limiting the number of workers in exposed areas
(limited access)
145Hearing Protective Devices (HPD)
- After engineering and administrative controls are
exhausted and infeasible - All workers exposed at 85 dBA for 8-hr TWA must
be provided HPD at no cost - Employers must ensure workers actually wear the
HPD - Employers must provide a variety of HPD
146(No Transcript)
147HPD Continued
- Employers must train workers to use HPD and how
to care for them - HPD attenuation must effectively reduce noise
exposure to below the OSHA action level (85 dBA) - Noise Reduction Rating (NRR)
- Typically 22 30 dB NRR
- Numerical attenuation value determined in a
laboratory - When using the A-Scale, you must deduct 7 dB from
the NRR - When using the C-Scale, no deduction is necessary
- Worker is exposed to 98 dBA for 8-hr TWA.
Earplugs are available with a 29 NRR and earmuffs
are available with a 25 NRR. - Since A-Scale, Earplugs (NRR 29-7 22) and
Earmuffs (NRR 25-7 18) - Earplugs 98 22 76 dBA
- Earmuffs 98 18 80 dBA
- Both are below the 85 dBA 8-hr TWA Action Limit
149Extreme Exposures
- For extreme exposures with 8-hr TWA in excess of
100 dBA, it may be necessary to use both earplugs
and earmuffs - Their NRRs are not additive
- Tests show an additional 3 10 dB NRR is
achieved with the second device
- Nims DK. Basics of Industrial Hygiene. John
Wiley Sons, Inc., 1999. ISBN 0471-29983-9
- Exercises Study Questions
- P. 195, 1-39, divisible by 5
- Research Exercises/Stds Questions
- P. 199, 40-46, pick one
- Exercises Study Questions
- P. 224, 1-27, divisible by 5
- Research Exercises/Stds Questions
- P. 227, 28-33, pick one