Title: The Kellman
1The Kellman
Course In The Humanities
Jose Henriquez
Certificate of completion Kellman I (2001-2002)
BA in Multimedia with a minor in Graphic
Printing Bloomfield College
2The Kellman
- Significance of the program
- The Power of Dr. Evans tears
- The Importance of a Mentor
3History of the program
- Dr. Earl Shorris Vision
- The Clemente Course in the
Humanities - Dr. Cheryl Evans Implementation
- The theme What is justice?
- The Name The Kellman Course in the
4(No Transcript)
5(No Transcript)
6Dr. Cheryl Evans
7History The Bloomfield College Kellman Course
in the Humanities is modeled after the Bard
College Clemente Course in the Humanities, which
was begun as an experiment in 1995 at the Roberto
Clemente Family Guidance Center on the Lower East
Side of New York. The Kellman Course in the
Humanities was first offered in 2000 with funding
from a FIPSE (Fund for the Improvement of
Postsecondary Education of the US Department of
Education) grant awarded to Bard College and
under the leadership of Earl Shorris. Bloomfield
College was one of five institutions across the
country to establish its own version of the
Clemente Course in the Humanities under the Bard
College FIPSE grant. The Bard College Clemente
Course has now been replicated at more than 14
sites in the US, as well as internationally. The
Kellman Course has also received financial
support from the New Jersey Council for the
Humanities (2007-2008). It is named for Martin
Kellman, beloved Professor of English who died in
8Significance of the program
- A life changing experience for teachers as well
as students - The testimonials
- The personal commitment to understand our
humanity while helping others understand theirs
9(No Transcript)
10Professor Bob Deischer
Kellman Scholar Ulysses Coleman
11Richard T. Welch / Kellman I Scholar
12 Eleanor Rowe / Kellman I Scholar
13Ilsa Scholz / Kellman I Scholar
14Todd Swindell / Kellman I Scholar
15Dolores Saunders / Kellman I Scholar
16Jose Henriquez / Prof. Lisa Rabinowitz
17The Power of Dr. Evans tears
- Aristotles students
- The importance of tears and emotions in the
interaction of humans
18Dr. Cheryl Evans
19The Importance of a Mentor
- The critical importance of having a mentor for
students majoring in philosophy - My mentor
- Dr. Thomas Slaughter, Jr
20Dr. Thomas Slaughter Jr / Philosophy Prof.
21SangMin Chois curiosity
- Chaos theory
- SangMin Chois curiosity
- Jose Henriquez to South Korea
22Coming full circle (my personal opinion)
- From Dr. Shorris Vision to
- Reverend William Howard Speech
23Future Vision
- Overcoming the Kellman challenges of
- Fund raising
- Recruiting students
- Male participation
- My next Stop Haiti (2011)