Title: Realistic vs. Form-Based Phone Interfaces
1Realistic vs. Form-BasedPhone Interfaces
Brian Renn Chris Malter
- Independent Variable
- Interface Design
- Realistic
- Form-based
- Dependent Variables
- Speed of task completion
- Subjective satisfaction
Hypothesis The realistic interface will yield
longer task completion times than the form-based
interface, but will rate higher subjectively.
Subjects 22 undergraduate UMD students with
varying levels of computer experience
3Phone Interfaces
4(No Transcript)
51. How would you rate the interface overall
Poor (1) -- Excellent (9) 2. The interface was
Confusing (1) -- Straightforward (9) 3. The
interface was Unattractive (1) -- Attractive
(9) 4. The interface was Visually distracting
(1) -- Visually non-distracting (9)
6Summary of Results
- The realistic interface did not result in
statistically greater task completion times
- The realistic interface was perceived as being
more visually attractive than the form-based
- The realistic interface was not perceived as less
confusing, less distracting or better overall
than the form-based interface
- Impact for Practitioners
- Use in home/office/entertainment applications,
where subjective satisfaction is important. - Use in life-critical and industrial applications
if it does not increase design time/cost.
- Suggestions for Future Researchers
- Avoid a within-subjects design
- Larger population sample
- Refined Theory
- Performance time for realistic interface is not
appreciably greater than for form-based
interface. - Users prefer the realistic interface visually.