- Statistical Mechanics
- Final Project
- CHEM-2440
- Leonardo Alvarez
2Let us consider a monatomic gas in which the
atoms may interact with one another. Assuming the
interaction between the gas atoms being weak, the
kinetic energy of the gas atoms using the
particle in a box model, and the interaction
between the gas atoms with a potential energy of
interaction V(r). One common form for this
potential energy of interaction is the Lennard
Jones (or 6-12 potential)1, see figure 1.
Equation (1) gives the explicit form of this
potential energy as
Fig 1 A Lennard Jones Potential
3the kinetic energy operator and the second term
is the potential energy term. The first term
depends only on the momenta of the gas atoms and
the second term depends on the distances between
all of the gas atoms. In general, this potential
energy term is quite complicated.It may be
shown that Q is given by2
- For distances between the atoms which are shorter
than s, the repulsive interaction dominates. If
we use this potential energy to model the
interaction between the gas atoms, we can write
the Hamiltonian for the gas as equation 2 where
the first term is
4The configuration integral2 depends in a
complicated way on the potential energy of
interaction between all N gas atoms. In the case
in which V(r)0 i.e., an ideal gas, the integral
over space gives the volume i.e., ZN VN. In
this limit the previous form for the partition
function is obtained, namely
- Since the atoms' kinetic energy terms are
separable, the integral over momenta is
straightforward and we find that - Where equation (5) is
- The Configuration Integral.
- the treatment of more realistic systems is
usually concerned with how to better model this
function ZN or V(r). Clearly the ideal gas model
is the simplest possible model for ZN. -
- Assuming that we can express the pressure of the
gas in powers of the density of the gas, so that - where the coefficients B2(T), B3(T) are taken to
be functions of temperature only. At very low
densities the quadratic, cubic and higher terms
are not important and the ideal gas law is
obtained. As the density of the gas becomes
higher, B2 and B3 must be included to accurately
model the equation of state for the gas. Equation
(7) is the Virial Expansion2,6.
6Table 1 B2(T) for some gases in cm3/mol
- The coefficients in the virial expansion are
related to the configuration integral in a very
direct manner. It may be shown that -
- for the second virial2,6, and
for the third virial coefficient2,6. Similar, but
more complicated, expressions can be derived for
the virial coefficient of arbitrary order.
Fortunately, even for dense gases only the first
few terms in the viral expansion are needed.
Some representative values for the second virial
7- For the case of a monatomic gas Z2 has a somewhat
simple form, namely - the integral Z2 treats the potential of
interaction between two atoms. For this case the
second virial coefficient corresponds to - Given equation (11), it is clear that we require
a model for the interatomic potential.
For molecules we possess rotational and
vibrational degrees of freedom which also need to
be included in our partition function. The
intermolecular potential energy and the
evaluation of the integral in equation (11) will
be much more complicated.
- A hard sphere potential corresponds to the case
in which the interaction between particles is
zero when they are greater than some distance s,
but is infinitely repulsive for that distance.
This model is that of ping pong balls zooming
around in a box. In this case the potential
energy is written as - where s is the diameter of the hard sphere. In
this case it is straightforward to evaluate the
integral for the second virial coefficient it is
9- This virial coefficient is temperature
independent and it has a value which is four
times larger than the volume of the sphere. This
volume represents the excluded volume in the gas
(see the figure 2)4. When the atoms collide it
occurs at their surfaces, hence a spherical
volume of radius 2s is excluded to one atom by
the other. Using this result we can write an
equation of state for the hard sphere gas which
is correct to second order in the density, namely
- Fig 2 A diagram of a hard sphere potential is
shown on the left, and the excluded volume in a
- In this case the potential energy has an
attractive part added to it. See figure 3. The
potential energy may be written as - the solution for the virial coefficient with this
potential is - where ? is the well depth and ? is the extent of
the attractive well. Clearly, now that the
potential has an attractive term, the virial
coefficient has a temperature dependence.
11- Fig 3 A potential energy diagram is sketched for
a square well.
- Figure 4 shows the B2(T) for argon, and it is fit
to this model. The best fit parameters give a ?
value of 1.68, - ? 1.36 x 10-21 J (68.5 cm-1) and s 3.04 Ã….
Clearly a simple model can perform quite well.
- Fig 4 The second virial data of argon is plotted
and fit to a square well potential (dotted line)
and a Lennard-Jones potential (solid line)3.
- A Lennard Jones potential1 may also be used to
describe the intermolecular interactions. For
such a potential the virial coefficient may be
written as - this equation is also fit to the Ar data figure
4. If we express the Lennard Jones potential in
reduced units i.e., let T kT/? and x r/s,
we can write the second virial coefficient as
13- Values of B are tabulated. Figure 5 shows a plot
of this reduced virial coefficient for 4 gases5,
one of which is polyatomic but spherical. Clearly
this resealing of the data by use of the
potential parameters works quite well for these
nonpolar gases. The agreement between the data
suggests that the Lennard Jones potential
captures the main features of the interaction
between molecules of this type7.
- Fig 5 This figure shows the reduced viral
coefficient for five gases. Data was taken from
Intermolecular Forces by Maitland, et al.
- The empirical observations about real gases can
be understood by consideration of the second
virial coefficient given in equations (17) and
(18) for the Lennard Jones potential. - T is a parameter that compares the available
thermal energy kT to the depth ? of the
attractive well. When kT is large, the attractive
well does not matter so much and the repulsive
part of the potential energy determines the
- In contrast, the attractive well will matter
more when the temperature is low. It is in this
regime where the second virial coefficient can
have a negative value, leading to a
compressibility factor value less than 1 (which
happens just at standard temperatures and
relative high pressures). See Fig 6.
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