Title: Chapter 11 Solution Thermodynamics: Theory
1Chapter 11Solution Thermodynamics Theory
- Chapter 6 treats the thermodynamic properties of
pure species or constant-composition fluids.
However, the preceding chapter demonstrates that
applications of chemical engineering
thermodynamics are often to systems wherein
composition is a primary variable.
2Chapter 11Solution Thermodynamics Theory
- In the chemical, petroleum, and pharmaceutical
industries multicomponent gases or liquids
commonly undergo composition changes as the
result of mixing and separation processes, the
transfer of species from one phase to another, or
chemical reaction.
3Chapter 11Solution Thermodynamics Theory
- Because the property of such systems depend
strongly on composition as well as on temperature
and pressure, our purpose in this chapter is to
develop the theoretical foundation for
application of thermodynamics to gas mixture and
liquid solution.
4Chapter 11Solution Thermodynamics Theory
- The theory is introduced through derivation of a
fundamental property relation for homogeneous
solution of variable composition. Convenience
here suggests the definition of a fundamental
new property called the chemical potential, upon
which the principles of phase and chemical
reaction equilibrium depend.
5Chapter 11Solution Thermodynamics Theory
- This leads to the introduction of a new class of
thermodynamic properties known as partial
properties. The mathematical definition of these
quantities allows them to be interpreted as
properties of the individual species as they
exist in solution. - For example, in a liquid solution of ethanol and
water the two species have partial molar
properties whose values are somewhat different
from the molar properties of pure ethanol and
pure water at the same temperature and pressure.
6Chapter 11Solution Thermodynamics Theory
- Property relations for mixtures of ideal gases
are important as references in the treatment of
real-gas mixtures, and they form the basis for
introduction of yet another important property,
the fugacity. Related to the chemical potential,
it is vital in the formulation of both phase and
chemical reaction equilibrium relations.
7Chapter 11Solution Thermodynamics Theory
- Finally, a new class of solution properties is
introduced. Known as excess properties, they are
based on an idealization of solution behavior
called the ideal solution. Its role is like that
of the ideal gas in that it serves as a reference
for real-solution behavior. Of particular
interest is the excess Gibbs energy, a property
which underlies the activity coefficient.
8Chapter 11Solution Thermodynamics Theory
- Properties depend strongly on composition,
- T and P.
- Gas mixtures and liquid solutions
- New terms chemical potential, partial
properties, fugacity, and excess property (e.g.
excess Gibbs energy). - Why we have to study Solution Thermodynamics?....
.. - The prediction of the equilibrium existing
between phases, and to understand the process and
to calculate phase and chemical reaction
9Chapter 11Solution Thermodynamics Theory
- What is the most important property ?
- G.
- For pure component
- G G (T, P)
- For a homogeneous mixture e.g. containing i
components mixture - G G (T, P, n1, n2, , ni)
1011.1 Fundamental Property Relation
- Equation (6.6) expresses the basic relation
connecting the total Gibbs energy to the
temperature and pressure in any closed system - where n is the total number of moles of the
1111.1 Fundamental Property Relation
- An appropriate application is to a single phase
fluid in a closed system wherein no chemical
reactions occur. For such a system the
composition is necessarily constant, and
therefore - The subscript n indicates that the numbers of
moles of all chemical species are held constant.
1211.1 Fundamental Property Relation
- For the more general case of a single phase, open
system, material may pass into and out of the
system, and nG becomes a function of the numbers
of moles of the chemical species present.
Presumably, it is still a function of T and P,
and we rationalize the functional relation - where ni is the number of moles of species i.
1311.1 Fundamental Property Relation
- The total differential of nG is then
- The summation is over all species present, and
subscript nj indicates that all mole numbers
except the i th are held constant.
1411.1 Fundamental Property Relation
- The derivative in the final term is given its own
symbol and name. Thus, by definition the chemical
potential of species i in the mixture is
1511.1 Fundamental Property Relation
- With this definition and with the first two
partial derivatives replaced by (nV) and - (nS), the preceding equation becomes
- Equation (11.2) is the fundamental property
relation for single phase fluid systems of
variable mass and composition.
1611.1 Fundamental Property Relation
- It is the foundation upon which the structure of
solution thermodynamics is built. For the special
case of one mole of solution, n1 and nixi - Implicit in this equation is the functional
relationship of the molar Gibbs energy to its
canonical variable, here T, P, and xi
1711.1 Fundamental Property Relation
- Although the mole number ni of Eq. (11.2) are
independent variables, the mole fraction xi in
Eq. (11.3) are not, because - ?i xi 1. This precludes certain mathematical
operations which depend upon independence of the
variables. Nevertheless, Eq. (11.3) does imply
1811.1 Fundamental Property Relation
- Other solution properties come from definitions.
- When the Gibbs energy is expressed as a function
of its canonical variables, it plays a role of a
generating function, providing the means of
calculation of other thermodynamics properties by
simple mathematical calculations and implicitly
represents complete property information.
1911.2 The Chemical Potential
- Consider a closed system containing of two phases
in equilibrium. Within this closed system, each
individual phase is an open system, free to
transfer mass to the other. Equation (11.2) may
be written for each phase
2011.2 The Chemical Potential
- Phases ? and ?.
- Free mass transfer between
- phases ? and ?
2111.2 The Chemical Potential
- Two phases are closed, and at equilibrium.
2211.2 The Chemical Potential
- Chemical Potential (?)
- is an extensive property,
- provides a measure of the work of a system is
capable when a change in mole numbers occurs e.g.
chemical reaction or a transfer of mass.
2311.2 The Chemical Potential
For ? phases at equilibrium, and N is the number
of species.
Thus, multiple phases at the same T and P are in
equilibrium when the chemical potential of each
species is the same in all phases. What will be
2411.3 Partial Properties
- The partial molar property any extensive
property of a solution changes with respect to
the number of moles of any component i in the
solution at constant T, P and composition of the
others. - Partial property and molar property (except for
ideal solution).
2511.3 Partial Properties
M solution properties For example V, U, H, S,
G partial properties For example Vi , Ui
, Hi , Si , Gi Mi pure species properties For
example Vi , Ui , Hi , Si , Gi
2611.3 Partial Properties
Partial molar property of species i in
solution is defined as It is a response
function, i.e., a measure of the response of
total property nM to the addition at constant T
and P of a differential amount of species I to a
finite amount of solution.
2711.3 Partial Properties
Comparison of Eq. (11.1) with Eq. (11.7) written
for the Gibbs energy shows that the chemical
potential and the partial molar Gibbs energy are
identical i.e., Thus, the partial molar Gibbs
energy is the chemical potential.
2811.3 Partial Properties
The definition of a partial molar property, Eq.
(11.7), provides the means for calculation of
partial properties from solution property data.
Implicit in this definition is another, equally
important, equation that allows the reverse,
i.e., calculation of solution properties from
knowledge of the partial properties.
2911.3 Partial Properties
The total differential of nM is
3011.3 Partial Properties
Because the first two partial derivatives on the
right are evaluated at constant n and because the
partial derivative of the last term is given by
Eq. (11.7), this equation has the simpler form
3111.3 Partial Properties
Since ni xin And Substitute these terms
to Eq. (11.9), and then rearrange
3211.3 Partial Properties
Summability relations
3311.3 Partial Properties
Differentiate Eq. (11.11), Comparison of
this equation with Eq. (11.10) yields Gibbs /
Duhem equation
3411.3 Partial Properties
This equation must be satisfied for all changes
in P, T, and the Mi caused by changes of state in
a homogeneous phase. For the important special
case of changes at constant T and P, it
simplifies to
3511.3 Partial Properties
Gibbs/Duhem equation If T and P constant
3611.3 Partial Properties
Solution property M Partial property
Pure-species property Mi
3711.3 Partial Properties
Binary system
3811.3 Partial Properties
39Example 11.3
The need arise in a laboratory for 2000 cm3 of an
antifreeze solution consisting of 30 mol
methanol in water. What volumes of pure methanol
and of pure water at 25 ?C must be mixed to form
the of antifreeze, also at 25 ?C ? Partial molar
volumes for methanol and water in a 30 mol
methanol solution and their pure-species molar
volume, both at 25 ?C , are Methanol (1) and
water (2)
40Example 11.3
41Example 11.3
42Example 11.3
Solution The line drawn tangent to the V-x1 curve
at x10.30, illustrates the values of V140.272
cm3 mol-1 and V218.068 cm3 mol-1.
43Relations among Partial Properties
We show now how partial properties are related to
one another. By Eq. (11.8), µi Gi, and Eq.
(11.20 may be written Application of the
criterion of exactness, Eq. (6.12) , yields the
Maxwell relation,
44Relations among Partial Properties
We have two additional equations One can
write the RHS in the form of partial molar, and
change the composition from n to x.
45Relations among Partial Properties
- Every equation that provides a linear relation
among thermodynamic properties of a
constant-composition solution has as its
counterpart an equation connecting the
corresponding partial properties of each species
in the solution.
46Relations among Partial Properties
47Relations among Partial Properties
- This may be compared with Eq. (6.10). These
examples illustrate the parallelism that exists
between equations for a constant composition
solution and the corresponding equations for the
partial properties of the species in solution.
We can therefore write simply by analogy many
equations that related partial properties.
4811.4 The Ideal-Gas Mixture Model
- Dalton Law
- Every gas has the same V and T.
4911.4 The Ideal-Gas Mixture Model
- Amagat Law ?????
- Every gas has the same P and T.
5011.4 The Ideal-Gas Mixture Model
5111.4 The Ideal-Gas Mixture Model
- Properties of each component species are
independent of the presence of other species. - A partial molar property (other than volume) of a
constituent species in an ideal-gas mixture is
equal to the corresponding molar property of the
species as a pure ideal gas at the mixture
temperature but at a pressure equal to its
partial pressure in the mixture.
5211.4 The Ideal-Gas Mixture Model
5311.4 The Ideal-Gas Mixture Model
5411.4 The Ideal-Gas Mixture Model
Problem 11.1What is the change in entropy when
0.7 m3 of CO2 and 0.3 m3 of N2 each at 1 bar and
25 ?C blend to form a gas mixture at the same
condition? Assume ideal gases.
5511.4 The Ideal-Gas Mixture Model
5611.5 Fugacity Fugacity Coefficient Pure Species
As evident from Eq. (11.6), the chemical
potential µi provides the fundamental criterion
for phase equilibria. This is true as well for
chemical reaction equilibria. However, it
exhibits characteristics which discourage its
use. The Gibbs energy, and hence µi , is defined
in relation to the internal energy and entropy.
Because absolute values of internal energy are
unknown, the same is true for µi .
5711.5 Fugacity Fugacity Coefficient Pure Species
Moreover, Eq. (11.20) shows that µiig approaches
negative infinity when either P or yi approaches
zero. This is true not just for an ideal gas but
for any gas. Although these characteristics do
not preclude the use of chemical potentials, the
application of equilibrium criteria is
facilitated by introduction of the fugacity, a
property that takes the place of µi but which
does not exhibit its less desirable
5811.5 Fugacity Fugacity Coefficient Pure Species
The origin of the fugacity concept resides in Eq.
(11.28), valid only for pure species i in the
ideal gas state. For a real fluid, we write an
analogous equation that defines fi, the fugacity
of pure species i
5911.5 Fugacity Fugacity Coefficient Pure Species
The origin of the fugacity concept resides in Eq.
(11.28), valid only for pure species i in the
ideal gas state. For a real fluid, we write an
analogous equation that defines fi, the fugacity
of pure species i
(11.31) This new property fi ,
with units of pressure, replaces P in Eq.(11.28).
Clearly, if (11.28) is a special case of Eq.
(11.31), then
6011.5 Fugacity Fugacity Coefficient Pure Species
(11.32) and the fugacity of pure species i as
an ideal gas is necessarily equal to its
pressure. Subtraction of Eq. (11.28) from Eq.
(11.31), both written for the same T and P,
By the definition of Eq. (6.41), Gi Giig is
the residual Gibbs Energy, GiRthus,
6111.5 Fugacity Fugacity Coefficient Pure Species
(11.33) where the dimensionless ratio fi /P has
been defined as another new property, the
fugacity coefficient, given by symbolFi
equations apply to pure species i in any phase
at any condition. However, as a special case they
must be valid for ideal gases, for which GiR 0,
Fi 1, and Eq. (11.28) is recovered from Eq.
6211.5 Fugacity Fugacity Coefficient Pure Species
Moreover, we may write Eq. (11.33) for P 0,
and combine it with Eq. (6.45) As explained
in connection with Eq. (6.48), the value of J is
immaterial, and is set equal to zero. Whence,
6311.5 Fugacity Fugacity Coefficient Pure Species
And The identification of lnFi with GiR / RT
by Eq. (11.33) permits its evaluation by the
integral of Eq. (6.49)
6411.5 Fugacity Fugacity Coefficient Pure Species
Fugacity coefficients (and therefore fugacities)
for pure gases are evaluated by this equation
from P V T data or from a volume-explicit
equation of state. For example, when the
compressibility factor is given by Eq.
6511.5 Fugacity Fugacity Coefficient Pure Species
Because the second virial coefficient Bii is a
function of temperature only for a pure speciues,
substitution into Eq. (11.35) gives
6611.5 Fugacity Fugacity Coefficient Pure Species
- Fugacity Coefficients from the Generic Cubic
Equation of State
6711.5 Fugacity Fugacity Coefficient Pure Species
- Vapor/Liquid Equilibrium for Pure Species
6811.5 Fugacity Fugacity Coefficient Pure Species
- Vapor/Liquid Equilibrium for Pure Species
- For a pure species coexisting liquid and vapor
phases are in equilibrium when they have the same
temperature, pressure, and fugacity.
6911.5 Fugacity Fugacity Coefficient Pure Species
- Fugacity of a Pure Liquid
7011.6 Fugacity Fugacity Coefficient Species in
- The definition of the fugacity of a species in
solution is parallel to the definition of the
pure species fugacity. For species I in a
mixture of real gases or in a solution of
liquids, the equilibrium analogous to Eq.
(11.20), the ideal-gas expression, is
7111.6 Fugacity Fugacity Coefficient Species in
- where is the fugacity of species i in
solution, replacing the partial pressure yiP.
This definition of does not make it a
partial molar property, and it is therefore
identified by a circumflex rather than by an
overbar. - A direct application of this definition indicates
its potential utility. Equation (11.6) is the
fundamental criterion for phase equilibrium.
7211.6 Fugacity Fugacity Coefficient Species in
- At equilibrium
- Thus, multiple phases at the same T and P are in
equilibrium when the fugacity of each constituent
species is the same in all phases. - This criterion of equilibrium is the one usually
applied by chemical engineers in the solution of
phase-equilibrium problems.
7311.6 Fugacity Fugacity Coefficient Species in
- For the specific case of multicomponent
vapor/liquid equilibrium, Eq. (11.47) becomes - Equation (11.39) results as a special case when
this relation is applied to the vapor/liquid
equilibrium of pure species i.
7411.6 Fugacity Fugacity Coefficient Species in
- The definition of a residual property is given in
Sec. 6.2 - Where M is the molar (or unit mass) value of a
thermodynamic property and M ig is the value that
the property would have for an ideal gas of the
same composition at same T and P. The defining
equation for a partial residual property
7511.6 Fugacity Fugacity Coefficient Species in
7611.6 Fugacity Fugacity Coefficient Species in
7711.6 Fugacity Fugacity Coefficient Species in
7811.6 Fugacity Fugacity Coefficient Species in
7911.6 Fugacity Fugacity Coefficient Species in
8011.6 Fugacity Fugacity Coefficient Species in
8111.6 Fugacity Fugacity Coefficient Species in
- Fugacity Coefficients from the Virial Equation of
8211.7 Generalized Correlations for the Fugacity
8311.8 The Ideal Solution Model
8411.8 The Ideal Solution Model
8511.9 Excess Properties
8611.9 Excess Properties
- The Excess Gibbs Energy and the Activity
8711.9 Excess Properties
- Excess Property Relations
8811.9 Excess Properties
- The Nature of Excess Properties
8911.5 Fugacity Fugacity Coefficient Pure Species
Consider the change in G to G at very low
90Fugacity Fugacity Coefficient Pure Species
91Fugacity Fugacity Coefficient Pure Species
92Fugacity Fugacity Coefficient Pure Species
93Generalized Correlations for the Fugacity
94Generalized Correlations for the Fugacity
The average properties at the critical point and
the 2nd Virial coefficient can be determined from
Equation 11.66-11.71
95Fugacity of a Pure Liquid
- fi of a compressed liquid is calculated in 2
steps - fi of saturated liquid and vapor
- Compress liquid from Psat to P
96Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient Species in
- fi of a solution is parallel to the pure solution
- The ideal solution (analogous to the ideal gas)
- At equilibrium
Thus, multiple phases at the same T and P are in
equilibrium when the fugacity of each constituent
species is the same in all phases.
97Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient Species in
A partial residual property,
98The Fundamental Residual-Property Relation
99Fugacity Coefficient from the Virial EOS
- For mixture
- e.g. binary mixture
- B y1y1B11 y1y2B12 y2y1B21
y2y2B22 - B y12B11 2y1y2B12 y22B22
100The Ideal Solution
- Serves as a standard to which real-solution
behavior can be compared.
101The Ideal Solution The Lewis/Randall Rule
- Fugacity calculation of i in ideal solution.
102Excess Properties
Fundamental of excess property relation
103The Excess Gibbs Energy and the Activity
104The Excess Gibbs Energy and the Activity
105The Excess Gibbs Energy and the Activity
106Gibbs-Duhem Equation
107The Nature of the Excess Properties
- All MEs become 0 as either species approaches
purity. - Plot between GE vs. x1 is approximately
parabolic in shape, - Both HE and TSE exhibit individualistic
composition - dependencies
- When an excess property has a single sign (as
does GE in - all six cases, the extreme value of ME (maximum
or minimum) - Often occurs near the equimolar composition.
- Mixtures
- What is the definition of partial molar
property? Try saying it in words rather than
equation. - Why is the partial molar property not the same
as the pure property? What can happen when we mix
different species? - How is excess property defined?
- Do ideal gases always form ideal mixtures when
allowed to mixed? - Pick a property, say V,. Review the ways we can
calculate the partial molar volume. What about
straight differentiation? What is the alternative
way that only works for binary mixture? What
about graphically?
- Mixtures
- What is Gibbs-Duhem equation? In what ways is it
useful? - For ideal solution, what is the molar volume?
- For ideal solution, what is the molar enthalpy?
- For ideal solution, what is the molar entropy?
- For ideal solution, what is the molar Gibbs free
energy? - What is the definition of infinite dilution