Title: Chapters 6
1Chapters 6 8 Review
2- The four activities of management
- Planning, Organizing, Leading, Controlling
- Managerial Roles
- Decision Making
- Managerial Skills
- Structural Building Blocks
- Organizational Structures
- Reengineering
- The informal organization
- Production Planning
- Processes, Site selection, Facility layout,
Resource planning, Supply Chain Management - Production Operations Control
- Routing Scheduling
- Improving Production Operations
- Total Quality Management, Lean Manufacturing,
Automation - Trends
- Dynamic evolving
- Managerial Process
- Planning anticipate problems/opportunities
design plans - Organizing get resources to implement plans
- Leading guide through implementation process
- Controlling review results modify
4Types of Planning
- Strategic Planning
- Long range broad
- Mission mission statement
- Tactical Planning
- Support strategic plans
- Operational Planning
- Specific
- Guide control tactical plans
- Contingency Planning
- Alternative actions
- What to do in an emergency
- Coordinating allocating resources
- Creating a structure to maximize the flow of
information - Division of labor
- Departmentalization
- Delegation
- Guide and motivate others to goals
- Influence others behavior power
- Sources of Power
- Legitimate
- Reward
- Coercive
- Expert
- Referent
7Leadership Styles
- Autocratic Leaders
- Solve problems on their own
- Participative Leaders
- Share decision making
- Types
- Democratic
- Consensual
- Consultative
- FreeRein Leaders (Laissez-faire)
- Control to the group
8Corporate Culture
- The set of attitudes, values, standards of
behavior in the workplace - Managements leadership styles are usually
reflective of the culture - Evolves over time
- Can greatly impact the success of the company
- Helps determine the success of planning,
organizing, leading - Directs behavior toward achieving goals
- Allows for coordinating activities and
integrating resources - Feedback is essential to this process
10The five stages of Controlling
- Setting standards and goals
- Measuring performance
- Comparing actual to estimated
- Taking corrective action
- Using info gained to set new standards for the
following year
11What roles do managers play?
- Informational roles
- Gather or distribute information
- Interpersonal roles
- Leader or liaison
- Decisional roles
- Entrepreneur, conflict resolution, resource
allocation, negotiator
12How do managers make decisions?
5. Follow up
to see if problem is solved
4. Put plan into action
3. Select one or more alternatives
2. Search for solutions
1. Define the problem
13Types of decisions made by managers
- Programmed
- Routine
- Frequent
- Standard procedures developed and followed
- Nonprogrammed
- Unforeseen
- Infrequent
- Unusual
- No standard procedures
14Skills needed by managers
- Technical Skills
- Area of expertise, ability to apply knowledge
- Human Relations
- Understanding of human nature, communication
skills, motivate and empower others - Conceptual Skills
- Understanding of the whole organization as well
as its parts - Global Management Skills
- Ability to operate in diverse cultures
15How do managers juggle all of their
- Through effective time management
- Plan ahead
- Establish priorities
- Delegate
- Learn to say no
- Batch
- Stay on task
- Set deadlines
16Trends in Management
- Increasing employee empowerment
- Growing use of information technology
- Increasing need for global management skills
17The organizing function
- Coordinating and allocating resources to carry
out a companys plans/goals - Accomplished by
- Division of labor
- Departmentalization
- Delegation
- Results in
- A formal organization
- Building Blocks Division of labor,
Departmentalization, Managerial hierarchy, Span
of control, Centralization of decision making
18Division of Labor
- Establishing work activities
- Dividing work into separate jobs
- Assigning duties to workers
- Specialization
- How jobs are grouped together so similar tasks
are coordinated - Types of departmentalization
- Functional
- Product
- Process
- Customer
- Geographic
- Many companies use a mix of these
20Managerial Hierarchy
- The levels of management within the company
- Each unit is managed and controlled by a manager
in a higher unit - Chain of command
- Unity of command principle
- Power sharing concept
- Authority Delegation of authority
21Span of Control
- The number of employees each supervisor has under
direct supervision - How do you determine the best span of control?
- Nature of the task
- Location of workers
- Ability of manager to delegate
- Amount of interaction feedback
- Level of skill motivation
22Centralization of Decision Making
- At what level should decisions by made?
- Centralization
- Most decisions made at the top
- Decentralization
- Decision making is pushed down the organization
23Centralization of Decision Making, cont.
- Factors to consider when determining degree of
centralization - Size of the company
- Speed of change in its environment
- Managers willingness to give up authority
- Employees willingness to accept authority
- Geographic dispersion
- Reevaluate organizational structure often!
24Types of Organizational Structures
- Mechanistic
- Tall organizations
- Organic
- Flat organizations
- Determining which type of structure is best is
based on the firms - overall strategy, size, technology, and stability
of external environment
25Mechanistic vs. Organic Structures
26Common forms of organizational structures
- Line organizations
- Line and staff organizations
- Line positions directly involved in processes
to create goods/services - Staff positions provide administrative
support services - Committee structure
- Matrix structure
- Businesses to re-evaluate the way they do
business and their organizational structure from
time to time - Reengineering
- Abandon outdated rules, assumptions, policies,
etc. - Redesign processes and structures
- Allows companies to be more efficient, improve
operations, increase customer satisfaction
28The Informal Organization
- Based on informal relationships between employees
- Provides a network of connections and
communication channels which - Keep employees informed aware
- Foster friendships
- Provide recognition
- Socializes new employees
- Can interfere with company goals if group norms
conflict with company standards - Managers should use as a tool by bringing
informal leaders into the decision making process
29Trends in business organization
- Virtual Corporations
- Key attributes
- Technology
- Opportunism
- Excellence
- Trust
- No borders
- Mix match capabilities of different companies
- Global Mergers
- Have to determine how to structure the large,
merged organization into a successful unit - Can be challenging to overcome differences
30Production Operations Management
- Production Operations Management are important
because - Consumers demand quality products/services at
reasonable prices in a timely fashion - Consumers also demand better service and
individualized attention - 3 Main types of decisions
- Production Planning
- Production Control
- Improving Production Operations
31Production Planning
- Find the best production methods to meet and
balance company goals - 3 phases
- Long term
- Medium term
- Short term
- Important decisions/elements
- Production Process
- Site Selection
- Facility Layout
- Resource Planning
- Supply Chain Management
32Production Process
- How should the goods be made?
- Mass Production
- Mass Customization
- Customization
- Job shop
- How should the inputs be converted into outputs?
- Process manufacturing
- Assembly process
33Production Process, cont.
- What should the timing of the process be?
- Continuous Process
- Intermittent Process
34Site Selection
- Affects operating cost, price of the
product/service, ability to compete - Factors to consider
- Availability of inputs
- Marketing factors
- Local incentives
- Manufacturing environment
- International considerations
35Facility Layout
- Determine what the most efficient effective
design is for the production process - Types
- Process layout
- Product layout
- Fixed Position layout
36Resource Planning
- Make sure resources are available when needed
- Steps of resource planning
- Determine which resources are needed and when
- Decide if the production materials should be made
or bought - Determine how much inventory to have how it
should be managed - Decide if a computerized resource planning system
is needed
37Supply Chain Management
- Supply Chain
- Secure Inputs ? Produce Goods ? Deliver Goods
- Want a smooth transition along the supply chain
- Strategies
- Create tight bonds with suppliers
- Improve supplier communications
- Internet, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
38Production Operations Control
- Gaining efficiencies through the coordination of
materials, equipment, and human resources - Key aspects
- Routing determines workflow
- Scheduling sets time needed for each step
- Gantt Charts
- Critical Path Method
- Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT)
39Improving Production Operations
- Improving Quality
- Quality Control
- Total Quality Management (TQM)
- Six Sigma
- Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
- Lean Manufacturing
- Just-in-time
- Automation
- Computer-aided systems
- Robotics
- Flexible Manufacturing Systems
- Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
- Others
40Trends in Production
- Asset Management
- Modular Production
- Decrease cost of design development
- Increases ability to meet rapidly changing
conditions - Agile Manufacturing
- Increases flexibility and speed
- Work Cell Design
- Improves quality efficiency