Critical illness polyneuropathy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Critical illness polyneuropathy


The facial musculature is often strikingly spared. ... The discrepancy between grimacing of facial musculature in response to a painful ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Critical illness polyneuropathy

Critical illness polyneuropathy
  • From
  • Critical care medicine 2002 ,8 , 302310
  • Authors
  • Walther N.K.A. van Mook, MD, and Riquette P.M.G.
    Hulsewé-Evers, MD
  • ??? ???

  • Critical illness polyneuropathy(CIP) first
    extensively described in the early 1980s, mainly
    in patients with failure to wean from mechanical
  • limb muscle weakness, usually more distally
    than proximally
  • The facial musculature is often strikingly
  • Reduced DTR and loss of peripheral sensation to
    light touch and pin prick often
  • accompanied

  • Involvement of the phrenic nerve will cause
    delayed weaning.
  • electrophysiologic studies predominantly motor
    and, often to a lesser extent, sensory axonal
  • incidence gt50 of patients in major medical
    and surgical critical care units
  • The systemic inflammatory response
    syndrome(SIRS) is strongly associated with CIP
    and, among the multiorgan failure often seen in
    SIRS, CIP is thought to represent a neurologic
    manifestation of SIRS.

  • Mechanism cytokines and free radicals,
    affecting the microcirculation of the nervous
  • Examination of the peripheral nervous system is
    often unreliable
  • the only way to establish a definitive
    diagnosis electrophysiologic studies.
  • Onset 80 within 72hrs after SIRS/sepsis
  • recovery was very slow weeks to months


  • Clinical presentation
  • Laboratory parameters
  • Electrophysiologic studies
  • Nerve and muscle biopsies
  • Additional techniques
  • Differential diagnosis

Clinical presentation
  • early stages PE unreliable due to
    encephalopathy or sedation.
  • Even after the encephalopathy disappears, a
    proper and complete neurologic examination can be
    difficult to perform
  • The discrepancy between grimacing of facial
    musculature in response to a painful stimulus and
    the complete absence of limb movement is often

  • weakness usually more pronounced distally than
    proximally and is often accompanied by muscle
  • DTR are usually absent or decreased.
  • Loss of peripheral sensation to light touch and
    pin prick and relative preservation of cranial
    nerve function also result from the syndrome.
  • Lab
  • mostly not diagnostic, CK only marginally
    raised or normal in most pts

Electrophysiologic studies
  • 1.sensitive tools 2.could be quantified
  • NCV unchanged.
  • relatively pure axonal polyneuropathy
  • Reduced action potential both in motor and
    sensory nerve. (However,reduction of the CMAP may
    also be the result of severe muscle
    atrophy(motor) or tissue edema (sensory)
  • spontaneous activity with fibrillations and
    positive sharp waves in a widespread distribution
    as signs of denervation

  • Apart from involvement of the chest wall
    muscles, diaphragmatic denervation in patients
    with CIP seems to play a role in ventilator
  • One study 60 patients showed evidence of
    diaphragmatic denervation as determined by
    diaphragmatic needle EMG
  • Another study 54 exhibited diaphragmatic
    denervation as determined by phrenic nerve
    conduction studies in combination with
  • (However, this denervation is frequently
    attributable to causes other than CIP (eg,
    mediastinal pathology))

Nerve and muscle Bx Nerve Bx
  • In 1994 review Bx of 19 pts
  • 15/19(79) nerve biopsies axonal pathology with
    primary axonal degeneration without
    demyelinization was found
  • Distal nerves to be more severely involved,
    whereas the more central nerves like the vagal
    and was relatively spared
  • No inflammatory changes have been reported in
    nerve biopsies

  • Latronico et al. 22 Pts /c CIP 14 normal
    nerves and only 8 had axonal neuropathy
  • sepsis-related CIP may caused impairment of
    axonal transport and transmembrane potential in
    early stage which could not be detected by nerve
  • If sepsis persistented , significant axonal
    neuropathy may be seen
  • Thus, the absence of histologic indicators of
    nerve damage does not exclude significant
    functional impairment

Muscle Bx
  • Atrophy of predominantly type II fibers as
    evidence of innervation loss is the most commonly
    found abnormality and is almost always present
  • In several studies, muscle biopsy examination
    yielded striking abnormalities
  • One prosepctive study Muscle fiber necrosis
    occurred in 30 of cases the myopathic
    changes secondary or primary

  • Coakley et al. performed muscle biopsies in 24
  • No clear relation between changes in these
    biopsies and the observed neurophysiologic
    abnormalities was found. Histologic normal muscle
    was found only in patients with normal
    electrophysiologic results
  • In a study by Latronico et al.
  • muscle alterations were found in 23/24 pts,
    with abnormalities ranging from primary
    myopathic, neurogenic, or both.
  • in a study by De Letter et al. 30patients with
    CIP, and neuropathic changes were found in 11 of
    30(37), myopathic changes in 12 of 30 (40), and
    both in 7 of 30 (30).

  • Thus sepsis- and SIRS related myopathies occur
    more frequently than previously recognized and
    sometimes in combination with CIP.
  • Perhaps the term critical illness myo- and
    (poly)neuropathy is more applicable in many

Additional techniques
  • NCV and conventional EMG hard to d/d
    neuropathy and myopathy Both low CMAP and
    frequently show spontaneous activity in the form
    of fibrillation potentials and positive sharp
  • Measurement of muscle fiber excitability by
    direct muscle stimulation and quantitativ
    electromyography is valuable in differentiating
    myopathy and neuropathy.

Differential diagnosis
  • 1.Weakness before ICU admission
  • Brain and spinal cord dysfunction resulting
    from trauma, neoplasm, infection, or systemic
  • worseningof preexisting diseases and
    occurrence of new diseasesof motor neurons,
    nerves, neuromuscular junction,
  • 2.Weakness after ICU admission
  • CIP, other ICU-acquired neuropathies,disorders
    of neuromuscular transmission, and myopathies
  • Table 2 and Fig 1




  • Neuromuscular disorders of critical illness
  •    Critical illness polyneuropathy.
  •    Delayed reversal of neuromuscular blockade.
  •    Acute myopathy,
  • divided into two pathogenetically distinct
  • 1. critical illness myopathy
  • 2.myopathy associated with combined use of a
  • corticosteroid and a neuromuscular blocking
  • drug.

  •    Delayed reversal of neuromuscular blockade.
  • pancuronium and vecuronium, are normally
    cleared from the circulation within several
    hours, primarily by the liver.
  • In patients with poor renal function
    ,functionally active 3-hydroxy metabolites of
    these drugs accumulate and persist in the blood.
  • As a result, NM block effect may lasted one
    week after drugs DC .
  • Dx 1.EMG Train of four twitch
  • 2. anticholinesterase inhibitor test

  •    Acute myopathy, critical illness myopathy
  • As with critical illness polyneuropathy, this
    form of acute muscle injury is strongly
    associated with sepsis and MOF
  • Mechanism
  • effects of microorganism-associated
    toxins, as is observed in toxic shock syndrome
    and in occasional infections with influenza or
    other viruses .(SARS)
  • 2.inflammatory mediators that are implicated
    generally in the systemic inflammatory response
  • Whether peripheral nerve and muscle are injured
    simultaneously by the same process, or
    independently by separate processes in the SIRS
    , remains to be determined.

  •   Myopathy associated with steroid and NM
    blocking agent
  • s/s symmetrical weakness , reduced DTR
    ,reserved sensory function ,and elevated CK
    myoglobinuria for several days .
  • Bx selective loss of thick (myosin)
  • First observed in asthma patient with steroid
    and NM block
  • 1.weakness only in the patients who were
    treated simultaneously with both types of drugs
  • .

  • 2.Muscle weakness increased dramatically in
    frequency and severity with the duration of NM
  • Mechanism unknown gtin rats favor acute form
    of corticosteroid-induced myopathy.


Risk factors of CIP
  • SIRS and/or sepsis
  • Steroids
  • Neuromuscular blocking agents
  • Aminoglycoside antibiotics
  • Total parenteral nutrition
  • Vasopressor support
  • Immune mechanisms
  • Neurologic failure
  • Renal replacement therapy
  • Low albumin and elevated glucose levels

SIRS and/or sepsis
  • in a cohort of open-heart surgery patients,
    sepsis occurred more in patients with CIP, and
    patients with CIP suffered longer from sepsis
    than patients without CIP.
  • Bacteremia was found to be an independent risk
    factor for polyneuropathy in a study by van den

  • Steroid
  • The steroid and muscle relaxants have also been
    implicated as a cause of prolonged weakness.
  • No study found evidence of a role for steroids
    in CIP
  • Neuromuscular blocking agents
  • NMBAs were found to be a risk factor on
    multivariate analysis in one study, but
  • most studies did not find evidence for a role
    of NMBAs in CIP

  • Aminoglycoside antibiotics
  • Aminoglycoside antibiotics administration was
    the only significant difference between the group
    with and the group without CIP (59 vs 19 ) in 2
  • Total parenteral nutrition
  • Total parenteral nutrition has been suggested
    as a risk factor for CIP
  • Recently, a Garnacho-Montero et al. found TPN
    to be independently associated with CIP
    development on multivariate analysis (P 0.02).

  • Vasopressor support
  • Vasopressor support for more than 3 days was an
    independent predictor of polyneuropathy on
    multivariate analysis in study by van den Berghe
    et al.
  • In another prospective study, patients who
    developed CIP used significantly more epinephrine
    and norepinephrine and less dobutamine than
    patients who did not develop CIP.

  • Immune mechanisms
  • The presence of Anti-GM1-ganglioside IgG of
    patients with CIP has been demonstrated
  • The supposed autotoxin may disturb enzymatic
    processes of the neuron and affect axonal
    transport of nutrients and degrading products,
    causing a functional axonopathy.
  • Many autotoxins have been considered
    candidates, but TNF has been of special interest
    because it plays a pivotal role in the activation
    of other cytokines in the cascade.
  • However, patients with CIP had no significantly
    elevated TNF or IL6 compared with control
    subjects .

  • Neurologic failure
  • In a study by Garnacho-Montero et al. GCS lt 10
    is an independent risk factor for development of
  • Renal replacement therapy
  • in the study conducted by Garnacho-Montero et
    al. Patients who had undergone renal replacement
    therapy had a lower risk of developing CIP on
    multivariate analysis
  • In the most recent study
  • renal replacement therapy was found to be an
  • independent predictor of CIP on multivariate

  • Low albumin and elevated glucose levels
  • Low albumin and elevated glucose levels were
    mentioned in both retrospective and prospective
    studies as risk factors for CIP
  • in another study(large, prospective, randomized
    ,trial ) ,intensive insulin therapy in critically
    ill patients reduced the incidence of CIP by 44,
    provided strong evidence in favor of a role for
    hyperglycemia in the pathogenesis of CIP

  • Successful treatment of the underlying
    sepsis/SIRS remains crucial in the prevention of
  • Prevention now seems possible in many cases
    with intensive glycemic control with insulin in
    critically ill patients
  • Immunoglobulins have been used as an adjuvant
    therapy for sepsis and septic shock and are
    effective in patients with Guillain-Barre

  • A retrospective study on the effects of early
    treatment with immunoglobulins in 33 patients who
    survived MOF or GNB sepsis suggested that this
    strategy may prevent or mitigate CIP
  • But high-dose immunoglobulin dministration
    failed to alter the clinical course

Prognosis and outcomeShort-term prognosis
  • recovery will take weeks in mild cases and
    months in severe cases
  • Mortality in the ICU was 2 to 3.5 times higher
    for patients with CIP versus patients without CIP
  • CIP also have a negative influence on prognosis
    by causing weaning difficulty.

  • Long term prognosis
  • Most investigators agree that there is a 50
    chance of complete recovery depending on the
    severity of the initial symptoms
  • After 1 year of follow-up of 24 pts
    ,improvements were reported in all patients ,but
    severe functional handicap was noted in 5/24
    patients (22)
  • Zifko determined the clinical and
    electrophysiologic profile of 13 survivors
    (median f/u 17 Ms)
  • only two (15) were clinically normal ,but
    All patients still had neurophysiologic

  • in one 2-year f/u study analysis in 19 patients
    with CIP
  • 10 died
  • 58 recovered completely
  • 32 had remaining quadriparesis
  • Three parameters were significantly correlated
    with poor recovery
  • longer length of stay in ICU,
  • longer duration of sepsis
  • greater body weight loss

  • Sepsis and/or SIRS are the most important risk
    factors for CIP.
  • CIP is a common disorder in surgical patients.
  • Critical illness myopathy is increasingly
    recognized and can occur together with CIP.
  • Direct muscle stimulation and quantitative EMG
    are valuable in the d/d between CIP and critical
    illness myopathy.

  • Suxamethonium should be used with caution in
    patients with CIP because of the possibility of
    the occurrence of life-threatening hyperkalemia.
  • Intensive insulin therapy in the ICU to achieve
    tight glucose control can reduce the incidence of
  • CIP by 44.
  • Prospective research with longer follow-up
    (gt3yrs) to determine long-term outcome is
    necessary to describe rehabilitation problems
    encountered in CIP patients.

Thanks for your attentions
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