Title: Cultural Strategies and Urban Regeneration
John Lovering School of City and Regional
Planning Cardiff University
2The prehistory of cultural regeneration
- C20th Urbanism- the tradition of exploring the
connections - Benjamin
- Gramsci
- Munford
- Peter Hall
- The C21st notion of urban culture as something
that policy makers can and should - induce - Richard Florida The Creative Class
3The academic background the rediscovery of
- The cultural turn in the social sciences
- Culture/civil society as the medium of economic
interdependencies (Granovetter, etc.
A.J.Scott/UCLA school..) - Cultural specificity and the varieties of
capitalism (Albrecht, David Coates) - The idea of a late C20th new phase of
capitalist development centred on the
commodification of space (H.Lefebvre) and of
signs (F.Jameson)
4The new policy orthodoxy favouring the cultural
- The early 1990s
- the notion that advanced (western) economies are
driven by symbolic analysts (Robert Reich),
i.e. the cultural industries broadly
interpreted - The idea of global cities as post-industrial
(Sassen, Castells, Tony Travers London) - The mid 1990s
- the fashion for the weightless economy (Geoff
Mulgan, Tony Giddens) - The early 2000s
- the idea that cultural industries in particular
are particularly important and should receive
special favours from policy makers (taken up by
Blair government, CEC, and theorised by R.Florida)
5The Consultants move in on the act..
- The new policy formula
- Culture Cultural Industries the new Creative
Class Innovation, dynamics, pluralism - So urban regeneration should mean measures
that include promoting Cultural Industries
6The new cultural instrumentalism
- the use of culture as an instrument for
achieving wider social and economic goals is
nowhere more apparent than in cities - R.Griffiths (2006) Evidence from the competition
to select the European Capital of Culture 2008
European Planning Studies 14
7The new global urban policy discursive orthodoxy
- The rhetoric of urban renaissance cities are
back (Michael Parkinson) - Cool, relaxed, creative, prosperous, competitive
(Richard Florida)
8The British Government agrees
9The new culturalist sophistry (the world
according to Richard Florida.
10The governance dimension proliferation of urban
policy makers
- The New Regionalism blurs into the new
City-regionalism - Scott, Storper, Soja, etc there are 300 city
regions - And the related rise of the Urban-Regional
Service Class - Together give rise to a a fashion for global
benchmarking comparison of simple statistics
for urban policy
11Consultants, and their clients, love making up
12(No Transcript)
13Culture-led regeneration and symbolic policy
14The economic effects
- Experience has been ambivalent e.g.
- Promotion of arts festivals short term tourist
boom - Promotion of arts districts main effect a
real estate boom (Barcelona, London, Dublin..) - Many displacement effects (from indigenous to
imported/commodified culture, and from local to
imported artists/performers) (the Galata project?
15The labour market effects
- Culture-led development is not automatically
beneficial - cultural industries tend to be even more
elitist in employment terms than industries in
general - e.g. London ethnic minority pop 40,
- E.Ms in cultural industries 11
16The social effects
- Encouraging cultural industries can often
merely accelerate Gentrification - Globalisation of modes of consumption
- The Starbucks phenomenon
- Exacerbating social divisions?
- (A paticularly hideous example April 2006 The
Rolling Stones play China rock n roll for the
17The paradoxical cultural effects
- The ambivalence of instrumentalist policies for
culture - Who chooses them?
- What groups are involved in networks?
- Where does the investment come from?
- Common hazards
- Creation of identikit portable indicators of
culture (festivals, modern art galleries,
promotional advertising etc what the other
cities have got we must have too
18Some other aspects of the emphasis on urban
cultural strategy
- A fetish for the Visual
- Neoliberalism and The Spectacle (Debord inverted)
- Remaking Cities for the Gaze
- (Daniel Bahrenbohms 2006 Reith Lectures)
- A magnet for municipal politicians, marketers,
the articulate arts/culture community,
convergence with tourism and real estate
interests - boosterism
19Nevertheless, its' global
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21Famous (UK) successes.. Manchester
22Cultural icons of urban regeneration - London
23Much exaggerated - Bilbao
24Dubious - Cardiff
25Where becoming European Capital of Culture
encourages property-development driven
regeneration Liverpool
26The central dilemma
- City planners have few real economic powers
- Yet they increasingly have to act as if they do
urban-regional policy autonomy (a central
component of the global neo-liberal policy
orthodoxy) - So they are under pressure to focus efforts of
high-visibility activities - Policy is influenced by the Urban Service Class
including many cultural layers - Nothing is more high visibility than culture
- hence the slippage towards boosterism
27Common consequences
- Diversion of public resources , esp. via
planning, to activities which in reality have - Minor economic significance
- Limited and uneven employment effects
- Unclear sustainability
- Ambivalent impact in terms of social inclusion
- (equality of respect - Richard Sennett)
- Have high visibility
- Are supported by and satisfy the most articulate
and media-savvy elites (the Begolu
Bourgeoisie?) - And converge with real estate interests the key
drivers of C21st urban regeneration
28An alternative conceptualisation of the Cultural
- Layer 1 everyday commodified popular culture
(the play economy) - Determinants Private corporations, market
regulation - Layer 2 Formal arts and culture
- Determinants Publicly subsidised facilities and
organisation - Layer 3 Related to Boosterism/Property
development (typical examples new sports stadia,
casinos, galleries, conference centres) - Determinants Speculators assessments, boosterist
coalitions - (J.Lovering (2006) Capital City University of
Wales Press)
29So, cultural strategies and urban regeneration,
rethinking the theory
- Much hype causal directions ambiguous
- E.g. Florida do tolerant cities attract
creative people and cultural industries or is
it the other way round? Floridas theory begs
the real questions - The economics of urban cultural strategies in
reality is mostly about enabling real estate
development - (e.g. London-Olympics 2012)
- The politics of urban cultural strategies in
reality tend to be mainly symbolic - to demonstrate visibly that the authorities are
performing regeneration
30The cultural ironies of culture-led regeneration
- Much (most?) culture-led urban regeneration is
neither cultural nor about regeneration - But it is a globally convenient title for the
(partisan) commodification of space and place - The Starbuckisation of the planet?
- E.g. Londons Canary Wharf a US-style office
paradise but very suburban at street level..
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32The new culturalist economic analysis an
American bias?
- . ..few have doubted that the fundamentals of
the US model its enterprise culture, lightly
regulated labour market competition between
states and regions, world class science
openness to migrants .. provide the best
strongest position for competitiveness over the
next generation - Florida and Tingali (2004) Europe in the
Creative Age - actually, many doubt it
- The analysis also often exaggerates the
importance of private Service Sector industries
in cities
33What the consultants never tell you most of the
new jobs in UK cities have come from the public
34In reality its not so simple even London still
has nearly 300,000 in manufacturing
35Concluding thoughts The European Capital of
- 1 How to win it
- Emphasise social inclusion, and the expression
of local identity - E.g. Liverpool magnet for transatlantic
migration - Bristol the world in one city
- ( same as Londons Olympic bid discourse)
- Promise to build bridges between communities
- Produce much publicity displaying happy diversity
(ethnic, gender, age etc)
362 but dont expect too much from it
- I Culture here is narrowly defined (by whom?)
- There is little sign.. of culture being viewed
as a medium for collective emanciptaion, of
culture s a file oppositional of struggle and
resistance, of culture as a source of identities
(Griffiths 2006) - II little recognition that the main economic
impact of culture-led regeneration is usually
from - (1) commodifying place (e.g. image and tourism)
- (2) real estate - gentrification
37Worrying signs in Istanbul
- Becoming European Capital of Culture 2010 will
(according to www.istanbul2010.org) - Boost urban renewal and create jobs (2/14)
- Boost tourist visitors and the brand (6/14)
- Make Istanbullis more art conscious and proud
of their city (2/14) - Demonstrate Istanbul's European significance
(2/14) - Implications? Dont hope for too much (unless
you are a hotelier or real estate agent)
38Summary not culture-led regeneration but an
explicit cultural strategy
- Panglossian claims (a la Richard Florida) are
usually based on - Little evidence
- Muddled causalities
- US-centric visions of urbanism
- Neo-liberal assumptions about urban development
- 2 A cultural strategy should be just that have
explicit cultural goals, not be a disguised real
estate/tourism strategy