Consumer Roles in Marketing Communications - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Consumer Roles in Marketing Communications


Consumer Roles in Marketing Communications Objective: Introducing and discussing the significance of consumer behavior and motivations in communications in tourism ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Consumer Roles in Marketing Communications

Consumer Roles in Marketing Communications
  • Objective Introducing and discussing the
    significance of consumer behavior and motivations
    in communications in tourism and hospitality.

Consumer Buying Behavior
  • Consumer buying behavior refers to the buying
    behavior of the individuals and households who
    buy goods and services for personal consumption.
  • Consumer market refers to the combination of all
    these individuals and households.
  • These diverse consumers make their choices among
    various products based on several factors.

Model of Consumer Behavior
  • How do consumers respond to various marketing
    efforts that the company might use? The company
    that understands how consumers will respond to
    product features, prices, advertising has a great
    advantage over its competitors.
  • According to the model of buyer behavior,
    marketing (4Ps) and other

  • macro environmental (economic, technological,
    political and cultural) stimulus starts the
    response model. All these enter into the buyers
    head (black box) and then turn into responses as
    product choice, brand choice, dealer choice,
    purchase timing, and purchase amount.
  • The buyer behavior is affected by (1) the
    buyers characteristic - cultural, social,
    personal, psychological (2) the buyers decision

Model of Buyer Behavior
  • Marketing
  • Other Stimuli Buyers Black Box
    Buyers Response
  • Product Economic Buyer
  • Price Technological characteristic
  • Place Political Buying
  • Promotion Cultural decision
  • process
  • Product choice
  • Brand choice
  • Dealer choice
  • Purchase timing
  • Purchase amount

Roles of Consumers
  • Included in the 4Ps, consumer behavior is
    affected by marketing communications.
  • Consumers are influenced by media representations
    and messages based on how they interpret and
    evaluate information.
  • Consumers may react in different ways to certain
    types of messages or media channels or sources.
    Therefore, companies need to research to
    understand what forms of communication work best
    and produce the desired results.

  • However, this is not an easy process as marketing
    communications are delivered in an integrated
  • Consumers are aware of products or brands through
    various forms of communications including
    advertising, sponsorship, public relations,
    word-of-mouth, exposure to places through film
    and television, etc.
  • As a result, it is difficult to evaluate how,
    where, when a person becomes familiar with a
    brand, organization, destinations, ...

  • In addition, consumers themselves actively buy
    into or identify with certain brands, images, or
  • Modern consumers often act as advocates for
    certain products, places, brands, and so on.

Consumer Behavior Theory
  • Consumer beavior theory is based on the
    discipline of psychology.
  • Accordingly, consumers are perceived as rational
    beings whose buying choices are directed to
    satisfy a need.

  • Different paradigms in consumer behaviour
  • The cognitive approach recognizes puchases as
    problem-solving decisions
  • The reinforcement approach recognizes
    consumption as learned behavior
  • Habit recognizes routine production of behavior
    for particular purchases.
  • While the first has a cognitive perspective, the
    last two have behaviourist perspectives.

The Cognitive Paradigm
  • Focuses on consumer decision making process
  • need arousal
  • information processing
  • brand evaluation
  • purchase
  • Post-purchase evaluation
  • Does not explain repeat-buying behavior,
    spontaneous or impulsive walk-by decisions.

Need Recognition
  • The buying process starts when the buyer
    recognizes that he has a problem or need.
  • The need can be felt because of internal stimuli
    (hunger, thirst...) or external stimuli (the
    buyer may feel hungry when he passes by a bakery,
    the buyer may need to have a vacation when he
    watches a commercial about Caribbeans on TV).
  • At this stage, the marketer must identify the
    factors that most trigger interest in the product
    and develop marketing programs that involve these

Information Search
  • When the consumer feels his need, he satisfies
    his need with a product near at hand. But, if
    there is not such a product, he starts to search
    for information.
  • The consumer can obtain information from several
  • personal sources family, friends, neighbors,
    acquaintances (more important for the consumer to

  • commercial sources advertising, salespeople,
    dealers, packaging, displays (more important for
    the consumer to get information)
  • public sources mass media, consumer rating
  • experiential sources handling, examining, using
    the product
  • Here, the marketer is responsible to identify the
    consumers sources of information and their
    importance, then design its marketing efforts in
    the way that would increase the awareness and
    knowledge of the potential consumers.

Evaluation of Alternatives
  • After gathering information, the consumer
    evaluates each alternative and makes a brand
  • Consumers pay attention to certain issues when
    evaluating the alternatives
  • product attributes consumers see products as a
    bundle of product attributes (e.g. quality, size,
    price...) Consumers pay the most attention on the
    attributes that satisfies their need the most.

  • degrees of importance consumers give different
    degrees of importance to different attributes
    according to their needs and wants.
  • brand beliefs consumers develop a set of brand
    beliefs about where each brand stands on each
    attribute. The set of beliefs that are held
    about a particular brand is known as the brand
  • total product satisfaction consumers combine the
    attributes that give them the highest perceived
    satisfaction and create their ideal product.
  • evaluation procedure consumers approach
    different brands through some type of

  • evaluation procedure which depends on the
    individual and specific buying situation. In
    some cases, consumers use logical thinking, and
    at other times, emotional. Sometimes, they may
    decide on their own, or ask their friends, or
    salespeople for advice.
  • Here, the marketer should study the buyers to
    understand how they evaluate each alternative -
    e.g. which attribute receives the highest

Purchase Decision
  • The consumer ranks all the brands and intends to
    purchase one. However, sometimes the consumer
    does not buy the one he intended. Two factors
    can come between the purchase intention and
  • attitudes of others e.g. family may claim that
    the alternative is better.
  • unexpected situational factors unexpected events
    may change the purchase intention e.g. the
    consumer may loose his job so that he have to
    purchase a cheaper brand, a friend my report his
    dissatisfaction about the product, a competitor
    may drop its prices...

Postpurchase Behavior
  • After purchasing the product, the consumer will
    be satisfied or dissatisfied and will engage in
    postpurchase behavior of interest.
  • Whether the buyer is satisfied or dissatisfied is
    determined by the relationship between the
    consumers expectations and the products

  • The marketers job does not end when the product
    is bought. The marketer must do research in
    order to understand whether the consumer is
    satisfied about the product or not. Responding
    to consumer complaints help to reduce the number
    of dissatisfied consumers. E.g. Toyota contacts
    the new car owners and congratulates them. In
    addition, places advertising with the favorable
    words of the new car owners. I love what you do
    for me Toyota

The Reinforcement Paradigm
  • Focuses on the way behavior is modified by the
    environment, therefore managers try to change the
    consumers situation.
  • Past behavior teaches consumers and after
    learning they shape their future puchases.
  • There are a number of ways to learn about
    products and brands including trial and error,
    brand extention, use of stimuli (packaging,
    colors, etc.).

The Habit Paradigm
  • Focuses on established patterns of behavior.
  • Mobilised in response to relevant stimuli.

  • Consumer behavior for tourism and hospitality

Consumers and Markets for Tourism and Hospitality
  • A market is defined as all those willing and able
    to purchase tourism and hospitality services.
  • A market includes both current and potential
  • Organizations need to know how their services are
    positioned in the mind of both current and
    potential customers.

  • Markets and customer-base of organizations change
    in time due to changes in socio-economic
    circumstances, attitudes (e.g. organic products)
  • Consumers atttudes toward companys products and
    offers may also change.
  • Marketing communications is basically directed
    towards developing sales.
  • The messages must be created and delivered having
    target audiences in mind.

Generic Versus Variant Service Markets
  • Before preparing their marketing communications,
    marketers need to distinguish between generic
    needs of markets for tourism and hospitality
    services and the range of offers (variants)
    within that generic category.
  • For instance, while a package holiday is a
    generic service category, there are subcategories
    or services product classes under it winter sun,
    summer sun, lakes and mountains, activity as
    safari holidays (which may even have a range of
    different types like day safaris, 1-3 nights
    short-break safaris, luxury safaris, budget

Marketing Analysis
  • In order to understand more about their customers
    and develop the right marketing plans and
    communications strategies, managers should break
    down a market into more discrete market groups or
  • Therefore, they do a great deal of analysis on
    customers and markets.
  • This type of market analysis is sometimes called
    market analysis-competitor analysis.

  • Such analysis look at the following factors
  • Total number of people in a population who ay be
    purchase the products/services
  • Total number of customers actually buying these
    types of products/services
  • Size of sales of the companys products/services
    relative to competitors
  • Relationship between the companys
    products/services relative to competitors
  • Ability of people to buy companys offer over
    other types of products/services.

  • In developing marketing communications, first
    markets are analysed.
  • Market analysis
  • Identification of stakeholders
  • Customer analysis
  • Segmentation and targeting
  • Marketing communications mix
  • Customer relationship management
  • Service quality and satisfaction

What the Organization Needs to Know about
Consumers Behavior
  • Marketing communications must consider that
    consumers are open to influence from external
    environmental factors which influence consumer
    behavior and how they process marketing messages.
  • In order to develop attractive messages,
    organizations need to answer the following
    questions about their customers

  • Who what type of person, their socio-demographic
    characteristics and situational influences.
  • When do people buy and when they receive and/or
    receptive to messages.
  • Why their motives for buying and also how they
    react to the messages through perception.
  • What their preferences, attitudes and beliefs
    about the services they buy and their purchase
    behavior also their reactions to marketing
    messages, the frequency of purchase and use.
  • Where the place they buy the products or receive
    the messages from.
  • Which methods they use to purchase the

Consumer Characteristics Who?
  • In order to better target their marketing
    communications, when analying markets, it is
    important for organizations to collect
    information on the following
  • Demographics
  • Socio-economic characteristics employment
    status, social class, lifestyle, etc.
  • Feelings, beliefs and values
  • Decision-making units children
  • Buying center roles initiator, influencer,
    gatekeeper, decider, puchaser, user.

Decision and Purchase Characteristics When?
  • Organizations should understand when customers
    buy their porducts/services by checking their
    sales data, when they search for information,
    when they make their decision to buy and what
    infleunce those decisions, so that they can
    determine the timing of their marketing

Consumer Motivations Why?
  • If organizations understand why customers choose
    their products/services over competitors, then
    they can direct their marketing communications to
    stimulate new demand (extend the market) or
  • Motivation physical, social, personal, cultural
    motivations for tourism and hospitality
  • Perceptions
  • Identity

Buying Behavior Patterns What?
  • This question is about the types of things people
    buy, e.g. Short breakes vs. long holidays etc.
  • Attitudes marketing communications managers are
    interested in understanding how attitudes to
    places and services can be influenced.

Distribution and Access Where?
  • This relates to how consumers access marketing
    messages, e.g. Online booking, etc.
  • Orgenizations need to know where consumers access
    marketing communications and under which
    circumstances they react favourably in relation
    to the content of the message.

Purchase Characteristics Which Methods?
  • Organizations also need to know how consumers
    purchase their products/services e.g. cash or by
    credit card, etc. how they book, whether they
    get help or not, whether they pay in advance or

  • McCabe, S. (2009). Marketing Communications in
    Tourism and Hospitality Concepts, Strategies and
    Cases. Butterworth-Heinemann Oxford.
  • Kotler, P. Bowen, J. and Makens, J. (2010).
    Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism (5th. ed.).
    Prentice Hall New Jersey.
  • Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. (2010) Principles of
    Marketing (13th ed.). Prentice Hall New Jersey.
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