Title: lagottotrainer (1)
1Italian truffle Dog For Sale
- Looking for italian truffle dog for sale? We have
a absolutely gorgeous italian truffle dog for
sale at the affordable price. You can also find
videos of all of our dogs and puppies on
Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.
2Puppies are crate trained and can maintain relief
needs for 6-7 hours if the schedule is
followed. Puppies arrive with an audible cue
awareness (we happen to use a clicker) and
understand the following commands at a
kindergarten level. Meaning under low
distractions and for low durations and must be
rewarded with every command.
- Lagotto Trainer is the top dog training center
that gives tips on how to train a dog. We provide
perfect pet dog training by expert dog trainers.
Our dog obedience training classes will surely
bring change in the behavior of your dog. Log on
to our website for more details. - Lagotto Romagnolo is a quick hunting dog that
makes them agile, meaning by more playtime with
the dog. They are a great company and tend to
make your life happy and make you responsible as
well. What are you waiting for? If you are
looking for a small adult dog for sale, visit our
4About us-
- Our kennel is located in southwest Missouri on a
64 acre farm with many ponds and lots of
beautiful woods to wander through. - We are also equipped with a state-of-the-art,
7,500 square foot training facility, a 40x60
clubhouse, and a classroom. - Our dogs are an active part of our daily life
and all of the dogs have access to the house
unless we are gone at a show. - Beside the breeding dogs we also own several
rescued dogs, horses, cats, sheep, goats, pigs,
chickens, and other critters.
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