Marokko - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Description: ... marriage before the legal age of discernment is dependent upon the consent of the guardian. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Marokko

  • 1957 perhelaki ja
  • 2004 mudawwana

  • http//
  • Family law reform in Morocco
  • http//
  • EU Moroccan womens rights
  • http//

  • Guide to Equality in the Family in the Maghreb.
    Womens Learning Partnership, Translation Series
    2005 (2003)
  • http//

Lain voimaansaattaminen
  • 1957 laki ja 1993 lisäykset tulivat voimaan
    kuninkaan asetuksella ilman parlamentin
  • 2004 laki kuninkaan asettaman komitean luonnos
    parlamentin käsittelyyn, hyväksyttiin parlamentin

Avioliiton solmiminen
  • 1957 5.1
  • It is a condition for the validity of the
    marriage that it be attended by two witnesses of
    good character who hear at a single session the
    offer and acceptance by the husband or his
    representative and by the guardian who is
    authorised by the wife and with her consent.
  • 2004 13
  • The conditions required to contract marriage are
  • The legal capacity of both spouses to marry
  • No intention or agreement to cancel the dower
  • A marital tutor, if required
  • The hearing and notarised statement by two public
    notaries of the offer and acceptance pronounced
    by the two spouses

  • 1957
  • 8 legal capacity for marriage for a boy is
    attained on completion of 18 years ()
  • For a girl legal capacity is attained on
    completion of 15 years of age.
  • Vertailu täysi-ikäisyys 20, äänioikeus 18,
    rikosoikeudellinen vastuu 16
  • 2004
  • 19 men and women acquire the capacity to marry
    when they are of sound mind and have completed 18
    full Gregorian years of age

Avioliittoikä, tilastoja
  • Keskimääräinen avioliiton solmimisikä 26.6
    vuotta (1999)
  • 15-19 vuotiaiden määrä solmituista liitoista
  • 8 (1999)
  • (Marokon tilastokeskus)

Alaikäisen avioliitto
  • 1957 9 marriage before the legal age of
    discernment is dependent upon the consent of the
    guardian. If he refuses to give his consent and
    the parties persist in their wish to marry the
    matter shall be brought before the judge.
  • 2004 21 the marriage of a minor is contingent
    on the consent of his/her legal tutor

Huoltaja - wilaya
  • 1957 11 the marriage guardian in order of
    priority is the son, followed by the father or
    his agent, followed by the brother and then the
    brothers son, and then the paternal grandfather,
    then male relatives in order () these shall be
    followed by a legal guardian, then by the judge,
    then the guardianship of any Muslim on condition
    that he be male, or sound mind and of legal age.
  • 2004 ei säädöksiä

1957 12 wilaya, jatk.
  • 1.Guardianship is the right of the woman and the
    guardian shall not contract her marriage unless
    she authorises him to do so, except in the case
    of ijbar (compulsion) specified
  • 2. A woman shall not make the contract herself
    but shall authorise her guardian to contract her

1957 12 wilaya, jatk.
  • 4. It shall not be permitted for a guardian, even
    if he is the father, to compel his daughter who
    is of age, even if she is a virgin, to marry,
    except with her permission and consent, unless it
    is feared that the woman will fall into
    immorality in which case the judge has the right
    to compel her to marry in order that she be under
    the marital authority of a husband of equal
    status who will take care of her.

Dower, mahr morsiusraha
  • 1957 17.2 There is no lower or upper limit to
    the dower
  • 2004 28 anything that constitutes a source of
    legal commitment can serve as a dower, and the
    dower should be modest.

Polygamia, monivaimoisuus 1957
  • (Impediments to marriage) 30.1 if it is
    feared that wives will not be treated equitably,
    polygamy shall not be permitted (vrt. Koraani
    41, 4128)
  • 31 a woman has the right to stipulate in the
    marriage contract that her husband should not
    take any co-wives, and that if the husband does
    not comply with that to which he has bound
    himself the wife shall have the right to demand
    that the marriage be terminated.

Polygamia, 2004 laki
  • Chapter II Of the temporary impediments
  • 39.2 marriage to more than the legally
    authorised number of wives.
  • 40 polygamy is forbidden when there is risk of
    inequality between the wives. It is also
    forbidden when the wife stipulates in marriage
    contract that her husband will not take another
  • 41 the court will not authorise polygamy
  • If an exceptional and objective justification is
    not proven

Polygamia 2004, jatk.
  • If the man does not have sufficient resources to
    support the two families and guarantee all
    maintenance rights, accommodation and equality in
    all aspects of life.
  • 44 the court may authorise polygamy in a
    well-founded decision not open to appeal once it
    establishes the existence of an objective and
    exceptional justification and puts into place
    conditions benefiting the first wife and her

Aviopuolisoiden oikeudet ja velvollisuudet
  • 1957 34 yhteiset
  • 35 naisen oikeudet
  • 36 miehen oikeudet
  • 2004 51 yhteiset, ei erillisiä
    velvollisuuksia/ oikeuksia miehellä ja naisella

1957 yhteiset oikeudet 34
  • Lawful cohabitation
  • Good companionship, mutual respect and affection
    and the preservation of the interests of the
  • Mutual inheritance between spouses
  • Paternity of children

1957 naisen oikeudet 35
  • Lawful maintenance (food, clothing, medical care
    and accommodation)
  • Equity and equality if the man is married to more
    than 1 wife
  • The right of the wife to visit her family and to
    receive them in a conventional manner
  • Complete freedom of the woman to dispose of her
    property without supervision of husband, as a
    husband has no guardianship over the property of
    his wife

1957 miehen oikeudet 36
  • The wifes preservation of herself and of her
  • The wifes obedience to the husband in the
    conventional manner
  • Suckling of her children provided she is able to
  • Supervision of the household and the organisation
    of its affairs
  • Respect towards husbands parents and his
    relatives in the conventional manner

2004 puolisoiden oikeudet
  • Lawful cohabitation on basis of good conjugal
    relations, justice, equality in case of polygamy,
    mutual fidelity, virtue, and preservation of
    family honour and the children
  • Mutual respect, affection
  • Wife assuming with husband the responsibility of
    managing and protecting household affairs and
    childrens education
  • Consultation on decisions on management of family
    affairs, children, family planning
  • Good relations to both parents, hosting within
    accepted standards
  • Right to inherit from each other

Avioero hylkäysero talaq
  • 1957 Book II, Chapter 1
  • 44 talaq is dissolution of marriage instigated
    by the husband or his representative or a person
    whom he apoints to do so, or by the wife if she
    holds this authority or by the judge
  • 2004 70 no one should resort to dissolution of
    marriage through repudiation or divorce except in
    exceptional circumstances
  • 78 repudiation is the dissolution of marriage
    excercised by husband and wife, each according to
    his/her respective conditions, under judicial
    supervision and according to provisions of this

  • 2004 79 whoever wishes to repudiate must
    petition the court for authorisation
  • 81 court sends to reconcialiation
  • 84 husband must give a consolation gift to wife
  • Wife can stay in conjugal home during iddat
  • 88 child custody payment decided

Avioero tuomioistuimen päätöksellä tatliq
  • 1957 Perusteet 53-58 molemmille puolisoille
  • Elatuksen laiminlyönti
  • Sairaus tai vamma
  • Vahingon tuottaminen
  • Miehen poissaolo
  • ila (mies vannoo ettei makaa vaimon kanssa)
  • 2004 Perusteet 94-112
  • Sovittamattomat riidat
  • Nainen voi hakea
  • 1. Mies rikkoo aviosopimuksen ehtoa
  • 2. Vahingon tuottaminen
  • 3. Elatuksen laiminlyönti
  • 4. Miehen poissaolo
  • 5. Piilevä sairaus, vamma
  • 6. ila

Naisen ottama ero korvausta vastaan khul
  • 1957 61-65
  • Vain täysi-ikäisen naisen oikeus
  • Ei säädä korvaus-summan ylärajaa
  • Lapsille kuuluva omaisuus ei kuulu
  • Ei säädöksiä varattoman naisen turvaksi
  • 2004 115-120
  • Sallittu ala-ikäiselle, korvaus ulkopuoliselta
  • Suojelee naista pakotetulta khullta
  • Kohtuullisuus
  • Varattoman naisen lasten elatus mieheltä
  • Korvaussumman riita oikeuden soviteltavaksi ja
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