Title: April 10, 2006
1 Texas Higher Education Law Conference
April 10, 2006 1215-130 p.m. Gateway Center
2Higher Education in Transition
4Two Books
- Newman, Frank, Lara Couturier and Jamie Scurry,
The Future of Higher EducationRhetoric, Reality
and the Risks of the Market, Jossey-Bass, 2004. - Zemsky, Robert, Gregory R. Wegner and William F.
Massy, Remaking the American UniversityMarket-Sm
art and Mission-Centered, Rutgers University
Press, 2005.
- World Trends
- US Trends
- Higher Educations Compact with America
- US Report Card
- Texas Trends
6World Trends
- Massification
- Knowledge Economy
- Globalization
- Competition
7World Trends
- Half the world population is under 20
- 1.7m people are being educated outside their home
countries 3.4m by 2015 - US captures 28 of the market
- DOWN from 40
8World Trends
- The nature of Higher Education
- Just in Case vs. Just in Time
- Search Engines
- Collaboration (listserve, blogs, wikis, virtual
conferences) - Sequential age-based or seat-time learning is
being eliminated or significantly reduced
9US Trends
- Changing Role of Higher Education
- Federal Funding
- State Funding
- Public vs. Private Good
- Rise of Markets
10US Trends
- Higher Public Education Compact with America
11US Report Card
- Shanaghais Jiao Tong University ranks the
worlds universities - 17 of the top 20 are American
- 35 of the top 50 are American
12US Report Card
- American Universities
- Employ 70 of the Nobel prize-winners
- Produce 30 of the worlds science and
engineering articles - Produce 44 of the most frequently cited articles
13US Report Card
- A person from the top quartile of family income
is 9 times more likely to earn a bachelors
degree by age 24 than is a person from the bottom
quartile of family income.
14US Report Card
- Since 1977, the change in bachelors degree
attainment rate by age 24 is - Up 30 percent for a person from the top quartile
of family income - Up .03 percent for a person from the bottom
quartile family income
15US Report Card
- Undergraduate completion rates by age 29
- White, Non Hispanic 54.6
- Black, Non Hispanic 33.8
- Hispanic 25.8
16US Report Card
- Adults 25-35
- US ranks 9th in high school degrees
- US ranks 7th in college degrees
17US Report Card
- The rate of tuition increases is about 3 times
the increase in the underlying rate of inflation
18Texas Higher EducationCoordinating Board
- Closing the Gaps
- Access
- Success
- Excellence
- Research
19Texas Higher EducationCoordinating Board
- Classification of Institutions
- Research 2
- Emerging Research 7
- Doctoral 6
- Comprehensive 8
- Masters 12
20Texas Higher Education
- Governor and Coordinating Boards Accountability
System - Access
- Success
- Excellence
- Research
- Institutional Effectiveness and Efficiencies
21Texas Higher Education
- Governor and Coordinating Boards Accountability
System - 23 Key Accountability measures
- 10 have targets
- 30 Contextual/Explanatory Measures
22Key Measures Participation
- 1. Enrollment
- Number and percentage of all students enrolled on
12th class day - Undergraduate Masters, Doctoral, Professional
Student - Disaggregated by Gender, Ethnicity, Age and Level
- Total Enrollment Increase
- Black Enrollment Increase
- Hispanic Enrollment Increase
23Key Measures Participation, cont.
- 2. FTE Enrollment
- Number and percentage of students enrolled
- Undergraduate Graduate and Professional
- Disaggregated by Gender, Ethnicity and Age
- Total FTE Enrollment Increase
- Black FTE Enrollment Increase
- Hispanic FTE Enrollment Increase
24Key Measures Success
- 3. Graduation Rates
- Four, five and six-year graduation rate of
first-time, full-time degree seeking
undergraduates by ethnicity -
- Four-Year
- Five-Year
- Six-Year
25Key Measures Success, cont.
- 4. Graduates
- Number of graduates by level and race/ethnicity
and gender -
- Total Degrees
- Blacks
- Hispanics
26Key Measures Excellence
- 5. Percent lower division SCH taught by
- tenure/tenure-track faculty
- 6. FTE student/FTE faculty ratio
27Key Measures Research
- 7. FTE Faculty
- Ratio of federal research expenditures to all FTE
tenured/tenure-track faculty -
- 8. Research Expenditures
28Key Measures Institutional Efficiencies and
- 9. Administrative Costs
- Amount expended for administrative costs as a
percent of operating budget -
29Key Measures Institutional Efficiencies and
Effectiveness, cont.
- 10. Facilities
- Space utilization rate of classrooms and labs
- Classroom utilization
- Lab utilization
30Texas Higher Education
- Governor and Coordinating Boards Accountability
System - Web Based System
- www.thecb.state.tx.us/Accountability
- Available to public consumer
- Reports to Regents and Legislature
31Texas Higher Education
- Texas Legislature Tuition
- Deregulation
- Block Tuition
- Incentive Pricing e.g., time of day
- Differential Pricing by Major
32Implications forTexas Higher Education
- Students as Customers-in the Higher Education
Market Place - Convenience
- Cost
- Services
- Learning and Social Environment
- Learning Styles
- Relationships Mentors and Friends
- Job Placement
- Co-Op/Internships
33 Texas Higher Education Law Conference
April 10, 2006 1215-130 p.m. Gateway Center