Title: Hgg with different generators
1H?gg with different generators
- Y.Fang, B.Mellado, Sau Lan Wu
- (University of Wisconsin)
- Comparison of variables for gg Fusion, and vbf
H?gg. - cut efficiency for H1jet.
- cut efficiency for H2jets
3Samples for MH130GeV
- gg Fusion H?gg
- Alpgen 2.06(interfaced with herwig) H0-4jets
- MCFM H2jets (parton level generator with Matrix
Element (ME) calculation for this process) - VBF H?gg
- Alpgen 2.0.6 H2,3jets.
- Herwig
- Pythia 6.2
4Cross section
Alpgen PTJgt20GeV, ?Rlt0.7
- MC_at_NLO has some NLO calculation, so it is
reasonable its cross section has one factor
larger. - For alpgen, the cross sections are affected by
Generator cut (e.g. pt Gen cut for the jet). - For the H2jets comparison study, we apply some
pre-selection cuts to make samples generated by
different generators have similar phase space.
5gg Fusion H?gg
The difference of PTgg distribution needs to be
6gg Fusion H?gg
- Similar difference can be seen for leading jet
distribution. - For sub-leading jet, Alpgen has harder jet due to
its ME calculation.
7gg Fusion H?gg
- The third and fourth jets from Alpgen J0-J1 are
basically from parton shower - which is consistent with MC_at_NLO.
- Alpgen J0-J4 has jets from ME, which makes its
3rd and 4th jets harder.
8gg Fusion H?gg
- MCFM generates parton level gg ?H2jets with ME
calculation which - is statistically comparable with Alpgen
J0-J4. - For MC_at_NLO, Alpgen J0-J1, deviation has been
9VBF H?gg
Preselection cuts PTg1,Tg2gt20GeV,PTJ1,J2gt20GeV
10VBF H?gg
As expected, the distribution for leading and
subleading jets are consistent.
11VBF H?gg
Alpgens third jet has matrix element matched
parton shower, it is hardest. Herwigs pt
distribution of third jet is somehow close to
12VBF ??1j2j
- For PYTHIA and Herwig, the peak
- at low ?? is partly due to one
- of leading/sub-leading jet from FSR
- radiation( angularly close to
- hardest quark jet it radiates from).
- For Alpgen, hard radiated jets
- from ME can go to leading
- or sub-leading jets, these hard jets
- dont have co-linear behavior.
?? distribution in the range ??lt1.5
13Cut efficiency with H1jet analysis for VBF and
ggFusion samples
- Pg1gt45GeV, Pg2gt25GeV
- photon efficiency (fixed rejection scenario
in this talk). - b. PTjgt20GeV.
- Mggjgt331GeV.
- Mass win 127.34ltMHlt132.66GeV
14Cuts description for H2jets
Pre-selection cut PT?1gt20 GeV, PT?2gt20 GeV,
?glt2.5 Njetgt1,
15Cut efficiency for H2jet analysis
The final cross-sections Pythia 0.647fb, alpgen
0.661fb, Herwig 0.640fb
- For Alpgen H3j, the 3rd jet from ME is more
likely - to be chosen as tagged jet than the other
- samples. This jet has different
pseudorapidity - activity from traditional tagging jets.
- This explains why alpgen H3j(inclu) has low
- efficiency at cut b.
- At cut e, Alpgen H2j(exclu) and Pythia,Herwig
run - out of third jet Ptgt20GeV, so they have high
- efficiency (see backup slide).
16Cut efficiency for H2jet analysis for gg Fusion
- Alpgen H0,1jet alpgen can not pass cut b (lack
2nd hard tagging jet). - MC_at_NLO with more high ??j1j2(see plot on page 8)
helps explain higher efficiency for cut b. - For cut e, MC_at_NLO has a relative higher survival
possibility due to the fact - it doesnt have many third jets in center
(also see Junichis talk). - Same reason explains why Alpgen H2j(exclu) has
high efficiency for cut e.
- variables from gg Fusion and VBF H?gg are
compared. - For H1jet analysis, results from different
samples are consistent. - For H2jets analysis
- Different VBF generators provides comparable
results. - For gg Fusion, discrepancy between MC_at_NLO and can
be seen. - The difference has been studied a little bit.
- Uncertainty study for Alpgen samples need to be
done. - Plan to use SHERPA.
18 backup slides
19Variables for vbf H?gg after cut c