Title: The Higher Learning Commission HLC
1The Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
- We are part of the North Central Agency, based
upon our geographic region.
2Purpose for Accreditation
- 1. Quality assurance
- 2. Institutional and program improvement
3Why do we have to do this?
- Accreditation provides an incentive for self
study and self improvement. - Accreditation provides public certification that
the college meets acceptable institutional
quality. - Our courses will transfer to other accredited
institutions. - Responsiveness to communities of learners
- Prepare graduates for citizenship, careers,
transfer education, and lifelong learning
4The Accreditation Process
- In the words of the HCL, the accreditation
process should be, a learning experience that
supports an organization's ability to sustain
excellence, foster assessment and improvement,
and demonstrate integrity and accountability.
5Method of Review for Accreditation
- Significant institutional self study
- Substantive written report given to the HLC team
- Peer review visit
- Judgments about accreditation are made by the
trained peer reviews - Institutions have the right to respond during the
6What is assessed in the self study?
- The entire institution in the case of FRCC
- Formal educational activities
- Governance and administration
- Financial stability
- Student Services
- Admission and student personnel services
- Resources
- Student academic achievement
- Organizational effectiveness
- Community relationships.
7We want to showcase what we do well.
- and honestly evaluate areas of concern
8FRCC Mission Statement
- At Front Range Community College, we enrich lives
through learning.
- Mission Statement
- Serving the common good by assuring and
advancing the quality of higher learning.
10HLC Staff Liaison, Bob Appleson
- Assists in aligning the self study process with
ongoing planning and evaluation programs - Reviews the self study design
- Participates in programs to support self study
- Proposes evaluation team for self study
- Reviews the
draft of self study
11Steps to Re-Accreditation
- 1. Self study project for about two years report
is produced that describes highlights and
concerns - 2. Comprehensive review by peer team who will
visit the college for three days and make
recommendations - 3. Documents are reviewed by a Readers Panel or
Review Committee - 4. Institutional Actions Council take action on
the recommendation - 5. The Board of Trustees validates the
12Attributes of a Successful Self Study
- 1) adapts to the organization
- 2) develops goals that shape the process
- 3) provides effective evaluation of the entire
organization - 4) engages constituencies
- 5) builds on what is already occurring
13Attributes of a Successful Self Study
- 6) support from the president and board
- 7) maintains consistent communication
- 8) produces the evidence that the criteria for
accreditation are met - 9) produces a document that meets the
Commissions needs
14Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis
- Judgment, reason, and documentation of evidence
are critical to effective peer review as part of
the qualitative analysis. - Graphs, charts, and numeric evidence aspart of
the quantitative analysis
15Examples of Evidence
- The HLC provides examples of the types of
evidence that are relevant in demonstrating that
the criterion are being met. - Absence of one specific type of evidence is not
going to end it all because each institution is
16Four Interconnected Themes tie the Criterion
- Future Oriented Strategic planning and mission
statement committed to the future opportunities
and challenges - Learning Focused Assessment of student learning
- Connected Constituencies partner and communicate
- Distinctive Unique to FRCC
17The Five Criterion
- Five criterion will be addressed in the self
study report. - Each criterion has three elements Criterion
Statement, Core Components, and Examples of
18Criterion One
- Mission and Integrity
- The college operates with integrity to ensure the
fulfillment of its mission through processes and
structures that involve the board,
administration, faculty, staff, and students.
19Core Components Criterion One
- 1A The organization's mission documents clearly
articulate the organization's commitments - 1B In its mission documents the organization
recognizes the diversity of its constituents
20Core Components Criterion One
- 1C Constituents understand and support the
mission statement - 1D Administration supports collaborative
processes that enable the organization to fulfill
its mission - 1E The organization upholds and protects its
21Criterion Two
- Preparing for the Future
- The colleges allocation of resources and its
processes for strategic planning demonstrates its
capacity to fulfill its mission, improve the
quality of education, and respond to future
challenges and opportunities.
22Core Components Criterion Two
- 2A The organization realistically prepares for a
future shaped by multiple societal and economic
trends. - 2B The organizations resource base supports
23Core Components Criterion Two
- 2C The organizations evaluation and assessment
processes provide reliable evidence of
institutional effectiveness that clearly informs
strategies for continuous improvement. - 2D All levels of planning align with the
organization's mission statement.
24Criterion Three
- Student Learning and Effective Teaching
- The college provides evidence of student learning
and teaching effectiveness that demonstrates it
is fulfilling its educational mission.
25Core Components Criterion Three
- 3A Student learning outcomes are clearly stated
for each education program and make effective
assessment possible. - 3B Values and support effective teaching.
26Core Components Criterion Three
- 3C Creates effective learning environments.
- 3D Resources support student learning and
effective teaching.
27Criterion Four
- Acquisition, Discovery, and Application of
Knowledge - The college promotes lifelong learning for its
faculty, administration, staff, and students by
fostering inquiry, creativity, practice, and
social responsibility in ways consistent with its
28Core Components Criterion Four
- 4A The organization demonstrates, through the
actions of it board, administrators, students,
faculty, and staff, that it values a life of
learning. - 4B The organization demonstrates that acquisition
of a breadth of knowledge and skills and the
exercise of intellectual inquiry are integral to
its educational programs.
29Core Components Criterion Four
- 4C The organization assesses the usefulness of
its curricula to student who will live and work
in a global, diverse, and technological society. - 4D The organization provides support to ensure
that faculty, students, and staff acquire,
discover and apply knowledge responsibly.
30Criterion Five
- Engagement and Service
- As called for by its mission, the college
identifies its constituencies in the community
and serves their needs and expectations in a
mutually valuable way.
31Core Components Criterion Five
- 5A The organization learns from the
constituencies it serves and analyzes its
capacity to serve their needs and expectations. - 5B The organization has the capacity and the
commitment to engage with its identified
constituencies and communities.
32Core Components Criterion Five
- 5C The organization demonstrate it responsiveness
to those constituencies that depend on it for
service. - 5D Internal and external constituencies value the
services the organization provides.
33In Which Criterion are Student Services
Important?All of the Criterion
34Student Services Participation
- Criterion One Mission and Integrity
- Criterion Two Prepare for the Future
- Criterion Three Teaching and Learning
- Criterion Four Acquiring and Creating
Knowledge - Criterion Five Engagement and Service
35How Can You Help?
- Please cooperate with the sub-committee team
members to help them complete their tasks
expeditiously. - Please volunteer to participate in areas that are
interesting to you. - When you are asked to provide data via a survey,
focus group, or a departmental discussion please
participate and prioritize returning the results. - Contact the steering committee members with any
36Time Commitment
- It will take commitment from everyone to complete
the self study within two years. - Everyone in the college will be asked to
contribute to the process by participating on
committees, gathering data, and/or filing reports.
37Self Study Process in PEAQ Accreditation
- Three major processes
- Institutional self study (a two year process)
- Peer evaluation (a three day process)
- FRCC uses the self study and the feedback from
peer reviewers for continuous improvement, thus
closing the loop
38Steering Committee Members
- Phyllis Abt (consultant) LC
- Geri Anderson College Wide
- James Butzek LC
- Mike Daugherty LC
- Rob Ingle BCC
- Rene Couture WC
- Gerald Rogers WC
39Steering Committee Members
- Barbara Bollman BCC
- John Sullivan WC
- Pat Meade WC
- Joanna Vance BCC
- Therese Clemens LC
- Shyrel Hosseini College Wide
- Rita Kratky LC
40Steering Committee
- Sandie Love BCC
- Joanne Maypole (Coordinator) College Wide
41Source of Information
- The Higher Learning Commission Handbook of
42Thank you!