Title: NM Case for Change
1Career Tech Dual Credit NMPED Data
Conference Brian.salter_at_state.nm.us 505.827.6535
2Career Tech Secondary Performance Measures
- 1S1
- Academic Attainment Reading/Language Arts
- 1S2
- Academic Attainment Mathematics
- 2S1
- Technical Skill Attainment
- 3S1
- Secondary School Completion
- 4S1
- Technical Skill Attainment
- 5S1
- Secondary Placement
- 6S1
- Nontraditional Participation
- 6S2
- Nontraditional Completion
3Career Tech Post-Secondary Performance Measures
- 1P1
- Technical Skill Attainment
- 2P1
- Credential, Certificate, or Degree
- 3P1
- Student Retention or Transfer
- 4P1
- Student Placement
- 5P1
- Nontraditional Participation
- 5P2
- Nontraditional Completion
4How Should Secondary Schools Report Career Tech
- STARS Code Set For Career Tech Courses
- This spreadsheet can be found at
- www.careertechforum.com
- www.nmcareertech.com
- There are currently 279 Career Technical
Identified Course Codes - This Sheet Identifies
- Course Subject Area
- Suggested Grade Levels
- Course Descriptions
- Non-Traditional Courses
- 4 Digit Course Codes
5How Should Secondary Schools Report Career Tech
- STARS Templates containing Career Tech Data
- Course Template
- Record Course Code using STARS Code set for
Career Tech - Student Template
- Field 45 Special Program Code Y for a Tech Prep
Student - 11th and 12th grade students only
- Student Grade Template
- A District can send in all grade if pulling for
CT only is a problem - EOY only
6How Should Secondary Schools Report Career Tech
- Identify Your Schools Career Tech Courses
- Find The Course Code From The STARS Code Set That
Best Fits Your Career Tech Course - Additional Information Needed
- Career Tech Program Of Study
- Programs of study are a coherent, articulated
sequence of rigorous academic and
career/technical courses, commencing in the ninth
grade and leading to an associate degree,
baccalaureate degree and beyond, an industry
recognized certificate, and/or licensure. - Currently STARS does not collect this articulated
sequence. The Career Tech offices will be working
closely with the PED IT STARS team in the next
couple of years to enable this collection within
the STARS system.
7How Should Secondary Schools Report Career Tech
- As a result of this lack of data collection
within STARS the Career Tech administration has
developed an online tool to track the articulated
sequence. - Tool Goals
- Identify articulated sequence for NM Schools
Programs Of Study. - Connect Grant Managers with STARS Coordinators
- Provide PED with Programs and the articulated
sequence for these programs - Foundation of an online Perkins Application
8Program Of Study Online Tools Details
- You can find links to the current and upcoming
years online template at - www.careertechforum.com
- www.nmcareertech.com
- A Power Point Presentation providing detailed
instructions can be found at the above links - What Information you will need to enter your
Program Of Study - Program Of Study Names
- New Mexico and Federal Career Cluster
- Tech Prep Or Program Of Study or Both
- The post-secondary affiliated school
- Courses information offered within the Program Of
9(No Transcript)
10(No Transcript)
11(No Transcript)
12(No Transcript)
13Career Tech Questions
14Dual Credit
- What are the differences in coding a dual credit
vs. non-dual credit course? - There are two main differences to coding a dual
credit course. - In the course template use the primary instructor
code of 9 7s (777777777) - This will be use in most cases since we estimate
that the majority of dual credit courses will be
taught by a post-secondary staff member. - In the student course enrollment template you
will indicate a D (Dual) in the field special
program code.
15Dual Credit
- What location should I use to indicate a dual
credit course? - We have had districts tell us that in their local
student information system it is easier to create
a new location and track their dual credit
students from this new location. - We are asking that at this time you keep the
student in their current location for all courses
to include any dual credit. - PED is in discussions to add location code for
each district to incorporate any dual credit
relationships with postsecondary schools. We are
in the process of determining and budgetary issue
if any that might arise due to a change in
location for one or many dual credit students.
16Dual Credit
- What is the difference between concurrent and
dual credit enrollment? - Dual credit is a subset of concurrent enrollment.
- If a student is taking a class outside of their
primary location and they are not receiving any
credit for this class within their primary
location. This is concurrent enrollment. - This type of course will be coded the same as the
dual credit with one exception. - In the student course enrollment template you
will indicate a C (Concurrent) in the field
special program code.
17Additional Dual Credit Information
- Dual Credit Web Site (HED)
18Dual Credit Questions
19Career Tech Dual Credit NMPED Data
Conference Brian.salter_at_state.nm.us 505.827.6535