How Marketable is your Dental Practice?

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How Marketable is your Dental Practice?


In today's world marketing your dental practice is very important. People should know what new treatments have been introduced so that they can undergo the treatment without any anxiousness. To know more about this, have a look at the PPT provided. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: How Marketable is your Dental Practice?

How Marketable is your Dental Practice?
  • What YOU think is great does not match the
    perception of the dental consumer!
  • In our two-part blog posting series, we are
    going to discuss what makes your practice
    attractive to the consumer. In the first part of
    our blog series, we are going to discuss the
    difference between the dentists perception and
    the dental consumers perception of dentistry. We
    also dive into the damaging consequences of using
    low prices to entice new patients to join your

  • The second part of our series will cover the
    top marketable attributes you can use to promote
    to the dental consumers in your area. We will
    also provide you with insights and
    recommendations on how to improve your
    marketability in the future.

  • Whats so great about YOU? Understanding the
    marketability of your practice

  • As we stated in one of our dental marketing
    guides, effective marketing starts with a better
    understanding of the dental consumers mindset.
    If you can relate to the needs of ordinary people
    and communicate with them at their level of
    understanding, your marketing efforts will have
    more impact and produce better results than those
    of your competitors.

  • The next critical step in developing a good
    marketing strategy is to gain a better
    understanding of your own practice.

  • Now, this statement may ruffle a few feathers.
    If youre like most of the dentists we work with,
    you believe that if theres one thing you know
    inside out and upside down, its your dental
    practice. You built it from the ground up. You
    carefully selected every piece of equipment,
    stick of furniture and retractable pen within
    those four walls. You spend most of your waking
    hours in it. What could you possibly not know?

  • Its a very reasonable question, and one that
    well answer in a moment. The answer will help
    you see your practice in a totally different
    light. Throughout this series, youll learn how
    to identify elements of your practice that are
    truly marketable, and that the general public
    will find desirable, impressive and compelling
    enough to make them to pick up the phone and make
    an appointment.

  • These elements are not going to be any of the
    things that might come to your mind right now.
  • Lets start by examining the difference between
    reality and perceptionand the ways in which they
    can play havoc with the way you market your

  • Reality and perception Why you and your
  • patients live on different planets
  • Dental consumersthe people youre trying to
    reach with your marketing efforts have an
    existing, known reality related to dentistry.
    Their reality is based solely on the sum total of
    their prior experiences at the dentists office
    (if they have ever had any). Thats it.

  • Perception is a whole other ballgame.
    Perception has NOTHING to do with reality. Humans
    create perceptions about something from indirect
    influences, such as information they receive from
    friends and family, items they see in the paper,
    on the web or on TV, and the pervasive effect of

  • For instance, have you ever owned a pair of
    Nike sneakers? If you have, your experience of
    Nike sneakers is based on reality. If you
    havent, you have no real experience and have to
    fall back on perception to make your evaluations.
    Whether that perception is positive or negative,
    it has no relation to reality. Of course, that
    perception can be just as powerful as the
    realitywhich is why marketing powerhouses like
    Nike spend more than a billion dollars each year
    to alter peoples perceptions!

  • How about Geico insurance? If you dont have a
    Geico policy, you probably still have perceptions
    about the company and the brand. If we ask you
    what you think about Geico insurance as a
    product, youd have an opinion. If we asked you
    what you thought about the cavemen or the talking
    Gecko, youd have an answer. If we asked whether
    you liked or disliked Geico, you would have
    something to say. Yet everything you think and
    feel about Geicohowever strong those assumptions
    and opinions might beare perceptions without any
    basis in reality.

  • If we shared your perceptions about Nike with a
    footwear designer, or your opinions about Geico
    with an insurance professional, they would
    probably feel as though we were speaking
    different languages. Their insider knowledge of
    the reality of these subjects means that they see
    them in a totally different way.

  • Thats exactly the phenomenon you face when
    marketing your dental practice to the ordinary
    consumer. Your reality as a dentist is NOT the
    perception of the dental consumer. The dental
    consumers perceptions are so far removed from
    your reality that you really are almost living on
    different planets.
  • So how do we get everyone back on the same page?

  • Recognize existing perceptions and use them to
    your advantage
  • By recognizing the ways in which ordinary people
    perceive the field of dentistry, you can figure
    out what really impresses and appeals to them,
    and then market the heck out of it.

  • Fortunately, the average dental consumer is
    easily impressed. The previous chapter revealed
    how little most people know about dentistry. Most
    have never even heard of things like periodontal
    laser treatments, one-visit crowns, one-visit
    whitening or dentist-administered migraine
    treatments. The dental consumer knows hardly
    ANYTHING about todays dentistry. Their
    perceptions of your practice are so limited, its
    easy to wow them. Things that are a routine part
    of your business are revolutionary to your
    potential customers. You live with dentistry
    every day, and the excitement wears off. For
    consumers, its all new.

  • Almost everything about todays dentistry can be
    made to be at best exciting, and at the least
    informative and useful information! The key is to
    go down to the consumers perceptual level when
    you start to build your list of marketable

  • Why digital x-rays are a major newsflash
  • Lets take a look at a specific example of ways
    to exploit the difference between consumer
    perception and reality.

  • Lets say there are 25 dentists in and around
    your general market area. YOU know that all of
    the dentists in the area employ digital x-rays in
    their practices. To YOU, the consumer benefit of
    digital x-rays is hardly even worth mentioning to
    the general public. Everybody offers them, so
    they dont offer a compelling reason for anyone
    to choose your office for their dental needs.
  • Wrong.

  • If none of the other 25 dentists in the area
    promote their use of digital x-rays, the
    perception of the dental consumer will be that
    your offering is unique. As far as they know,
    yours is the only office in the area offering
    this remarkable technology, and if your marketing
    materials sell the benefits of digital x-rays in
    language the consumer understands, they will pass
    over your 25 competitorsall of who offer the
    exact same serviceand book an appointment with

  • Lets look at another example. Lets say you
    started using CAD/CAM technology in your practice
    a few years ago. To you, its old news. Sure,
    its a useful part of your practice. Sure, its
    pretty fun to play around with. But none of your
    patients are going to care about how fun it is
    for you to tinker with your CAD/CAM machine.
  • Wrong again.

  • How do you think the general public would respond
    to some of these benefits?
  • Same Day Restorations No Temporary Teeth!
  • No need to bite down on a tray of nasty blue
  • Instant adjustments for the perfect fit!
  • Years worth of dental work done in just one visit!

  • Maybe you recognized some of these consumer
    benefits maybe you didnt. Almost every
    business owner is too close to their own area of
    expertise to effectively promote their own
    business. Thats why advertising/marketing firms
    exist. But by understanding the gulf that exists
    between public perception and the reality of your
    dental practice, you are more than halfway
    towards being able to beat some of those
    professional marketers at their own game.

  • Step outside of your own knowledge base. Take a
    fresh look at the many services you offer, and
    the advantages to the consumer that those
    services provide.
  • The dental consumers limited perception is a
    pretty powerful marketing agent if you know how
    to make it work for you. Once you understand the
    publics perception of dentistry, you can use it
    as the baseline for your list of marketable
    attributes attributes that youll showcase in
    all of your marketing materials.

  • The Value Gap Why leading with low prices is
    a big mistake
  • As you have seen, the difference between
    perception and reality can be used to your
    advantage. But there is one area where the
    difference is not in your favor. This is the
    value gapa term that doesnt mean a whole lot to
    people who dont have a business degree. But its
    an important concept to understand when its your
    business to promote the value of your product or
    service to the public.

  • So, what is the value gap? The official
    definition is the positive or negative
    difference between the perceived value of
    something and the true value of something.

  • In dentistry, the value gap means the public
    still believes dentistry is the same as it was 50
    years ago. This is great news when it comes to
    dazzling them with new technology that youve
    been using for 15 years, but its bad news when
    it comes to convincing them that your services
    dont cost the same as they did 50 years ago. The
    dental consumer believes your fees are too high
    because they do not understand the value of
    what you provide. And prestoyouve got a value

  • Now, the value gap is not real after treatment.
    Patients do pay you the fees you charge AFTER you
    treat them, and they see the value of the service
    you provide. The value gap only exists before
    they become your patients. This is an important

  • The most important thing to understand is that
    lowering your prices will NEVER close the value
    gap. In fact, taking this approach will only
    widen the gap further and have you chasing after
    scarcer and scarcer dollars.

  • Please consider the following two statements
  • Promoting your practice primarily through
    financial incentives makes the existing value gap
    larger. If you make the value gap larger, there
    is downward pressure on pricing (your fees) and
    your fees will be harder to collect. (In other
    words, low prices deflate the value of the
    service you provide.)

  • Promoting your practice primarily through the
    benefits of todays dentistry makes the existing
    value gap smaller. If you make the value gap
    smaller, there is upward pressure on pricing
    (your fees), and your fees will be easier to
    collect. (In other words, charging full price for
    your services reinforces the perception of their

  • Make these two principles your new marketing
    mantra. Repeat them every time youre tempted to
    distribute a tacky postcard offering a 59
    exam-and-x-ray special or participate in one of
    those discount coupon books that usually end up
    in the recycling bin anyway.

  • Attempting to attract people to your practice
    that are interested in great healthcare (rather
    than a deal) will ultimately provide you with
    the practice you desire. Yes, we understand that
    good prices and good service are not mutually
    exclusive, but dentistry as a whole relies WAY
    too much on attracting new patients primarily
    through financial incentives. When you do a good
    job of promoting the value of your services, you
    dont need to compete on price. Ever.

  • In part one of our blog series on dental
    practice marketability, we discussed what makes
    your practice attractive to the consumer. Many
    dentists have a much different perception about
    this compared to what the consumer thinks. Well
    show you how to use the consumers perceptions to
    your advantage in your marketing materials. We
    have also seen how the lag between the perception
    and reality of dental technology offers an
    opportunity to promote old technology as an
    exciting and unique consumer benefit.

  • We hope we have also shown you the damaging
    effect a different kind of consumer
    perceptionthe value gapcan have on your
    business. If you retain only ONE marketing
    concept from this blog series, we sincerely hope
    its the idea that marketing yourself on price
    alone only devalues the service you offer.

  • Stay tuned for part two of our blog series,
    where we cover the top marketable attributes to
    use when marketing. We will also cover
    recommendations and insights on how to improve
    your marketability in the future.
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