Title: Check Out Boiling & Chilled Water- www.boiling-billy.com
1Check Out Boiling Chilled Water
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3Boiling Billy water filtration removes 99.9 of
all parasites and bacteria. Our instant chilled
and filtered water units eliminate the need to
refrigerate bottled water. Our instant boiling
water units save money and the need
to constantly boil a kettle and both operate at a
fraction of the cost.
4 Want to quench your thirst? Feel like having
Boiling chilled water? Opt and buy our
dispensers from http//www.boiling-billy.com/.
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6Address 1/33 Cedar Parade, Moolap Geelong
Victoria 3224 Australia Phone 61 (0)3 5248
7072 Fax 61 (0)3 5248 7272 Email
sales_at_boiling-billy.com Website