Title: Sugar Maple
1Sugar Maple
Leaves Five main lobes. Margin (edge) of leaf
is entire (not serrated). Bark dark gray. As
the tree matures, the bark becomes deeply
fissured (looks shaggy). Height 60 to 80 ft.
2White Pine
Leaves needles 3 to 5 in. long and in groups of
fives Cones slender, thornless, 3 to 10 in.
long Bark young stems thin, smooth and dark
green mature tree's bark is deeply
furrowed. Height 80 to 100 ft.
3Flowering Dogwood
Leaves oval to egg shaped with five or six pairs
of veins Branching opposite Bark dark
(red-brown), deeply checkered in an alligator
hide-like pattern Height small bushy tree
(taller in southern states 30 to 40 ft.)
4Black Gum
Leaf Alternate, simple, pinnately veined,
obovate in shape with an entire margin, 3 to 5
inches long. Rarely toothed. Flower Not showy,
green-white in color, appearing with the leaves,
hanging in clusters. Fruit A dark,
purplish-blue drupe, 1/2 inch long, with a fleshy
coating surrounding a ribbed pit. Twig
Slender, red-brown to gray in color, with a
diaphragmed pith. One to 2 inch curved spur
shoots are often present. Buds are multicolored,
including purple and green. Bark Gray, quite
often blocky--resembling alligator hide on very
old stems. Otherwise scaly or ridged and
ashy-gray (nearly nondescript).
5Eastern Hemlock
Leaf Evergreen, 1/2 inch long, dark green in
color, with 2 lines of white stomata below. Tips
are blunt. Needles are two-ranked. Flower
Monoecious males yellow, small, round females
light green at branch tips. Fruit Ovoid, 3/4
inch long with rounded, entire scales. Maturing
September to October. Twig Fine, gray-brown
in color. Bark On young trees, gray-brown,
smooth, turning scaly. Older trees are red-brown
with wide ridges and furrows.
6Black Oak
7Chestnut Oak
Characteristics Trees attain a height of 60-70
feet, though taller trees are sometimes
encountered. The trunks of mature trees are 3-4
feet in diameter the leaves have either rounded
or sharp teeth and are 4 to 9 inches long. The
leaves are dull orange in autumn.
8Pin Oak
Leaf Alternate, simple, 3 to 6 inches long, oval
in outline with 5 to 9 bristle-tipped lobes and
irregularly deep sinuses that extend nearly to
the midrib. Flower Staminate flowers borne on
catkins. Pistillate flowers borne on spikes.
Appearing with the leaves. Fruit Acorns are
1/2 inch long, striated, round (but flattened at
the cap), thin and saucer-like cap, covered with
red-brown appressed scales. Matures after 2
years, dispersed September to December. Bark
Gray-brown and very tight and thin. Remains
smooth for many years, eventually develops thin
ridges and furrows.
9Box Elder
10Black Locust
Leaves pinnately compound margin entire Bark
mature trees reddish brown to nearly black,
deeply furrowed. Bark is poisonous cattle die
from browsing on bark and children become ill
from chewing on twigs or bark. Height 70 to 80
111. ________________
Flowering Dogwood
122. ________________
White Pine
133. ________________
Eastern Hemlock
144. ________________
Sugar Maple
155. ________________
Black Gum
166. ________________
Chestnut Oak
177. ________________
Black Locust
188. ________________
Box Elder
199. ________________
Black Oak
2010. _______________
Pin Oak
21American Beech
Leaves grow up to five inches long. they are
ovate (shaped like an oval) with a pointed tip.
Flowers clustered together in a one inch yellow
ball. The fruits are about 3/4 inch long and
prickly. The bark of this tree is light gray and
smooth. It stays smooth when it gets older.
22Red Maple
Leaves Three (sometimes five) main lobes
Notches between lobes are shallow
Bark Younger trees are smooth and light gray.
Older trees have long, narrow, scaly plates with
shallow fissures. Height medium sized tree 50
to 70 ft.
23Green Ash
24Tree of heaven (Ailanthus)
25Black Walnut
Leaf Alternate, pinnately compound with 10 to 24
leaflets, Flower Male flowers are
single-stemmed catkins, 2 1/2 to 5 1/2 inches
long. Female flowers on short spikes near twig
end, Fruit Round with a thick, green
indehiscent husk. Bark Light brown on surface,
dark brown when cut
26White Ash
27Red Oak
Leaves Have seven to 11 toothed lobes that are
separated by sinuses extending about halfway to
the midrib. Bark reddish brown when young
mature tree is dark, furrowed and often laced
with broad shiny strips Height 70 to 90 ft.
Leaf Alternate, simple, palmately veined, 4 to 8
inches wide, ovate in shape, with three to five
lobes. Flower Not showy. Fruit A spherical
multiple of achene's borne on a 3 to 6 inch
stalk. Each seed is tiny, winged, and 1/2 inch
long. Twig Obviously zigzag, quite stout and
orange-brown in color. Bark Thin, mottled
brown, green and white.
29Shagbark Hickory
Leaf Alternate, pinnately compound with 5
(sometimes 7) leaflets 8 to 14 inches long.
Flower Male flowers are catkins, hanging in
3's, 2 to 3 inches long. Females are short, in
clusters at the end of branches. Fruit Nearly
round, 1 1/2 inches, with a very thick husk.
30Black Birch
311. _______________
White Ash
322. _______________
Shagbark Hickory
333. _______________
Red Maple
344. _______________
355. _______________
Tree of heaven
366. _______________
Black Birch
377. _______________
Green Ash
388. _______________
Red Oak
399. ______________
American Beech
4010. ______________
Black Walnut
41White Oak
Leaves Have seven to nine lobes Turn
orange-red, crimson, and red-purple, then fade to
brown in the fall and may remain on the tree into
winter Bark light ashy gray, mature trees -
shallow and flaky Height 80 to 100 ft.
42Scarlet Oak
Leaf Alternate, simple, 3 to 7 inches
long. Flower Staminate flowers borne on catkins.
Fruit Acorns are 1/2 to 1 inch long, with a
scaled cap covering 1/2 of the nut. Bark On
young trees, gray-brown, with smooth streaks.
Later developing irregular ridges and furrows.
43Virginia Pine
44Silver Maple
Leaf Opposite, with 5 deeply palmate lobes, lobe
margins serrate, 2 1/2 to 5 inches long light
green above, pale, silvery white below. Flower
Greenish or reddish flowers appear in
clusters Fruit Largest of any native maple,
divergent wings 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 inches long Bark
Similar to red maple, light gray when young, when
older breaks up into long thin strips, loose at
ends. Form Trunk usually short. Long slender
branches sweep downward and then curve gracefully
Leaves Three patterns Three "fingers" A
"thumb and mitten" outline Smooth, egg-shaped
Bark mature tree reddish-brown and furrowed
when scratched, smells like root beer Height
10 to 50 ft.
46Tulip Tree (yellow popular)
Leaf Alternate, simple, palmately veined,
orbicular, 4-lobed with an entire margin, 4 to 8
inches long. Somewhat shaped like a tulip.
Flower Showy, but high in the tree, 2 1/2
inches long. Fruit An oblong aggregate of
samaras, deciduous at maturity. Each samara is
1-winged, 1 1/2 inches long, and 4-angled. Bark
Light gray-green in color, often with white in
grooves or in patches.
47Black Cherry
Leaves long, narrow, finely serrated turn
bright yellow (a few turn red) in the
fall Branching alternate Bark looks like
burnt potato chips glued to the tree trunk
Height 60 to 80 ft. (100 ft.)
48Red Bud
49Staghorn Sumac
501. _______________
Red Bud
512. _______________
Scarlet Oak
523. _______________
Staghorn Sumac
534. _______________
White Oak
545. _______________
Tulip Tree
556. _______________
Virginia Pine
567. _______________
578. _______________
Black Cherry
589. _______________
Silver Maple