Title: The Mission of iBuddyClub
1The Mission of iBuddyClub
- Buddyclub.com, "Celebrating Community While
Making Fun Things More Affordable," humanizes
technology for the 21st century fundraiser. The
iBuddyClub App is a traveling mobile coupon book,
which provides you with hundreds of re-usable
coupons in the palm of your hand.These
reoccurring deals and discounts can be used on a
daily,weekly and monthly basis at our more than
71,000 merchants in 10,000 cities nation
wide...AND we add new merchants every month, so
your merchant lists keep growing.
2Celebrating Community and Making Fun Things More
The iBuddy Club Mobile Application is the FIRST
Mobile Coupon App designed to raise funds and
awareness. With proceeds going directly to the
fundraiser campaign, and with the helpourBusiness
Merchant partners in each community, the
supporters/donor will save hundreds and often
thousands of dollars yearly in the process of
3Fundraising and Community Rewards
We promise to put the "FUN" and "RAISING", back
in Fundraising!The iBuddyClub is an original, one
of a kind fundraising tool that has an eternal
and residual impact on the community and its
"Chain of Use Participants".Quickly and
efficiently increases your fundraising
significantly.iBuddyClub gives "OFF THE TOP"
proceeds as well as passive residual income to
the fundraiser upon customers anniversary
renewal.Once code is placed in online form your
customized page appears with bonus box at check
out. Would you like to donate an additional 1,
5, or 10.Having the iBuddyClub connects the
community to what is happening with your
4Business Merchant Rewards
By partnering with the iBuddyClub, your business
will have immediate access to thousands of loyal
and local customers. Your business will establish
itself in the community as a "socially aware
company" and take advantage of the huge marketing
efforts of the iBuddyClub while working in
conjunction withlocalheroes,schools,athleticprogra
ms,communityorganizations,fundraisers, churches
and charities.
- Phone 803-514-6579
- Email info_at_earthsmartmedia.com