IT Architecture
2Training Resources Financial Resources Human
Resources Space Resources Team Resources Leadershi
p Resources Change Capacity
3To be successful, training must focus on three
sets of actors..
Training Resources
- IT Professionals
- End-Users
- Managers
4Training Techniques
- Internal Training Programs
- Self-Training Short Courses
- On-the-Job Training
- Mentoring
- Access to Commercially Available Courses
- .All techniques require time and budget to
attend sessions, seminars and conferences
5Training is available when it is offered.to all
affected parties and is comprehensive
Training is acceptable when it is.. tailored
to a specific audience Training is accessible
when it is. convenient in time and
space Training is of high quality when it
produces. consistent results
6As Much As 40 of the Variance in System Use Can
be Explained by the Quality of the Training
7Financial ResourcesTwo Typical Financial
Constraints for Public Agencies
- How to Finance Initial Start-Up Costs and
- How to Provide for On-Going Maintenance Fees
8Human Capacity Resources
- Shortage of IT Professionals
- Over-Reliance on a Small Pool of Talent
- High Turnover Rate
9How Do We Deal With These Human Capacity Issues
- Expect Turnover
- Provide Incentives for Retaining IT Personnel
- Develop Contingency Plans
10Space Resources
- Where Do We Locate IT Initiatives?
11Why Are Teams Important?
Team Resources
- System Success Depends on Teams Comprised of
System Engineers, End Users, Project Managers,
Executive/General Managers and Ultimate
Stakeholders - Each Member Brings Their Own Area of Expertise to
the System Development Effort - The Level of Team Coordination Has Significant
Impact on the Extent to which the Project Will Be
12High Performing Teams
- Keep it small- will drastically reduce
communication overhead and difficulty - Keep it high powered - strong people will
overcome the difficulties you may encounter..weak
ones, unassisted, will not - Think about the future - include junior people
and mentor them - Look for challenges- try to find a significant
challenge for each person on the project, one
that will stretch them beyond their current
abilities, but one they can master
13- Keep the user on board - make sure there is
strong and senior user involvement in the team - Look at personalities as well as skills - how
will the team fit together, where are the points
of friction - Have very clear responsibilities - goal and
authority conflicts among ambitious, highly
charged individuals can be a major source of
friction - Build in incentives
14Leadership Problems
Leadership Resources
- Public Leaders Often Ignore Technology Related
Issues - Public Leaders Think Technology Issues Are Not
Very Important - Public Leaders Think Technology Issues Require
Technical Expertise Rather than Leadership - Public Leaders Think Technology Issues Are Too
Risky for Personal Involvement
15Executive Sponsorship
- Expect and demand an executive sponsor
- Align IT plans with mission and organizational
plans - Identify CSF
- Involve all stakeholders
- Have steering members involved in key decisions
and problem solving activities - Provide executives with project sponsor
information not project management information - Cultivate effective communication, cooperation,
and trust
Change Capacities
- Single Most Important Driving Force In This Rapid
Change Era Is Technological Innovation
- Absenteeism
- Immobilization
- Anger/Indifference/Denial
- Excuses/Complaints
- Turnover
- Reduced Work Performance
18ConditionsFavoring IT Change
- It is the right idea
- It is the right time
- It is the right reason
- It has authenticity
- Reality in harmony with change
- Right leadership
- People are prepared
- Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
19Conditions Affecting Success Of Implementation
of IT Change
- Ability of employees to conceptualize change
- Employees readiness for change and capacity for
change - Individual differences in learning styles
- Environmental uncertainty and complexity
- Change itself-how big a bite can you take???
20Why The Management of IT ChangesFails Workers
- Failure to prepare workers
- Failure to prepare mgt
- Failure to provide direction
- Failure to follow-up
- Failure to provide consistent support
- Failure to reward team efforts
21Sustaining IT Changes
- Building a foundation
- Redesigning work processes
- Following fundamental change practices
- Institutionalize changes
- Motivate through change
22 Fundamental Practices Favoring Successful Change
- Decide to Change
- Direct Change
- Support Change
23Decide to Change. . .. . .Start Managing Your
Information and Information Technology Differently
- Recognize and communicate the urgency to change
information management practices - Get line management involved and create ownership
- Take action and maintain momentum
24Direct Change. . . . . .Establish an
Outcome-oriented, Integrated Information
Management Process
- Performance measures define the management
information you need to make decisions and to
determine what is success and failure - Focus on process improvement
- Manage information systems projects as investments
25Support Change. . .. . .Build Organization-wide
Information Management Capabilities to Address
Mission Needs
- Your overall success depends on meeting user
requirements with cost-effective, quality
solutions - Upgrade skills and knowledge of line and
information management professionals