Title: Apartment Buildings For Sale Chicago
1Apartment Buildings For Sale Chicago
2America's Source of Affordable Homes...
HomeVestors franchisees specialize in homes
perfect for first time home buyers. Many of our
homes are older homes that have been updated to
today's standards. Talk to your local
HomeVestors representative today to find out more
about getting into your first home.
3About Company
HomeVestors of America is the 1 buyer of houses
in the U.S. based on volume. Since
HomeVestors was founded and began franchising in
1996, we have bought more than 45,000 houses.
This means are also one of the biggest sellers of
homes, also. If you are a First Time home buyer,
or an investor looking for the perfect investment
property, HomeVestors should be your first
choice. We specialize in that affordable housing
in neighborhoods close to major businesses areas.
Franchisees rehab houses, and they sell and lease
homes, improving neighborhoods in the process and
providing opportunities for first-time home
buyers, real estate investors and renters.
4We specialize in "affordable" housing. Because
many of our homes are older homes that have been
updated to today's standards, our homes are
perfect for first time home buyers and those
looking move out of apartment living into their
own home. Investors also find we are a great
source of properties. We buy a lot of
properties. If you do not see the property you
are looking for, contact us and let us know what
kind of property fits your plans. We will contact
you as soon as we find the perfect home!
5106 W Germania PL Suite 211 Chicago, IL 60610
Telephone 773-372-2055
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