Title: Mind Blowing Public Relations Campaigns
1Mind Blowing Public Relations Campaigns
- Colin MilnerInternational Council on Active
2Who am Icolinmilner_at_icaa.cc
3What is a mind blow PR campaign
4I have got millions of dollars of free PRESS for
our company in the last 5 years.
5Parade MagazineUSA TodayWall Street
JournalChicago TribuneLA TimeNew York
TimesSeattle TimesUS New and World
ReportHealth MagazineInternationalCBC,
Canadian Press, UK, Asia, Germany, Mexico
6My Goal for Today, in the 30 minutes, is
- How to become known
- How to control the dialogue
- What tools to use
- How to use 1-3 to create a mind blowing campaign
- Ask what if?
7What this session is not?
- It is not a catch all lecture that will
- give you all the tools you need to
- become the ultimate PR professional
- in 30 minutes
8- Close your Eyes
- What do you see?
- Hands over your Ears
- What do you hear?
- Hands over your Mouth
- What do you have to talk about?
9- Without being in front of your potential clients
others will control the dialogue - Bottom line
- PR is a tool to help you control how the public
views you. It is also more than a PRESS RELEASE
10- Have them stand and clap and say amazing,
fantastic. - I controlled the dialogue
11- To create Mind Blowing PR campaigns you need to
control as much of the dialogue as you can - HOW?
12Step 1
- You or your company need to
- become known.
- You need to be the go-to-
- group or person for the media.
- The authority in your
- community or area of interest.
- HOW?
13- How do you become know? ASK
- Write articles
- Present at conferences, in communities, any
- where you can to build a reputation
- Become an information source and respond to
research - Get involved in boards and local initiatives,
becoming spokesperson for these group - Write a book
- Create relationships with media
- Do new research in your market, use local
14- What are the elements TO CONTROL
- Mission statement is everything
- Objective
- Competitive advantage
- Target audience
- Tools need
- Developing your niche in the marketplace
- The identity you wish to have
- Focus on results and not actions
15The messageThe most common mistakes in public
relations not creating a plan from the start, or
a message that is compelling.David Olmos LA
16Achieve Your Objectives Through Research
- Product or service
- What makes it different and desirable?
- Find ways to improve and add value to it.
- To achieve this
- Establish what benefits are offered by
- your product and what sets you apart
- from the competition?
17Achieve Your Objectives Through Research
- Market
- Look at what is happening in the
- Industry, research, or your community to
- establish opportunities and address
- challenges
18Achieve Your Objectives Through Research
- How to market to them
- Research your best avenues for getting your
- message into the sub-conscience of your
- potential clients.
- Internet Intelligence
- The internet now makes it easier than ever to
- gain marketing intelligence.
19Competitive Advantage
- To achieve your objectives utilize a
- message that concentrates on your
- strengths and what sets them apart
- from your competition.
- Select the most unique, desirable and
- believable one--and stress that one
- benefit, two at the most.
20A Look at Your Competitive Advantage
- It should be a positive benefit
- How people can gain from being
- Involved with you.
- Ideally it should be exclusive to your
- organization
- The more unique the better. Maybe they
- do offer it but never talk about it
- Doves Real Beauty Campaign
- Over 800 article
- 700 increase in sales in first 4 months
- Created debate about an important topic
- Awards for best campaign
- Doves Real Beauty Campaign
- Over 800 article
- 700 increase in sales in first 4 months
- Created debate about an important topic
- Awards for best campaign
23(No Transcript)
- 91 percent of the women surveyed believe the
media and advertising need to do a better job of
representing realistic images of women over 50.Â
- 79 said the wish a woman could be considered
beautiful even if she is not physically perfect.
- 97 believe society is less accepting
- of appearance considerations for
- women over 50 than their younger
- counterparts, with showcasing ones
- body the least acceptable.
27Comment from dove
- Dove seeks to create an attitudinal
- change in the anti-aging category from
- negative and fear-driven to affirmative
- and hope-driven, says Kathy OBrien,
- Dove Marketing Director. Proage is
- about looking great for your age.
28According to a study from Frank about women
traditional models of elderly, frail matriarchs
are giving way to ones of active and healthy
older women participating in life, rather than
sitting on the sidelines. "Old age is seen as
just one more opportunity for women to be
whatever kind of women they want to
be."Marketers who portray images of older
women who are active, healthy, having fun and
celebrating the relationships in their lives will
be rewarded."
29- Too many people think beauty has an
- age limit
- Dove thinks its time to change
- Positions themselves as the group
- helping to change a cultural bias
30- They are creating a debate about a
- topic few have
- Watch what we could not show you
- on TV and tell US what you think
31The video
- Too old to be in an anti-aging ad?
- But this isnt anti-age.this is pro-Age
- Where most marketers have gone with the
- negative they have gone positive
32The home page to real beauty
- Embrace the best years of your life with
- dove pro-age and new line of products for
- skin and hair created to let women in their
- best years realize the beautiful potential
- that lies within
33Discussion boards
- Can a woman be beautiful at
- any age?
- Why I am getting better all the
- time?
34Discussion boards
- I applaud Dove for this campaign.
- We are forced to watch skeletal
- women (who have had more plastic
- surgery than we could ever know) on
- television, see them in the tabloids,
- and hear about them on the news.
35Discussion boards
- The women Dove has used in the ads are
- REAL women, and Dove is showing the
- world that REAL women look like this
- and they are BEAUTIFUL. Thank you
- Dove for breaking out of the Barbie Doll
- mold!
36Tell a friend---web
- Help dove spread the word
- that beauty has no age-limit
37- Doves campaign is
- clear and concise
- Dove has taken the cultural
- point of view about "the
- changing standard of beauty"
- for women. The debate has
- become bigger than the brand,
- while still reinforcing its
- primary message
- Brand Week
- What are you using right now?
- Are they working?
- What would you do to make them more effective?
- What new tools would be applicable to you and why?
41Create a Niche
- What is your niche and why?
- Carve out a position that supports your mission
42Target Audience
- Who do you want to get your message
- and who are their readers?
43Target Audience Question?
- Who do you want?
- What age group?
- Income level?
- Where do they live?
- Availability?
- What is their functional ability?
44Target Audience
- Health writers/editors for...
- Magazines
- Newspapers
- Internet
- TV
- Radio
- Newsletters, etc
45 Examples
- The ICAA targets 500 editors and
- writers for national and local industry,
- and general public, publications that have
- an interest in the active older adult
- market.
- What tools will you use to accomplish
- your objectives?
47 Tools
- 80/20 Rule
- Web site, blog
- Mass E-mails/news
- Mail
- Editorial writers
- Renewal Notices
- Phone on Hold
- Advisory Board
- Brochure
- Free consultation
- Educational events
- Testimonials add credibility
- Use your exposure in your marketing materials.
- Picture perfect
- Advertising and Direct mail ( these are the most
common) - Brochure
- Newsletter
- Letter
- Bulletin board
- Sales office walls and presentation
- Walls of the club
- E-mail
- Public Relations, etc.
- Create a program that enables you to fuse
- together other companies with your
- message.
- Companies that will place partner on campaigns
and - promotions that are worthy of PR.
- I.EYou Can, Presidents Council, NASA,
- Physicians
- Education Campaigns
- National Diabetes
- Older adult month
- Osteoporosis week
- Breast cancer
- Etc
51Other Campaigns
- Milestones
- Awards
- Success stories
- Human interest stories
- New products or trends
- Events, workshops, etc.
- Changing the way we age
- Active Aging Week
- Expert article
- Partnership support
53What Media to Use?
- Magazines
- Readers associate the same credibility of
- the magazine with the coverage offered.
- Radio
- Offers one-on-one intimate connection.
- Newspaper
- Circulation numbers, newsworthy appeal.
54Media to Use
- Television
- Lets you show your message in use with all the
- benefits.
- Signs
- Impulse response, reminds them to get involved if
in - buying mood.
- Flyers
- Economical and instant results
55Media to Use
- Internet
- The internet offers you the opportunity to get
- people involved in what you have and creates an
- interactive community.
56Online Marketing
- Ensure that your press releases drives people to
the web for more about your campaign. - Create reciprocal links with like minded
organizations around the campaign.
57Create a Niche
- Once you have identified your niche, your PR MUST
reflect that distinctive positioning. - Its stated in your PR plan and is apparent in
ALL your marketing. - How will you support your niche?
58Other Examples
- Seniors Fitness Centersdeals with aging issues
and campaigns - Women's Onlydeals with womens issues
59Implementation of your Plan
- Control the Dialogue
- (Positioning)
60Controlling The Dialogue
- Objective
- Competitive Advantage
- Target Audience
- Marketing Tools
- Niche in the Market
61Controlling the Dialogue
- What is controlling the dialogue?
- The absolute control of how you and
- your company are perceived in the
- market and consumers mind.
62Controlling the Dialogue
- To truly dominate a market you MUST
- control the dialogue around your
- product.
63Why control the dialogue?
- You become associated with a specific area
- of expertise thus dominating a position within
- the consumers mind.
- If you dont, your competitor will, and you are
- much better off to control how people see
- and perceive you.
- I.E. Wall Mart, Vancouver Olympics, Mad Cow
64When to control the dialogue?
- When you have an action plan in
- place that will allow you to dominate.
65Where do you controlthe dialogue?
- Your members, the press, the community,
- the staff, the competition your peers, etc.
66How do you Control the Dialogue?
- Open your war chest and dominate.
67What You Need to Do
- Have a plan that is oriented to the present
- and the future.
- Make a commitment to your plan and live it.
- Realize that public relations is an investment in
- your future, not a necessary evil.
68Your Role
- Create, produce and activate the public relations
campaign, taking action to ensure that the right
message gets to the right people. - The publics role is to respond. To achieve this,
you must invite them to take action.
69- Go ahead, blow
- your mind
- Thank you