- MN3309 Session 17
- Prof. Mark Nissen
- Process Redesign Review
- Pathologies Best Practices
- S/W Acquisition Process Pathologies
- Best DoD Acquisition Practices
- Summary
3Aircraft System Design Model
Configuration Measurement
Wing Area
Performance - Speed - Altitude - Maneuverability
4Reengineering Success?
See, a perfect fit
Worked great for our other clients
5Second Wave of BPR Baseline Transformation
- Make legacy processes explicit
- Principal steps (from Davenport)
- Model current process flow
- Measure baseline process
- Diagnose process pathologies
- Match appropriate transformations
- Generate redesign alternatives
- Prototype test redesigns
- Presently KW done manually
6Redesigning Reengineering
ID select process
Diagnose (taxonomy)
Match (taxonomy)
Inner loop like medical exam outer loop like
product design?
7Redesigning Reengineering
ID select process
8Configuration Dimensions Graph-Based Measures
- Space (statics) length, breadth,
depth - Structure (AI, system dynamics)
feedback, parallelism, size - Dependency
(AI, coordination)
decomposability, producer-consumer, shared -
Organization (STS) job
specialization, centralization, job scope -
Technology (IS) IT-Support,
-Communication, -Automation
9Taxonomy of Process Pathologies
- 10 classes of common pathologies
- Problematic process structure (linear flows)
- Bureaucratic organization (job specialization)
- Fragmented process flows (process friction)
- IT infrastructure (manual, paper-based)
- Checking approach to quality (many reviews)
- Centralized authority (long decision chains)
- Under-utilized human potential (training v ed)
- Inhibitive leadership (directive supervision)
- Centralized information (central DB arch)
- Deficient core competencies (IT expertise)
- Like medical examination
10Taxonomy of Redesign Transformations
- 7 classes of common transformations
- Workflow reconfiguration (de-linearization)
- Information technology (shared DB system)
- Organizational design (case manager)
- Human resource (team-based compensation)
- Information availability (informate agents)
- Inter-org alliance (supplier-run inventory)
- Management culture (ESOP)
- Source of innovation opportunities?
11Measurement Example
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Step 4 Step 5 H
H R AgentA R AgentB R AgentC
R AgentD R AgentE O Org1 O
Org2 O Org3 O Org4 O
Org5 S none S SysA S SysB
S SysC S SysD C phone C
paper C paper C paper C
paper A nil A nil A
nil A nil A nil
Measurements Size 5, Length 5, Feedback
1, Handoffs 4, IT-support 4, IT-Communication
0, IT-Automation 0
12BPR Example
- Credit Financing process
- Big ticket electronic equipment
- Key part of order fulfillment
- Customer, sales, credit, delivery VCs
- Independent, bureaucratic credit org
- 6-14 days cycle time for credit package
- No capability for internal tracking
- Losing customers tired of waiting
13Credit Financing Process
14Credit Financing - Level 1
Measurements Size 6, Length 6, Feedback
1, Handoffs 5, IT-support 4, IT-Communication
0, IT-Automation 0
15Acquisition Redesign Example
- Procurement processes (3)
- JA (small, simple)
- RFP (medium, average)
- LCP (large, complex)
- Major military sites (aviation)
- Approximately 220 contracts personnel
- Approximately .75B/yr
- Well-managed organization (TQM etc.)
16JA Process - Level 1
Basic structure - Attributed Digraph
Customer JA doc CS
Approvals File assist
- Level (1) - Type (A) - Agent(CS) -
Cardinality(1) - Org(Procurement) - Inputs(Stub,
rqmts) - Outputs(JA_draft) - Tools(NIL) -
17JA Level-2 Approvals
Task List 11 Legal review 10 KO review 8 RACA
review 6 PACA review 3 NAVAIR review
18JA Process Measurements
indicates theoretical minimum for measure
19JA Redesign Alternatives
indicates superiority by process experts
20JA Process Specification
indicates theoretical minimum for measure
21Innovation Case Assignment
- Redesign the Process
- Represent using A-digraph
- Include org, agent, tools, other info
- Measure process
- Diagnose pathologies
- Identify transformations
- Generate at least two redesigns
- Refer to examples in KOPeR
- Also in MISQ article
22Pathologies Best Practices
- Hierarchy of learning
- Pathologies - experience problems
- Process flaws, faults, errors, inefficiencies
- Lessons learned
- College of hard knocks
- Must struggle before learning
- Virtual learning? Modeling simulation?
- Best practices - transformations
- Learn from successes failures
- Benchmark against best practices
- Reengineering --gt better than the best
23Software Acquisition Process Pathologies
- S/W acquisition examples? CSAWS?
- Taxonomy of process pathologies
- Problematic process structure (linear flows)
- Bureaucratic organization (job specialization)
- Fragmented process flows (process friction)
- IT infrastructure (manual, paper-based)
- Checking approach to quality (many reviews)
- Centralized authority (long decision chains)
- Under-utilized human potential (training v ed)
- Inhibitive leadership (directive supervision)
- Centralized information (central DB arch)
- Deficient core competencies (IT expertise)
24C-17 Process Pathologies
- How not to run S/W program!
- C-17 problems
- Behind schedule
- Over budget
- High risk
- Maintenance difficulties by design
- Process pathologies?
25Test Evaluation
- Acquisition Reform initiatives
- Shorten TE
- Reduces program cost cycle time
- GAO opposes
- TE is critical acquisition control element
- Fly before you buy
- Pathologies with TE?
26BSY-2 Lessons
- BSY-2
- 100 CSCIs
- No one understands it all
- Span developers, geography, commands
- Emotional mission statement
- Process improvement culture
- Strong configuration management
- Ada use
27IT Best Practices
- Federal execs can learn from business
- Business process reengineering
- Liberty Mutual - insurance policy
- 62 days gt 3 days
- Paper-based process, 24 handoffs, functional
orgs, isolated IT - taxonomy? - IBM Credit - credit financing
- 7 days gt 4 hours
- Linear, paper-based process, functional orgs,
isolated IT - taxonomy?
28IT Best Practices (Cont)
- Business process reengineering (cont)
- Eastman Chemical - parts ordering
- Reduced time by 80, 1M/yr savings
- Manual, paper-based, labor-intensive process -
taxonomy? - Bureau of Reclamation - grants approval
- 6 months gt 1 week
- Bureaucracy, lack of technology - taxonomy?
- Paperwork Reduction Act (95)
- Link agency plans with IT projects
- Manage IT projects as investments
29IT Best Practices (Cont)
- OMB Circular A-130 (gov policy guide)
- Requires agencies to redesign processes
- Investigate appropriate application of IT
- IT Management Reform Act (96)
- Agencies to use capital planning methods for IT
investment decisions - Measure IT performance outcomes
- Appoint agency CIOs
- Streamline procurement process
30SPMN - Breathalyzer
- DUI S/W management pathologies
- Do you have a current, credible activity network
supported by a work breakdown structure (WBS)? - Do you have a current, credible schedule and
budget? - Do you know what software you are responsible for
delivering? - Can you list the current top ten project risks?
- Do you know your schedule compression percentage?
31SPMN - Breathalyzer (Cont)
- DUI S/W management pathologies
- What is the estimated size of your software
deliverable? How was it derived? - Do you know the percentage of external interfaces
that are not under your control? - Does your staff have sufficient expertise in the
project domains? - Have you identified adequate staff to allocate to
the scheduled tasks at the right time?
32SPMN - Best Practices
- Learned from S/W process pathologies
- Formal Risk Management
- Agreement On Interfaces
- Formal Peer Reviews
- Metric-Based Scheduling and Management
- Binary Quality Gates at the Inch-Pebble Level
- Program-Wide Visibility of Project Plan
Progress vs. Plan - Defect Tracking Against Quality Targets
- Configuration Management
- People-Aware Management Accountability
- BPR become better than the best
- Process focus
- Quantum performance improvement
- 6 steps for process redesign
- Model measure (VPM)
- Diagnose pathologies match transforms
- Generate test redesign alternatives
- Must identify process pathologies first
- Taxonomy can help