Language%20acquisition - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Language acquisition LING 200 Spring 2003 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Language%20acquisition

Language acquisition
  • LING 200
  • Spring 2003

First language acquisition
(a.k.a. developmental psycholinguistics, L1)
  • How is it that by age 5 children know their
  • What they do along the way and why?

Methods for studying L1
  • Production studies
  • Spontaneous productions (diary studies)
  • Elicited productions
  • which doll should he pick up?
  • Introspection
  • Can you say What did the hippo do?

Methods for studying L1
  • Comprehension studies
  • Perception tasks
  • present, then change stimulus measure pacifier
    sucking rate, heart beat
  • Judgement tasks
  • "The hippo fell over. Is that right?"
  • Act-out tasks
  • "make the hippo jump over the rhino, then make
    bullwinkle jump over him."

Production vs. comprehension
  • Production lags behind comprehension
  • Recognition of polite forms precedes the ability
    to produce them.
  • Puppets requesting candy used direct forms like
    Give me candy.
  • Or indirect forms like I would like some
    candy. May I have some candy?
  • Indirect forms were judged more polite.

Production vs. comprehension
  • Recognition of sounds precedes the ability to
    produce them.
  • One of us...spoke to a child who called his
    inflated plastic fish a fis. In imitation of the
    childs pronunciation, the observer said This
    is your fis? No, said the child, my fis.
    He continued to reject the adults imitation
    until he was told, That is your fish. Yes, he
    said, my fis.

L1 milestones
  • Babbling 4-20 months
  • One-word 12-18 months
  • Two-word apx. 24 months

  • 0-1 months crying, coughing
  • 2-3 months cooing and gooing (production of
    velar consonants)
  • 4-6 months produce greater variety of sounds,
    sounds more like language
  • 7-9 months CV syllables, often reduplicated
    e.g. tata canonical babbling

  • 12 months
  • relatively long sequences of gibberish
  • possibly with intonation
  • (12-13 months first words)
  • 18-20 months babbling ceases

Characteristics of babbling
  • Early babbling is largely independent of what
    sounds are heard
  • deaf children babble
  • hearing children of deaf parents babble
  • sounds produced may not be those heard in child's
    linguistic environment

Characteristics of canonical babbling
  • Simple syllable structure (CV)
  • Simple consonants and vowels
  • most common consonants
  • stops, /s/, /m n/, glides, /h/
  • infrequent consonants
  • other fricatives, affricates, liquids, N
  • voiceless aspirated stops common in input to
    English babies, rare in babble

Characteristics of later babbling
  • Language specific differences begin to emerge
  • Japanese babies word final ? common
  • Spanish babies produce longer words
  • French babies produce more nasals
  • ASL babies produce ASL-like movement

Later correlates of babble
  • Greater amount and complexity of babble
    correlates with
  • vocabulary size, 18-24 months
  • phonological development, 36 months
  • age of onset of meaningful speech
  • Lesser amount of babble often correlates with
  • later speech and language disorders

Functions of babble(?)
  • Establishes an auditory feedback loop
  • Provides motor practice
  • Stimulates adult-infant interactions

One-word stage
  • Emerges around 12-18 months
  • Characteristics
  • words used as sentences
  • incipient word meaning typical communicative
  • naming
  • child's action
  • childs desire for action
  • childs emotion
  • simple phonology CV syllables CVCV words

Words known by Eve at 15 months
  • Mommy
  • Daddy
  • go
  • go?
  • gimme
  • baba grandma
  • dollie
  • cup
  • what?
  • wawa water
  • nana blanket

One-word stage
  • Phonological properties of words
  • 52 children, mean 15 months
  • Syllable structure
  • 37 CVCV
  • 26 CV(V)
  • 10 CVC
  • C1 C2 (85)
  • Frequency
  • most common initial /b d m/
  • most common V__V /d b m/
  • most common final /t s k/

2-word stage
  • Emerges few months after 1-word stage
  • Characteristics
  • short (2-word) sentences
  • no inflectional affixes (e.g., genitive, 3sS -s)
  • minimal use of syntactic function words (e.g.
  • pronouns rare

Eve at 18 months
  • more grape juice
  • drink juice
  • eating
  • no celery
  • Mommy soup
  • open toybox
  • Oh! Horsie stuck
  • write a paper
  • my pencil
  • What doing, Mommy?
  • Mommy head?

Beyond 2-word stage Eve at 27 months
  • Put my pencil in there.
  • I go get a pencil n write.
  • Dont stand on my ice cubes.
  • I put them in the refrigerator to freeze.
  • An I want to take off my hat.
  • You come help us.
  • Just like Mommy has, and David has, and Sara has.
  • What is that on the table?
  • Were going to make a blue house.
  • You make a blue one for me.

Eve at 27 months
  • I have a fingernail.
  • And you have a fingernail.
  • This is not better.
  • See, this one better but this not better.
  • There some cream.
  • Put in you coffee.
  • They was in the refrigerator, cooking.
  • That why Jacky comed.
  • How bout another eggnog instead of cheese

Theories of first language acquisition
  • Imitation hypothesis children learn solely by
    imitating what they hear
  • Reinforcement hypothesis children learn by
    being positively or negatively reinforced for
    certain kinds of behavior
  • Active construction of grammar hypothesis
    children are actively constructing and refining a
    grammar of the language of their environment

Against Reinforcement hypothesis
  • Children don't get a lot of corrections
  • some lexical/content corrections
  • not a lot of grammatical corrections
  • Children don't absorb a lot of the corrections
    they do hear

Child Nobody dont like me.
Mother No. Say nobody likes me.
Child Nobody dont like me.
... ...
Mother Now listen carefully. Say nobody LIKES me.
Child Oh...Nobody dont LIKES me.
Against Imitation hypothesis
  • Children produce novel utterances (not in
    imitation of adult productions)
  • other one spoon
  • causatives
  • 'you're fedding me up'
  • Dont eat her yet. Shes smelly! (wants mother
    to change sisters diaper before feeding her)
  • These flowers are sneezing me!

  • novel verbs
  • Why you didnt jam my bread?
  • I hate you and Ill never unhate you or
  • Put me that broom. Lets get brooming.
  • Who growed it? (referring to potted plant)

Child My teacher holded the baby rabbits and we patted them.
Adult Did you say your teacher held the baby rabbits?
Child Yes.
Adult What did you say she did?
Child She holded the baby rabbits and we patted them.
Adult Did you say she held them tightly?
Child No, she holded them loosely.
Grammar construction hypothesis
  • Children make systematic, not random, errors
  • In phonology. Inventory of English consonants
    (age 2)

p b t d k g
f s h
m n
  • Inventory of English consonants, age 4

p b t d c? ?? k g
f v s z š h
m n N
w r j
  • More systematic errors in phonology

child target rule
gu here glue no C clusters
mummy gIb give syll-final Cs are stops
me lIlI little only vowels as syll peak
take m?næn? banana all Cs in word must be oral or nasal
  • Systematic errors in morphology
  • Regularization of plurals
  • gooses
  • Regularization of past tense forms of verbs
  • heared, hitted, goed, bringed, comed
  • I tooked it smaller
  • Regularization of comparative forms of
  • He hitted me. Hes a puncher he is. Hes being
    badder and badder.

Acquisition summary thus far
  • Regular stages of L1 can be identified
  • Theories of L1
  • only imitation
  • only reinforcement
  • grammar construction
  • errors are systematic
  • evidence of evolving grammar
  • phonology
  • morphology

  • Systematic semantic errors
  • Overextension (broadening, hypernymy)

childs word first referent extensions
fly housefly specks of dirt, dust, all small insects, childs own toes, crumbs, small toad
koko rooster crowing piano, phonograph, tunes played on violin, accordian, all music, merry-go-round
wau-wau dog toy dog, soft slippers, picture of old man in furs, all animals
  • Systematic semantic errors
  • Underextension (narrowing, hyponymy)

childs word first referent (no extensions)
car family Pontiac
plant fern in kitchen
dish childs dish
mow-mow family cat
  • Systematic syntactic errors acquisition of

stage productions rule
1 No a boy bed. no/not sentence edge.
2 Dont bite me yet. That no Mommy. no/not/cant/dont after subject, before V
No square is...clown. Touch the snow no. no/not sentence edge.
3 I didnt did it. I am not a doctor. no/not/cant/dont/wont/isnt after subject, before V
Innateness hypothesis
  • Humans are equipped with Universal Grammar, or
    are genetically programmed for language.
  • UG severely constrains the possible form that a
    human language may take.
  • The actual form of language is determined by
    environment/language experience.

Innateness hypothesis
  • Noam Chomsky (1988) Language and Problems of
  • ...language appears to be a true species
    property, unique to the human species in its
    essentials and a common part of our shared
    biological endowment, with little variation among
    humans apart from rather serious pathology. (p.

Do only humans have language?
  • Noam Chomsky 
  • ...the language faculty does appear to be a
    unique human possession. Other organisms have
    their own systems of communication, but these
    have properties radically different from human
    language...In the past years there have been
    numerous efforts to teach other organisms
    (forexample, chimpanzees and gorillas) some of
    the rudiments of human language, but it is now
    widely recognized that these efforts have failed,
    a fact that will hardly surprise anyone who gives
    some thought to the matter. The language faculty
    confers enormous advantages on a species that
    possesses it. It is hardly likely that some
    species has this capacity but has never thought
    to use it until instructed by humans. That is
    about as likely as the discovery that on some
    remote island there is a species of bird that is
    perfectly capable of flight but has never thought
    to fly until instructed by humans in this skill.
    Although not a logical impossibility, this would
    be a biological miracle, and there is no reason
    to suppose that it has taken place. Rather, as we
    should have expected all along, the evidence
    suggests that the most rudimentary features of
    human language are far beyond the capacity of
    otherwise intelligent apes, just as the capacity
    to fly or the homing instinct of pigeons lie
    beyond the capacity of humans.

Chimp studies
  • Summary of attempts to teach chimps English, ASL,
    manipulation of symbols
  • Chimps show some spontaneity, creativity
  • Skills comparable to 1-2 year old child
  • Don't get past 2-3 word stage
  • Limited syntax. Trouble with
  • word order
  • structure dependent operations (e.g. conjunction)

Language as a species-specific property
  • Chimps
  • are capable of learning some aspects of human
  • are not predisposed to learn human language
  • lack latent capacity for human language

Innate behaviors
innate not innate
walking skating, playing football
speaking or signing a language reading or writing a language
Characteristics of innate behaviors
innate behavior L1
Emerges before needed. Speed of learning L1 (?age 5)
Not the result of a conscious decision. Needed for L1 immersion in lgc environ.
Not triggered by (extraordinary) external events. Poverty of stimulus Children exposed to motherese, adult performance
innate behavior L1
Not affected by explicit instruction. correction has no effect
Normal stages of achievement can be identified. cross-linguistic regularities in learning uniformity of resulting grammars (UG) lg development independent of intelligence, other cognitive skills
Critical age for the acquisition of the behavior critical age L1 cases Genie, Chelsea, Maria Noname, etc.
L1 vs. L2
  • Children are able to completely master a first
    language, whereas adults rarely do

L1 L2
lack of instruction overt instruction
speed of learning slowness of learning
uniformity of resulting grammars lack of uniformity of resulting grammars
regular stages no defined stages
Creoles and L1
  • Pidgin
  • No native speakers
  • Derived from two or more languages in contact
  • Lexicon typically relatively small
  • Variable and relatively simple grammar
  • E.g. Chinook Jargon

  • Pidgin that has undergone L1 for some speech
  • Examples
  • Hawaiian Creole
  • Jamaican Creole

Claimed characteristics of creoles
  • Relatively uniform (in contrast to great
    variability of pidgins)
  • Fully expressive
  • substantial lexicons
  • grammar not simple

Hawaiian Creole marking of tense/aspect
  • past/perfect bin or wen bin get there was
  • Bin get one wahine she get three daughter.
    There was a woman who had three daughters.
  • habitual/present stay
  • John them stay cockroach the kaukau. John and
    his friends are stealing the food.

Implications of creoles for Innateness Hypothesis
  • Derek Bickerton (U. Hawaii)
  • since creoles must have been invented in
    isolation, it is likely that some general
    ability, common to all people, is responsible for
    the linguistic similarities
  • i.e., creoles owe their uniform complexity to L1

Acquisition summary
  • Characteristics of first language acquisition
    suggest that language is an innate behavior.
  • There is a Critical Period for the acquisition
    of a first language (critical age cases, L1 vs.
    L2 differences)
  • Children do not learn grammar solely by imitation
    or reinforcement they learn by working out rules
    for themselves.
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