Title: LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
1LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
2LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 All Assignments (2 Sets) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.leg500rank.com This Tutorial contains
2 Set of Papers for each Assignment LEG 500 Week
3 Assignment 1 Whistleblowing and Sarbanes-Oxley
Due (2 Papers) LEG 500 Week 5 Assignment 2
Employment-At-Will Doctrine (2 Papers) LEG 500
Week 7 Assignment 3 Ethics and Corporate
Responsibility in the Workplace and the World (2
Papers) LEG 500 Week 9 Assignment 4 Legal and
Ethical Considerations in Marketing, Product
Safety, and Intellectual Property (2 Papers)
3LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 Entire Course (2 Set) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.leg500rank.com This Tutorial contains
2 Set of Papers for each Assignment, 2 Set of
Finals, 2 Set of Midterm Exam (1 Set of each DQ)
LEG 500 Week 3 Assignment 1 Whistleblowing and
Sarbanes-Oxley Due (2 Papers) LEG 500 Week 5
Assignment 2 Employment-At-Will Doctrine (2
Papers) LEG 500 Week 7 Assignment 3 Ethics and
Corporate Responsibility in the Workplace and the
World (2 Papers) LEG 500 Week 9 Assignment 4
Legal and Ethical Considerations in Marketing,
Product Safety, and Intellectual Property (2
Papers) LEG 500 Week 1 Discussion Questions
Ethics, Corporate Governance, and Corporate
Social Responsibility LEG 500 Week 2 Discussion
Question The Duty of Loyalty and Whistleblowing
LEG 500 Week 3 Discussion Questions Privacy and
Technology in the Workplace LEG 500 Week 4
4LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 Final Exam Part 1 (2 Sets) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.leg500rank.com This Tutorial
contains 2 Set of Final Exam Part 1 LEG 500 Final
Exam Part 1 (Set 1) 1) How are Multinational
corporations perceived as a detriment to
society? 2) According to Citizens United v.
Federal Election Commission, which of the
following is not a reason to allow corporations
the right to spend money and advertise for
political candidates? 3) The best example of a
source for virtue ethics for a business is 4) All
of the following are why laws exist that do not
impose a duty to rescue, EXCEPT 5) The ethical
theory derived from Aristotle, which argues that
people develop their moral abilities through
training and repeated exposure to demonstration
of decent behavior within families and
communities are 6) False Claims Act or qui tam
suits have been successful in the health care
5LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 Final Exam Part 2 (2 Sets) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.leg500rank.com LEG 500 Final
Exam Part 2 (Set 1) 1) The power of the U.S.
Government to take property from a private
individual and use it for public purposes is 2)
Which piece of legislation was passed
first? 3)Which of the following are examples of
regulatory attempts to curb climate change in
Europe. 4)Which of the following would be
permissible public uses for to government
obtaining land through Eminent Domain. 5)Concerns
over national security and the environment led
congress to pass which items? 6) Shareholders
have the ability to promote resolutions such as
green initiatives in companies they invest in
by? 7)The creative revolution in advertising
refers to 8)In FTC v. Silueta Distributors, Inc.
and Stanley Klavir, Judge Armstrong
ruled 9)Deceptive Advertising claims take which
of the following forms? 10)According to the FTC,
deceptive advertising claims are 11) The
dependence effect is based on which proposition.
6LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 Midterm Exam (2 Sets) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.leg500rank.com This Tutorial contains
2 Set of Midterm Exam LEG 500 Midterm Exam Set 1
1) Corporate director or officer decisions to
dedicate corporate funds for social causes is
called 2) The Ethic of Care is 3) Which of the
following statements is INCORRECT regarding the
rights of shareholders? I. voting power on major
issues and ownership in a portion of the company
II. right to transfer ownership and dividend
entitlement III. hire and fire management and
select and appoint a chief executive 4) All of
the following are considered exceptions to the
general rule that there is no duty to rescue
except 5) Select the best definition of ethics
6) Which of the following statements best
illustrates the view of utilitarianism? I. From
each according to his abilities, to each
according to his needs. II. The risk reasonably
to be perceived defines the duty to be obeyed and
risks imports relation it is risk to another or
to others within the range of apprehension.
7LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 Week 1 Discussion Questions Sarbanes
www.leg500rank.com LEG 500 Week 1 Discussion
Questions Week 1 DQ Do you think current ethical
guidelines and constraints under the Sarbanes -
Oxley Act of 2002 sufficiently restored public
confidence in our financial institutions?
Regulators, public companies, audit firms, and
investors generally agree that the Sarbanes-Oxley
Act of 2002 has had a positive and significant
impact on investor protection and confidence.
However, for smaller public companies the cost of
submission has been unreasonably higher than for
large public companies, particularly with respect
to the internal control reporting provisions in
section and related audit fees.Does the SOX
adequately protect the public from another
financial disaster?
8LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
www.leg500rank.com LEG 500 Week 1 Discussion
Questions Ethics, Corporate Governance, and
Corporate Social Responsibility LEG 500 Week 2
Discussion Question The Duty of Loyalty and
Whistleblowing LEG 500 Week 3 Discussion
Questions Privacy and Technology in the Workplace
LEG 500 Week 4 Discussion Questions Diversity in
the Workplace and Work-Life Balance LEG 500 Week
5 Discussion Questions Health and Safety in the
Workplace LEG 500 Week 6 Discussion Questions
Environmental Responsibility LEG 500 Week 7
Discussion Questions Marketing, Technology, and
the Law LEG 500 Week 8 Discussion Questions
Product Liability and Torts LEG 500 Week 9
Discussion Questions Intellectual Property and
Global Intellectual Property Rights LEG 500 Week
10 Discussion Questions Sarbanes-Oxley Act LEG
500 Week 11 Discussion Questions Course Wrap-Up"
9LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 Week 2 Discussion Question The Duty of
Loyalty and Whistleblowing FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
www.leg500rank.com LEG 500 Week 2 Discussion
Question Week 2 DQ "The Duty of Loyalty and
Whistleblowing" Please respond to the following
Analyze the duty of loyalty in whistleblower
cases to determine to whom loyalty is owed and
who shows the greater duty of loyalty. Support
your analysis with specific examples. Then,
suggest at least one (1) change to an existing
law. Reexamine the Citizens United decision in
Chapter 1, and determine which of the following
groups has the greatest free speech rights
corporations, public employees, or private
employees. Provide a rationale for your
10LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 Week 3 Assignment 1 Whistleblowing and
Sarbanes-Oxley Due (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.leg500rank.com This Tutorial contains
2 Papers LEG 500 Week 3 Assignment 1 Assignment
1 Whistleblowing and Sarbanes-Oxley Due Week 3
and worth 100 points Use the Internet or Library
to research instances of whistleblowing in
publicly traded companies within the last 12
months. Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in
which you Describe the key characteristics of a
whistleblower, and briefly summarize one (1)
researched instance of whistleblowing in one (1)
publicly traded company within the last 12
months. Include the details of the issue that the
whistleblower reported and the effect of the
whistleblowers actions on both the whistleblower
himself and the company. Decide whether or not
the whistleblower was justified in reporting the
companys actions. Provide a rationale for your
response. Examine the extent to which the
whistleblower would be protected under the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Justify your response.
11LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 Week 3 Discussion Questions Privacy and
Technology in the Workplace FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.leg500rank.com LEG 500 Week 3
Discussion Questions Week 3 DQ "Privacy and
Technology in the Workplace" Please respond to
the following Employers often want to find out
if their workers are productive and loyal.
Determine at least one (1) limit that you would
place upon a private employers rights to monitor
the productivity and communications of employees
at work. Support your response. Speculate whether
employers should have more or fewer rights to
monitor employee use of company equipment, such
as laptops, tablets, and cell phones issued for
out-of-office, potentially after-hours work.
Suggest at least three (3) methods for an
employer to monitor its employees use of company
equipments. Provide a rationale for your response.
12LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 Week 4 Discussion Questions Diversity in
the Workplace and Work-Life Balance FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.leg500rank.com LEG 500 Week 4
Discussion Questions Week 4 DQ "Diversity in the
Workplace and Work-Life Balance" Please respond
to the following Determine which class protected
by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 had
the greatest impact on the workforce of the 20th
century. Next, determine which class might have
the greatest impact on the workforce of the 21st
century. Support your positions. From the
e-Activity, select the single most significant
European work / life balance practice that U.S.
companies could most easily implement. Provide a
specific scenario or example to support your
13LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 Week 5 Assignment 2 Employment-At-Will
Doctrine (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
www.leg500rank.com This Tutorial contains 2
Papers LEG 500 Week 5 Assignment 2 Assignment
2 Employment-At-Will Doctrine Due Week 5 and
worth 150 points Imagine you are a recently-hired
Chief Operating Officer (COO) in a midsize
company preparing for an Initial Public Offering
(IPO). You quickly discover multiple personnel
problems that require your immediate attention.
John posted a rant on his Facebook page in which
he criticized the companys most important
customer. Ellen started a blog to protest the
CEOs bonus, noting that no one below director
has gotten a raise in two (2) years and
portraying her bosses as know-nothings and
out-of-touch Bill has been using his
company-issued BlackBerry to run his own business
on the side. After being disciplined for
criticizing a customer in an email (sent from his
personal email account on a company computer),
Joe threatens to sue the company for invasion of
privacy. One of the department supervisors
14LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 Week 5 Discussion Questions Health and
Safety in the Workplace FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
www.leg500rank.com LEG 500 Week 5 Discussion
Questions Week 5 DQ "Health and Safety in the
Workplace (OSHA)" Please respond to the
following From the e-Activity, determine at
least three (3) ways in which United States
businesses can address the adverse effects of
sweatshop labor practices. Provide one (1)
specific example of each way that you have just
determined to support your response. Considering
the effect of worker rights on global and
developing economies, take a position on whether
or not the United States government should
regulate the global workforce of the United
States corporations. Justify your response.
15LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 Week 6 Discussion Questions Environmental
www.leg500rank.com LEG 500 Week 6 Discussion
Questions Week 6 DQ "Environmental
Responsibility" Please respond to the following
From the e-Activity, determine two (2) other
costs that BP might have incurred. Give your
opinion as to whether or not BP would have been
better off had the company taken the necessary
precautions to prevent or minimize an oil spill.
Support your answers. Give your opinion on
whether governments should be able to rezone and
condemn residential land and displace homeowners
in the process, in order to facilitate commercial
development. Explain your rationale.
16LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 Week 7 Assignment 3 Ethics and Corporate
Responsibility in the Workplace and the World (2
Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.leg500rank.com
This Tutorial contains 2 Papers LEG 500 Week 7
Assignment 3 Assignment 3 Ethics and Corporate
Responsibility in the Workplace and the World Due
Week 7 and worth 250 points PharmaCARE (We CARE
about YOUR health) is one of the worlds most
successful pharmaceutical companies, enjoying a
reputation as a caring, ethical and well-run
company that produces high-quality products that
save millions of lives and enhance the quality of
life for millions of others. The company offers
free and discounted drugs to low-income
consumers, has a foundation that sponsors
healthcare educational programs and scholarships,
and its CEO serves on the PhRMA board. PharmaCARE
recently launched a new initiative,
17LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 Week 7 Discussion Questions Marketing,
Technology, and the Law FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
www.leg500rank.com LEG 500 Week 7 Discussion
Questions Week 7 DQ "Marketing, Technology, and
the Law" Please respond to the following
Evaluate how effective the Federal Trade
Commission (FTC) has been in protecting consumer
privacy and targeting deceptive and unfair trade
practices on the Internet. Support your opinion
with specifics. From the e-Activity, discuss your
reaction to the public service announcement (PSA)
in relation to the marketing of junk food to
children, with a focus on why this PSA is
appropriate or inappropriate. Explain your
18LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 Week 8 Discussion Questions Product
Liability and Torts FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
www.leg500rank.com LEG 500 Week 8 Discussion
Questions Week 8 DQ "Product Liability and Torts"
Please respond to the following From the first
e-Activity, analyze the current state of the
government regulation of product safety to
determine whether the referenced agencies are
generally proactive or reactive. Provide one (1)
specific example of each agency to support your
response. Compare and contrast the regulatory
alternatives discussed in Chapter 8 of the text
in terms of the efficiency and efficacy these
alternatives might provide to businesses and
consumers. Next, determine which solution is the
most viable, considering the likelihood of
support from business and government interests.
Explain your rationale.
19LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 Week 9 Assignment 4 Legal and Ethical
Considerations in Marketing, Product Safety, and
Intellectual Property (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.leg500rank.com This Tutorial contains
2 Papers LEG 500 Week 9 Assignment 4 Assignment
4 Legal and Ethical Considerations in Marketing,
Product Safety, and Intellectual Property Due
Week 9 and worth 300 points You are a new
associate at the law firm of Dewey, Chetum, and
Howe. John, a former researcher at PharmaCARE,
comes to your office. He has concerns about
PharmaCAREs use of AD23, one of the companys
top-selling diabetes drugs. Two (2) years ago,
after PharmaCAREs research indicated that AD23
might also slow the progression of Alzheimers
disease, John and his team of pharmacists began
reformulating the drug to maximize that effect.
In order to avoid the Food and Drug
Administrations (FDA) scrutiny, PharmaCARE
established a wholly-owned subsidiary, CompCARE,
20LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 Week 9 Discussion Questions Intellectual
Property and Global Intellectual Property
Rights FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.leg500rank.com
LEG 500 Week 9 Discussion Questions Week 9 DQ
"Intellectual Property and Global Intellectual
Property Rights" Please respond to the following
Determine whether or not existing fair use
exceptions strike an appropriate balance between
creators and users of the material. Provide two
(2) specific examples to support your response.
Determine the key legal and ethical issues
surrounding the ability of pharmaceutical
companies to patent and exploit plant-derived
substances, and suggest at least one (1) way in
which a company might provide compensation
besides direct / individual payments.
21LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 Week 10 Discussion Questions
www.leg500rank.com LEG 500 Week 10 Discussion
Questions Week 10 DQ "Sarbanes-Oxley Act" Please
respond to the following Analyze at least three
(3) underlying causes for the creation of the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Next, rank the causes that
you have analyzed from the most important to the
least important to the creation of the Act.
Explain your rationale. From the e-Activity,
analyze how easy or difficult it may be for
officers and managers of organizations to stay in
strict compliance with SEC rules and for
consumers, investors, and regulators to detect
errors. Then, determine at least one (1) action
that CEOs and boards can take to improve
22LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 RANK Career Begins/leg500rank.com
LEG 500 Week 11 Discussion Questions Course
Wrap-Up FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.leg500rank.com
LEG 500 Week 11 Discussion Questions Week 11 DQ
"Course Wrap-Up" Please respond to the following
Looking back on all the lessons learned in this
course, discuss the one that surprised or
interested you the most. Explain what made it so
surprising or interesting. Thinking about the
subjects addressed in this course, predict what
will be the focus of this course 10 years from
now. Explain your rationale.
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