Chapter 18 Performance - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 18 Performance


Nature and types of conditions in contracts. Performance of contracts. Breach of contract ... to buy a house on the condition she is able to obtain financing. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 18 Performance

Chapter 18Performance Remedies
It is an immutable law in business that words
are words, explanations are explanations,
promises are promises but only performance is
reality. Harold S. Geneen, CEO of ITT, Managing
(co-written with Alvin Moscow, 1984)
Learning Objectives
  • Nature and types of conditions in contracts
  • Performance of contracts
  • Breach of contract
  • Excuses for non-performance
  • Remedies for breach of contract

18 - 2
  • Entering into a contract evidences an intention
    to perform (complete) obligations under the
  • Generally, each party performs the promise and is
    discharged (released) from further obligation
  • If a party fails to perform as expected, courts
    may be asked to determine the respective rights
    and duties of the parties

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Conditions in a Contract
  • Sometimes a promisors duty to perform depends on
    the occurrence of some event or condition, an
    uncertain, future event
  • A condition may be classified as a
  • Condition precedent
  • Condition subsesequent
  • Condition concurrent

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Condition Precedent
  • A future, uncertain event creating a duty to
  • Example Tisha contracts to buy a house on the
    condition she is able to obtain financing. The
    contract arises and she is obligated to purchase
    the house once she obtains financing

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Condition Concurrent
  • When the contract calls for parties to perform
    at the same time
  • Example Bryan promises to buy Stevies guitar
    for 1000. Stevie must give Bryan the guitar
    when Bryan gives Stevie 1000.

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Condition Subsequent
  • A future, uncertain event that discharges the
    duty to perform
  • Example Lee agrees to work for WoolCo until he
    returns to college. Lee returns to college in
    August and discharges his obligation under the

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Excuse of Conditions
  • Occurrence of a condition may be excused
  • When occurrence of condition was prevented or
    hindered by party benefiting from the condition
  • Waiver when a person whose duty is conditional
    voluntarily gives up his right to the occurrence
    of the condition
  • Estoppel when a person whose duty is
    conditional leads other party to rely on his
    noninsistence on the condition
  • When performance of the act that constitutes the
    condition becomes impossible

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Silvestri v. Optus Software
  • Facts
  • Silvestri was hired under two-year employment
    contract with satisfaction clause reserving
    right to terminate employment for failure to
    perform duties to the satisfaction of the
  • Silvestri pleased the CEO for six months, but
    complaints against Silvestri began to increase
  • Three months later, the CEO fired Silvestri
  • Silvestri filed suit claiming the dissatisfaction
    was objectively unreasonable and a breach of

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Silvestri v. Optus Software
  • Procedural History and Legal Reasoning
  • Trial court found for Optus
  • Appellate court reversed in favor of Silvestri
  • Issue whether the employers satisfaction is
    subject to an objective or subjective evaluation
  • A subjective standard typically is applied to
    satisfaction clauses in employment contracts
  • In a satisfaction clause employment setting,
    there must be honest and genuine dissatisfaction
    with the employees performance

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Silvestri v. Optus Software
  • Holding
  • Company supplied objective evidence of genuine
    dissatisfaction with Silvestris performance
  • Thus, applying the test of genuineness, and not
    reasonableness, we conclude that Silvestri has
    not demonstrated that a dispute exists requiring
    submission of the matter to jury trial
  • Reversed in favor of Optus

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Performance of Contracts
  • To determine whether a promisor is discharged by
    performance, courts consider the standard of
    performance expected
  • A strict performance standard requires full or
    perfect compliance with the contract terms
  • Example Buyer agrees to finalize a home
    purchase (close) by 500 pm on Nov. 21. If Buyer
    does not close by that time, the contract ends.
    Buyer is discharged from buying and Seller is
    discharged from turning over the house, but there
    may be legal remedies to Seller for Buyers breach

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Performance of Contracts
  • A substantial performance standard is slightly
    lower standard applied to duties that are
    difficult to perform without some deviation from
    perfection in minor respects
  • Example Bob Builder built a home for Jason.
    Bob met the contract terms except he didnt paint
    the baseboards the right shade of white. Bob
    is discharged and Jason has the duty to pay the
    contract price less any damages (repainting)
    resulting from the defects in performance

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Substantial Performance
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Breach of Contract
  • Under the implied covenant of good faith and fair
    dealing, every contract includes an obligation to
    perform in good faith
  • If a promisor fails to perform, breach occurs
  • At minimum, breach of contract gives the
    non-breaching party the right to sue and recover
    for damages caused by the breach
  • For a material (serious) breach, further legal
    remedies are available

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Determining Materiality
  • Standard for determining materiality is flexible,
    but generally based on the amount of the breach
    and timing for performance
  • Example if contract contains a time is of the
    essence provision, any delay by either party may
    constitute a material breach
  • Example if time for performance immaterial,
    promisee must accept late performance if within
    reasonable time after performance due, but may
    deduct costs of delay

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Arnhold v. Ocean Atlantic Woodland Corp.
  • Facts
  • Sellers agreed to sell farmland to developer
    Ocean Atlantic (Buyer), but delays and extensions
  • After more negotiation and litigation, Sellers
    and Buyer signed a settlement agreement
    containing a time is of the essence clause
    (basis of the lawsuit)
  • Shortly before the closing date, Buyers again
    tried to extend the contract and Sellers refused,
    warning that time is of the essence
  • Buyers assured Sellers they would close, but
    failed to do so Sellers notifed Buyers of
    contract termination

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Arnhold v. Ocean Atlantic Woodland Corp.
  • Procedural History and Issue
  • Buyers sued Sellers seeking specific performance
  • Trial court found for Sellers and Buyers appealed
  • Issue whether Buyers materially breached the
    agreement by failing to tender the purchase funds
    and close on the property on the specified date

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Arnhold v. Ocean Atlantic Woodland Corp.
  • Legal Reasoning and Holding
  • The materiality inquiry focuses on two
    interrelated issues (1) the intent of the
    parties with respect to the disputed provision
    and (2) the equitable factors and circumstances
    surrounding the breach of the provision
  • Intent of the parties was clear time was of the
    essence and timing was material

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Arnhold v. Ocean Atlantic Woodland Corp.
  • Legal Reasoning and Holding
  • In examining the totality of the circumstances,
    the facts do not support Buyers argument
  • Sellers displayed the patience of Job by waiting
    nearly 3 1/2 years
  • Buyer treated material deadlines as trivial, thus
    Buyer has lost any right to purchase Sellers
  • Affirmed in favor of Sellers

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Anticipatory Breach
  • When the promisor indicates before time for
    performance that promisor is unwilling or unable
    to carry out the contract, anticipatory
    repudiation or anticipatory breach occurs
  • The promisee has choices
  • Withhold his/her own performance and sue for
    damages for total breach of contract immediately
  • Wait to sue until time for performance in case
    the other party changes his mind and decides to
  • Waive his/her rights to performance

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Excuses for Non-Performance
  • Nonperformance of a duty generally is a breach of
    contract, but nonperformance may be excused in
    certain circumstances
  • Impossibility it cannot be done by anyone
  • See Bush v. ProTravel International, Inc.
  • Impracticability when unforeseen developments
    make performance highly impracticable,
    unreasonably expensive, or of little value to
    promisee (UCC 2615)

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Other Reasons for Discharge
  • Discharge by mutual agreement
  • Accord and satisfaction
  • Accord is an agreement in which a promisee who
    has existing claim agrees with promisor that s/he
    will accept some performance different from that
    originally agreed on. When promisor performs the
    accord, that is called a satisfaction.
  • Discharge by waiver of promisee

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Other Reasons for Discharge
  • Discharge by alteration
  • One party alters and other does not consent
  • Discharge by statute of limitations
  • One party takes too long to bring lawsuit
  • UCC 2725 four-year statute of limitations for
    contracts involving the sale of goods
  • Discharge by decree of bankruptcy

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Remedies for Breach of Contract
  • Legal remedies (money damages)
  • Compensatory damages, nominal damages, liquidated
    (contractual) damages, and in certain
    circumstances, punitive damages
  • Equitable remedies
  • Specific performance or injunction
  • Restitution

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