Title: Overview of the caBIG
1Overview of the caBIG Documentation and Training
(DT) Workspace
- Clinical Trials Management Systems (CTMS) Face to
Face Meeting, Portland, Oregon May 30-31st, 2007
- CTMS Liaison to the DT Workspace Lara Fournier,
M.S. - Project Manager, Informatics Shared Resource,
OHSU Cancer Institute - Adapted from caBIG Newcomers Annual Meeting
2007 by DT Workspace Lead Jennifer Tucker
2D T Workspace An Overview
- Mission, Importance and Audience for the DT WS
- Those Accessing caBIG Tools and Training
- Those Creating caBIG Documentation Training
- Ongoing D T Workspace Activities
- Listserv and Resources
3Whats the Workspace Mission?
- The primary mission of the Documentation and
Training (DT) Workspace is to support the
creation and dissemination of - Documentation and training materials for
caBIG-related projects - General training opportunities
- Community-wide resources
- By doing this, we facilitate widespread adoption,
dissemination, and use of caBIG interoperable
tools, standards, and data sets, and increase
awareness of caBIG within the larger cancer and
biomedical communities
4Why Is Documentation Training Important?
- Increase application accessibility, usability and
ease of adoption - Decrease questions about applications
- Ensure common look and feel across caBIG
- Create robust documentation, training and
outreach for caBIG and its projects
Effective documentation, training and outreach
are key to achieving caBIG goalsWe break down
barriers by improving information sharing.
5We Serve Two Primary Audiences
- For Those Who Want to Access caBIG Tools and
Training We - Create educational materials about caBIG,
including the caBIG Tools Landing Pages and the
caBIG Primer - Populate and publicize existing documentation and
training resources such as the Learning
Management System (LMS) - For Those Creating caBIG Documentation and
Training We - Publish processes, guidelines and templates for
documentation and training materials - Provide mentors to those creating documentation
and training - Review draft documentation and training materials
before they are approved and released
6Those Accessing caBIG Tools Training
- Tools pages on caBIG website help connect you to
caBIG tools and information to support the use
of those tools
Also access through the Training Portal
7Those Accessing caBIG Tools Training
- The caBIG Primer is a resource created by the
workspace to provide an overview of the program.
Also access through the Training Portal
8Those Accessing caBIG Tools Training
- You can also access training through the caBIG
Learning Management System accessible through
the Training Portal
Access through the Training Portal
9Those Creating Documentation Training
- Visit the caBIG Training Portal for processes,
guidelines, and templates for creating
documentation and training for specific projects.
Need Help? Request a Mentor!
10Those Creating Documentation Training Whats
- Developer
- Technical Manual (Architecture)
- Installation Guide
- Administration Guide
- Release Notes
- Adopter
- End-User Manual
- Training Module(s)
11Those Creating Documentation Training Process
Prepare DT
Request Mentor
Register Project
- Developers Adopters agree on DT
responsibilities - Project team register project with DT
- Mentors can help develop a DT plan assist in
applying guidelines and templates - Mentors are available for documentation, training
or both
- Project Team completes DT using Guidelines and
Templates available on caBIG Training Portal.
- Submit DT for review by Training Workspace
- Instructions, forms, review criteria and
checklists are on the caBIG Training Portal
The caBIG Training Portal https//cabig.nci.nih.g
ov/training provides an overview guide, and
templates for each step
12Those Creating Documentation Training To
Access Templates Guides
- Visit the caBIG Training Portal for processes,
guidelines, and templates for creating
documentation and training
13Those Creating Documentation Training Training
Modules - Adopter
- Training can take multiple forms and should be
driven by assessment of end user needs. Examples - Populated Tools Page template for caBIG Website
- Overview Briefings (1) 3-5 slide outreach
presentation appropriate for a decision maker
(2) An Applications Overview slide show for
users. - Training Support Tool. Options include (1)
Hands-On Training Module (2) On-Line
Tutorial/Help Guide (3) Recorded classroom
training event or (4) Other training mechanism
identified by project team and approved by DT
14Those Creating Documentation Training Review
by the DT Workspace
- Once documentation and training are in draft
form, submit it through the Training Portal or
a Domain Workspace Lead and a reviewer will
provide you with feedback and recommendations - Review Criteria Include
- Compliance with template
- Targets appropriate audience
- Logical organization
- Writing style and syntax
- Presentation of content
- Conceptual clarity
- Use of examples
- Others
15Once Tools are Released and DT is Complete
- Effective outreach is key to ensuring that caBIG
tools can be found by potential users. - Mechanisms include
- GForge Sites
- caBIG Website Tools Landing Pages
- caBIG Learning Management System
16Once Tools are Released and DT is Complete
GForge Sites Post Your Documents!
- Most caBIG projects have established a GForge
site for the posting of releases and documents
these sites are easier for users to access than
CVS http//gforge.nci.nih.gov
17Once Tools are Released and DT is Complete
Initiating a Tools Landing Page
- Steps to Creating a caBIG Landing Page
- Contact workspace lead to confirm appropriateness
for inclusion (we are only posting tools that
have been released) - Access a Word version of Tools Page Template and
Powerpoint Overview and complete - Submit your completed template through your
workspace lead - s/he will review and coordinate
posting on caBIG website
- Information on Landing Pages
- Product Summary
- Demo Files Exercises
- Documentation Training
- Links or Files to Access the Tool
- End User Support Resources
- Related caBIG Tools
- Developer Adopter Institutions
- Related Articles
18Once Tools are Released and DT is Complete
Posting Training in the LMS
- You can also post tools training in the caBIG
Learning Management System accessible through
the Training Portal. LMS Submittal Form to be
posted on the Training Portal.
Access through the Training Portal
19Ongoing DT Workspace Activities
- Workspace members are working on the following
projects - Creating general training modules for caBIG
- Supporting creation of a caBIG-wide mentoring
program - Providing inputs to the Learning Management
System - Continually improving templates based on user
feedback - Creating new templates for different forms of
documentation and training as new needs are
identified - Publishing new documentation and training Help
Guides, Best Practices, and Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQs)
20Joining the Documentation and Training Questions
- On Internet, go to https//list.nih.gov/archives
/cabig_bc_train-l.html - Click "join or leave the list" to sign up
- Complete basic fields to register
- Complete e-mail confirmation/validation
- Once you have signed up
- Send a message through the listserv itself (Click
"Post the list" on the listserv page) or - Send an e-mail to the list at CABIG_BC_TRAIN-L_at_l
21D T Resources
- caBIG Training Portal (Includes Documentation
Guides and Templates) - https//cabig.nci.nih.gov/
training - caBIG Documentation and Training Workspace
Website (public website with workspace contacts
and meeting minutes) - https//cabig.nci.nih.gov/w
orking_groups/Training_SLWG - Documentation Training GForge Site (includes
workspace working documents) - http//gforge.nci.n
ih.gov/projects/cabig-tws/ - Documentation and Training Questions Listserv
(write to us with your questions) -
l - Documentation and Training Mentors Request
through NCICB Applications Support E-Mail
22How Do I Learn More?
23There are many ways to learn about and get
involved with caBIG
- caBIG Website https//cabig.nci.nih.gov offers
overview materials about caBIG as well as
community products. - LISTSERVS - caBIG workspaces and project teams
use these to announce upcoming events and new
products. Sign up for general announcements at
- browse other lists at https//list.nih.gov - Workspace Teleconferences - One way to get a
sense of the caBIG project, and to help shape
its direction, is to identify a workspace of
interest and then request access to the next
teleconference. Look for upcoming calls on
caBIG Website. - Face-to-Face Meetings - Workspaces gather for
face-to-face meetings periodically over the
course of the year.
24There are many ways to learn about and get
involved with caBIG
- Town Hall Meetings - Periodically, the caBIG
community gathers for a teleconference "town hall
meeting providing updates and addressing issues
or questions about caBIG. See website for
announcements. - Annual Meeting - The caBIG community gathers
annually to celebrate successes address
caBIG-wide and cross-workspace topics and
demonstrate emerging and available products
including software tools, databases, prototypes,
white papers, and development models. - Contact with the caBIG Team - The caBIG website
contact page lists the leads and contact
information for all caBIG workspaces
https//caBIG.nci.nih.gov/contact_us. - For help with caBIG tools, contact NCICBIT
applications support at ncicb_at_pop.nci.nih.gov
Telephone 301-451-4384 Toll free 888-478-4423
25Closer Look at caBIG Website caBIG Primer
- The caBIG Primer provides a next step overview
of the program for Newcomers.
Also access through the Training Portal
26Closer Look at caBIG Website caBIG Tools Pages
- Tools pages on caBIG website help connect you to
caBIG tools and information to support the use
of those tools
Also access through the Training Portal
27Theres a Place for YOU!
- caBIG has accomplished great achievements, yet
challenges remain - Educating the broader community about available
tools and their uses - Creating methods and a useful workflow for data
sharing between basic science and clinical
research. - Reconciling data models and terminology across
traditionally separate areas of science and
clinical practice. - Addressing issues of data sharing, including
ensuring data security, patient privacy, and
intellectual capital. - Marshalling diverse resources and standards, and
organizing them to address the common problem of
cancer research and care. - Coordinating and correctly sequencing multiple
interdependent software and standards development
projects to meet broader community needs. - The challenges of caBIG provide the opportunity
for collaborative solutions that, over time, will
reshape the overall cancer research and treatment
paradigm. Join Us!