Title: English 110 Finding Resources Shelley Roseman shelley'rosemanuconn'edu
1English 110Using Resources for Writing
Shelley RosemanReference, English
- Locating the library homepage
- Searching for background and criticism,
- Books
- Articles
- Reference Sources
- Requesting materials from other libraries
- Doing research from home
- Citing resources
3Library Homepage
4Key Links from the Homepage
- HOMER The Library Catalog
- Databases
- Document Delivery
- Off-Campus Access
Finding Books
- When searching for information, create a strategy
to find the information that you need
Books? Background? Scholarly articles? News
6HOMER Search Strategies
7Background Information
- How do you find information about the major theme
of a work by Nabokov?
Literature Reference Collection Gale Literary
Databases The Gale Literary Databases provide
full-text criticism and interpretation of plays,
novels, poetry and short stories, and
biographical essays on authors. The database
includes the text of three print encyclopedias
Contemporary Authors, Contemporary Literary
Criticism Select, and Dictionary of Literary
Biography. Stamford Reference (Library Use
Only) Call NumberPN771 .C59
8 Finding Articles
- How do I find a peer-reviewed article about
Suggested Databases Academic Search
Premier (Ebscohost), MLA, and InfoTrac
9Background Information
- Specialized reference sources on a range of
topics, from African-American issues to Women
Studies - Note Further Readings for suggested sources
from bibliographies - Online Encyclopedias CQ Researcher,Britannica
Online, Issues Controversies - WIKIPEDIA
10From Britannica OnlineTime Line Browse
- Key Events of 1970s
- OPEC oil embargo raises world energy prices for
the first time since 1945, causing brief economic
dislocation but spurring energy conservation
technology and ideology. - The new Endangered Species Act requires that the
U.S. government must protect all wildlife
threatened with extinction. - At Love Canal near Niagara Falls, N.Y., officials
announce that hazardous chemicals dumped over
previous decades are a health hazard to
residents. Toxic waste becomes a hot political
11Information Source
Peer-Reviewed Sources Journal of Modern
LiteratureModern Fiction Studies, American
Literature Vs. Popular / Trade Publications /
News USA TodayNew York TimesNew
YorkerPublishers Weekly
12 Database Terms
- Full Text vs. Abstract vs.
CitationsHTML Full Text vs. PDF Full Text - Full Text its available online
- Abstract a brief summary
- Citation enough information to find the
article - HTML regular printout without exact page
numbers - PDF the article as it appeared in the
13Primary Sources vs. Secondary Sources
- Primary sources allow you to get as close as
possible to what actually happened. - Primary sources were either created during the
time period being studied or at a later date by a
participant in the events (for example memoirs,
letters, interviews,speeches, photos, music, and
articles from that time)
14Secondary Sources
- A secondary source is a work that interprets or
analyzes an historical event or phenomenon. - It is generally at least one step removed from
the event. Examples popular books and articles,
reference books, and textbooks. - To find secondary sources in book form, search
15VPN Doing Research from Home
to the Library with One Easy Login! University
Information Technology Services has implemented a
Virtual Private Network, or VPN, allowing
students and faculty easy access to licensed
library databases and electronic journals from
off campus. If you intend to use these
materials, begin your research by logging in now.
More information about VPN is available at
Requesting Books from Other Libraries
Document Delivery / Interlibrary Loan
- Request a book
- Request an article
- View Pending Requests
17Citing Sources
MLA Format
- All references in the text of the paper
mustappear in the Works Cited list. - Arrange citations in alphabetical order by
authors last name. - If theres no author, begin with a title.
- Use and not the symbol.
- If the publisher lists several cities, use only
the first one. - Use the most current publication date.
18Questions? shelley.roseman_at_uconn.edu 203.251-8522
Library Home Page www.lib.uconn.edu Links to
Remember DD/ILL Requesting Material VPN
Access from Home HOMER Library
Catalog Databases Academic Premier
InfoTracBritannica Online, Lexis-Nexis
Academic, Historical New York Times