Title: Bob Hansen
1Going Big Life After 1.064
Bob Hansen Briess Malt Ingredients Co. Chilton
, Wisconsin USA
2006 AHA
2List of big beer styles
3List of big beer styles
4Basic Equations and Terminology
Weight of Wort Solids
Degrees Plato
Weight of Wort
5Basic Equations and Terminology
Weight of Wort
Specific Gravity
Weight of Water
Weight of Water 8.34 lbs / Gal
Weight of Water 1 kg / liter
6Concentration (Plato) and Relative Density (S.G.)
are Related
Specific Gravity
1 (10 X 4 / 1000)
1 (Plato X 4 / 1000)
Specific Gravity
Degrees Plato
- 1 ) X 1000 /4
0.040 ) X 1000 /4
7Mash Vessel Material Balance
8Packin on the Pounds
9Basic Equations and Terminology
Weight of Liquor (water)
Liquor / Grist Ratio
Weight of Grain
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12Effects of Varying L/G in the Mash
- Thicker Mashes have lower pH (0.1 or more)
- Thicker Mashes Stabilize Enzymes
- Can Increase Soluble Nitrogen 10-20
- Increase Alpha Amylase Survival Time 20
- Thicker Mashes Reduce Enzyme Mobility
- Thicker Mashes Produce More Dextrinous Worts
- Fermentability Can be Reduced 5
- Water Balance Sets Maximum Extract Possible In
The Brewery
- Total Extract (Wort Solids)
- Sets Maximum Wort Strength
13To Sparge or Not to Sparge
- Sparging is necessary to rinse extract from grain
and get needed yield
Sparging dilutes the wort
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1718 Plato (1.074) 82 Yield
93 Yield, 15.7 P
17 Plato (1.070) 91 Yield
87 Yield, 14.3 P
18Effects of Kettle Boil
- Water Balance Cannot be Separated from the 5
-ations of Boiling
- Sterilization
- Isomerization
- Concentration (Evaporation)
- Carmelization (Color and Flavor Development)
- Volitilization
- Excessive Concentration is Inefficient and Can
Lower Quality
- Concentration increases Exponentially with Water
19Concentration at Constant Boiling
20Boiling to Gravity
21Surviving the Marathon-Yeast
Yeast need extra nutrients-especially Zinc
Multiple initial oxegenation steps are beneficial
Minimum pitching rates are critical, overpitching
not a concern
Primary and secondary fermentation should be used
New yeast may be needed for bottle conditioning
22Bottle Conditioning
23Hop Utilization
25 Loss
24List of big beer styles
25List of big beer styles
26Tips and Tricks
The use of sugars and syrups are almost standard
in big beers, they
Overcome equipment limitations
Allow for greater yields and efficiencies
Achieve Higher Hop Utilization
May reduce color and enhance product quality
May be added after fermentation to relieve yeast
Proper measurement and equipment sizing is
critical to success
27Tips and Tricks
Full kettle boils improve quality and efficiency
Proper pitching rate is critical
Multiple racking or fermentations should be used
Second pitchings may be needed to finish
or bottle condition
Bob Hansen Briess Malt Ingredients Co. Chilton
, Wisconsin USA
2006 AHA