Title: Holiday Eating
1Holiday Eating
Party Tips Shopping Suggestions Cooking Id
2Party Tips
Sit Down Meal Buffet Dinner
3Be realistic
Trying to lose weight during the holidays ma
y be a self-defeating goal Instead strive
to maintain your weight
4Enjoy moderate portions of childhood favorites
Concentrate on eating slowly
Savor the taste
5Bringing a dish? Make it healthy
Ensure you have low calorie foods to
munch on Good choices include raw vegeta
bles with yogurt, cottage cheese dip, or a
platter of fresh fruit
6Dont go to the party hungry
Eat a small, low-fat snack before the
party Feeling hungry can sabotage y
our willpower
7Balance is Key
- Eat small meals during the day
- Eat holiday foods during the evening
- Enjoy both and balance the calories
8Avoid the food table
Meet and Greet people Sip a beverage Settl
e into the conversation
You may eat less
9Sit down dinner? Make your first helping small
- If your hostess expects you to take seconds, the
total amount may equal the same as your normal
10Select lower-calorie party foods
Raw vegetables with dip
Steamed shrimp or scallops with cocktail sau
ce or lemon Go easy on the fried appetizers
and cheese cubes
11Make only one trip to the buffet
Be selective Choose only the foods you really w
ant Keep portions small Often a taste satisf
ies a craving
12Try a new food
Experiment at the buffet table Taste a new or
different holiday food Dont overindulge in e
veryday foods
Ask for sparkling water with a twist
Enjoy a non-alcoholic beverage Avoi
d the eggnog
14Alternate Your Drinks
- Switch between diet sodas, seltzer, water and
- Alcohol is high in calories and provides little
nutritional value
15Socializing? Move away from the buffet table
Good conversation takes your attention aw
ay from food Unconscious nibbling become
s easy
16Watch your portion sizes
Portion size determines number of calories
Even low calorie foods can add up 3 ounces of m
eat deck of cards 1 ounce of cheese four dice
½ cup pasta ½ tennis ball
17Shopping Suggestions
Eat before heading to the mall
Shopping on an empty stomach disaste
Ensure you have a healthy start
18Shopping Suggestions
Plan ahead pack your snacks
Examples Veggie sticks, pretzels, fruit, br
ead sticks, or raisins
19Be Active
Keep moving Walk the aisles of the mall Plan
activities that involve fitness
Go skiing, ice skating, or hiking
20Share your treats!
and your calories by sharing your holiday
goodies with a friend Sharing will decrea
se your intake and increase your holiday spirit
21Holiday Cooking Ideas
Holidays mean cooking and baking
Modify those recipes Small changes can net a
big calorie savings
22Cooking LeanerMeat, Poultry and Fish
Trim away visible fat. On whole birds,
fat is near the opening of the cavity
Go skinless on poultry Use a nonstick skill
et with vegetable oil spray
23Cooking LeanerMeat, Fish and Poultry
- De-grease and skim
- Broil, grill, or roast meat and poultry
24Cooking LeanerVegetables
Sauté vegetables in liquid, not oil. Use defatted
broth, juice, wine or water To add the flavor o
f butter, add a butter flavored spray just prior
to serving Roast or grill vegetables
25Cooking LeanerBaked Goods
Use powdered sugar or a fruit purée
as a cake topping instead of frosting
Use graham cracker crusts instead of flaky pas
try shells, which are high in fat
Substitute low fat, skim and non-fat dairy pro
ducts in recipes
26Cooking LeanerBaked Goods
Instead of whipped cream toppings, try whipping
chilled evaporated skim milk with a touch of
sugar for a low calorie creamy topping
Coat baking pans with nonstick spray
27Cooking LeanerEgg Dishes
Use two egg whites in place of one
whole egg in breads, cookies, puddings, and
other recipes that call for whole eggs
Use cholesterol-free liquid egg product in pla
ce of whole eggs
28 Questions?
Holiday Eating Tips Holiday Cooking Ideas
29Holiday Idea Contest
- Holiday cooking idea or holiday
- eating tip handouts
- Write down your idea or tip
- on entry form
- Hand in entry form
30Thank you!
See you next month
Next months topic Herbal Supplements