Title: Getting Through the Holidays with an Eating Disorder
1Getting Through the Holidays with an Eating
- www.bayridgecounsellingcentres.ca 905-319-1488
2The holiday season is supposed to be a time of
celebration. Yet for those of us with eating
disorders it can be a scary time of year.
- www.bayridgecounsellingcentres.ca
3You might experience feelings of anxiousness and
fear of falling back into your old habits and
patterns. There can be memories of past holiday
seasons and how certain things triggered your
eating disorder behaviours.
- www.bayridgecounsellingcentres.ca
4However, shutting yourself away to avoid the
holidays is not a healthy response. Cutting
yourself off from family and friends could create
feelings of guilt and result in triggering a
negative response.
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5Part of overcoming an eating disorder is having a
healthy support system in place through your
counsellor and close friends and family members.
- www.bayridgecounsellingcentres.ca
6The most important thing you can do for yourself
is to be realistic about your expectations and
where you are in overcoming your eating disorder.
- www.bayridgecounsellingcentres.ca
7If you just started counselling, you may find
attending every holiday party simply too much
this year.
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8It is perfectly acceptable to decline invitations
to holiday social events. Rather focus on those
events you know you can manage and get through
with the least temptations and triggers. It is
also benefit to have a support system in place.
- www.bayridgecounsellingcentres.ca
9If you start to feel overwhelmed or struggling,
having the support you need can be a great help.
Talk to your counsellor ahead of time about
different support options that are available over
the holidays.
- www.bayridgecounsellingcentres.ca
10You can also turn to a close friend or family
member who is aware of your eating disorder and
supports your recovery.
- www.bayridgecounsellingcentres.ca
11For larger family gatherings and holiday parties,
make sure to have an exit strategy in place if
things simply become too much.
- www.bayridgecounsellingcentres.ca
12Certain relatives, friends, and co-workers could
be potential triggers. Yet avoiding them during
holiday events can be challenging.
- www.bayridgecounsellingcentres.ca
13If you are worried about running into certain
relatives, friends or co-workers and simply want
to avoid the stresses of dealing with them,
remember it is okay to not attend at all.
- www.bayridgecounsellingcentres.ca
14You have every right to put your current needs
ahead of holiday events to ensure your recovery
is not put at risk.
- www.bayridgecounsellingcentres.ca
15You might even want to consider exploring new
holiday traditions or other events where you will
feel more comfortable.
- www.bayridgecounsellingcentres.ca
16For instance, having a small holiday gathering
with your closest friends and relatives rather
than a huge event with hundreds of people can be
less stressful.
- www.bayridgecounsellingcentres.ca
17Lastly, do your very best to stick to your normal
eating habits. Even though everyone else will be
over indulging, following the eating plan you
created with your counsellor will help you get
through all those holiday parties, events, and
- www.bayridgecounsellingcentres.ca
18To learn more about eating disorders or for help
in managing your eating disorder, please feel
free to contact Bayridge Counselling Centres at
905-319-1488 today!
- www.bayridgecounsellingcentres.ca
19PLEASE NOTE Bayridge Counselling Centres are not
an inpatient medical clinic for severe eating
disorder cases that require 24/7 medical care.
- www.bayridgecounsellingcentres.ca
20Rather, we provide ongoing outpatient treatment
to help you stay focused on your recovery.
Source- http//www.bayridgecounsellingcentres.c
- www.bayridgecounsellingcentres.ca