Title: Social media spam
1Social media spam
2Varieties of social media spam
- Email spam/phishing
- Forum and newsgroup spam messages
3Varieties of social media spam
- Email spam/phishing
- Forum and newsgroup spam messages
- Comment spam, including
- trackbacks
- wall/shoutbox posts
4Varieties of social media spam
- Email spam/phishing
- Forum and newsgroup spam messages
- Comment spam
- Spam profiles on SNS
5Varieties of social media spam
- Email spam/phishing
- Forum and newsgroup spam messages
- Comment spam
- Spam profiles on SNS
- Wiki spam, including
- Spam links
- Promotional pages
- User-to-user canvassing
- Spings
- YouTube spam videos
6Goals of social media spam
- Increase PageRank (Spamdexing)
- So dont need to fool human readers, only
- Blog search engines rank by recency, not
- Attract target demographic
- Especially at Facebook and MySpace
- Phishing (e.g. MySpace profiles raising money
for charity)
7Approaches to spam control
- Human-moderated
- Human moderation of comments
- Distributed human moderation (e.g. Wikipedia)
- Posting by people in your friend network (e.g.
8Approaches to spam control
- Automatic
- Captchas
- Content-based filters (keywords)
- Network-based filters (network shape or poster
- White or blacklists
- Preventing HTML in the comments
- Throttling comment rate
- Link markup (relnofollow)
9The relnofollow attribute
- http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spam_in_blogsrel.3D.
- Endorsed by major blog platforms in Jan 2005
- Slashdot links left by recently created
- Wikipedia references/external links section
- Problems
- Can lead site owners to gorge on PageRank
- Reduces value of legitimate comments
- Doesnt stop spam comments, just spamdexing
10Blocking blog spam with language model
disagreement (WWW2005)
- Gilad Mishne David Carmel Ronny Lempel
- Compare language in
- Blog post
- Comment text
- Page being linked to
12Language models
- Calculate Kullback-Leibler divergence between
post and comment or linked page language
- Maximum likelihood models smoothed with
distribution of words on the Internet
13Spam classification
- Assume KL-divergence scores drawn from one of two
distributions spam and legitimate
- Set threshold as vertical separator between
- Moving left (lower) reduces false negatives
(unidentified spam)
- Moving right (greater) reduces false positives
14Pros and cons of method
- Pros
- No training
- No hard-coded rule sets that need updating
- Doesnt require full web connectivity (unlike
network analysis)
- Can be deployed retrospectively
- Hard for spammer to choose comment language
similar to both the blog and the spam site
- Cons
- Spammers can just copy blog text (but detectable
by search engine when they do it on multiple
- Doesnt work well on short posts unless language
model includes other out-link page text
(introduces model drift)
- 50 random blog posts w/ 1024 comments
- Human coded spam (68 spam, 32 clean)
- Varied threshold multiplier from 0.75 to 1.25
- Best performance
- Threshold multiplier 1.1
- 83 accuracy (8.5 false positives, 8.5 false
- Misclassified comments were usually short
- Expanding language model of posts to include
linked-to pages reduced overall performance by
2-5, but helped with shorter posts
16Is Britney Spears Spam? (CEAS2007)
- Aaron Zinman Judith Donath
17Spam in social networking systems (SNS)
- Ambiguous profiles - should they be friended?
- Hard to vet hundreds of friend requests
- Many requests are content-less (name only)
- Users have different preferences (some want
Britney PR)
- Instead of automatically filtering
- Help user make informed choice
- Make network and profile features more salient
- Long-term
- Build a people-oriented reasoning AI engine
that matches users mental models of who to
- That guy central to the punk rock scene
- Someone who shares/passes similar media as I do
- Near-term
- Present lower-level feature bundles
- Someone who sends more movie clips than receives
- Someone with little public information
19Why other approaches dont work in SNS
- Only trusting friends of friends Trust changes
over time and for different purposes, and cant
be confidently evaluated several hops away.
- Using network clustering components Works for
classic spam, but not for borderline cases (like
undesirable friend posting political spam).
Doesnt match mental model of users.
- Harvested 800 MySpace profiles plus top friends
- Hand-scored on 5pt scales for
- sociability (s)
- of personal comments
- customized graphics
- other normal social activity
- promotionality (p)
- amount of material meant to influence others
- Half had p1 half had p1.
21Four user prototypes
22Network and profile features
- Profile features (relatively cheap to fake)
- Which sections are filled out
- Does it have a picture
- Does it have school info
- of "I" words
- Comments
- "thanks"
- Network features (relatively hard to fake)
- / independent images in comments
- / independent links
- Avg. of posters use the same links/images as
- comments
- Didn't include comment timestamps
23Machine learning
- Tried four algoritms
- Naïve Bayes
- Neural networks
- Linear regression
- 40 features
- Network/comment-based
- Profile-based
- Mixed
- Used PCA to reduce feature space, but didnt
- Poor performance (30-50 accuracy) classifying s
and p on 1 to 5 scale
- Better (90) using binary threshold at 4
- Best model used network and profile features,
though only marginally better than profile-only
- Authors suggest that profile features more easily
faked in spam arms race network features will be
more important in the future.
25Is spam dashboard a good idea?
- Until we have reliable agents using a fine-tuned
subjective cognitive model of the user, a better
approach is to expose the end-user to a
digestible form of the raw features and let them
decide how to proceed. - Next Content- and link-analysis methods for spam
detection . . .