Title: Michigans Future
1Michigans Future
- A Conversation with
- Governor Jennifer M. Granholm
2Domestic Auto Market Share Falling
- 1986 1993 2007
- The Big 3 72.4 73.7 52.2
- Interntls 27.6 26.3 47.8
3Michigan Manufacturing Employment
More than 1 in 4 Jobs Lost Since Mid 1999
Jul 1999 908,200
Jan 1992 775,900
Dec 2006 637,500
Source U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of
Labor Statistics.
Source Economic and Revenue Forecasting
Division, Michigan Department of Treasury, 2/14/07
4Inflation Adjusted FY 07 GF-GP Revenues Down 29
Percent Since FY 99
FY 1999 11.7 billion
FY 2007 8.2 billion
FY 2008 6.8 billion
Totals exclude transfers and are adjusted to 2007
dollars using U.S. CPI-U.
5Decreased Taxes
6Changes in How We Operate
- Resolved 4 billion in budget shortfalls
- Nearly 3 billion in cuts
- State Employees are doing more, more efficiently
and serving more people than ever
7Looking Back Reshaping the General Fund Budget
- Reductions (already made)
- Higher Education- 275M in 4 years (13)
- Human Services- 172M in 5 years (14)
- School Aid- 323M in 5 years (84)
- Revenue Sharing- 447M in 5 years (29)
8Eliminating Waste Fraud Saves Millions
- Saved 524 million by renegotiating contracts,
ending no-bid contracts - Nationally-recognized protections against food
stamp fraud saving millions - Bulk purchasing of prescription drugs and other
cost saving steps saved 400 million
9Convergence of Fiscal Forces We Have a Train
- Repeal of Single Business Tax
- Exploding health care costs
- Prison costs outpacing revenue growth
- Antiquated revenue structure
- Slow economic growth
- 3.4 Billion Shortfall FY2007-08
10Spending Reqmnts IncreasingFaster Than Revenue
11FY 2007 Funding for State Government
42 Billion Total Budget Governor, Legislature
Control 9 Billion
12FY 2007 General Fund Only
3 Billion Shortfall Must Be Filled in
9.2 Billion Budget (86 of General Fund
spending in 4 areas)
133.4 Billion of Structural Deficits, And This
- Seven years of spending cuts
- FY2007 General Fund revenues lower than in FY1996
- Nearly 7 billion in one-time resources used
- Reserves exhausted
- Weakened connection between revenue structure and
the economy - Spending pressures growing faster than revenues
14A Budget to Implement Our Economic Plan
- Budget is combination of cuts, reform and revenue
- Over 400 million in budget cuts, protecting our
priorities - Prison reforms to reduce prison population, cut
costs - Local government and schools sharing services
- Reforms to keep kids safe
- New revenue to set us on solid fiscal ground and
invest in critical programs including education
15With No Action By June 1
- Cut 125 per student across the state
- Cut Medicaid by 6
- Still will have hundreds of millions in GF
shortfalls to deal with this year
16With No Comprehensive Solution, Relying on Cuts
Alone Requires
Eliminate Health Care for Seniors, Children, and
Pregnant Women AND Release All State Prisoners
Cut 2,000 or nearly 30 of State Education
Funding for Every Student at Every School
Eliminate All Funding for Community Colleges and
Universities AND All Mental Health Services
17Saving Everywhere We Can Thanks for the
- Telecom disconnections
- Email and server consolidations
- Eliminating Cell phones
- Turning down heat and AC
- Less lighting
- Common sense measures to save tax payer money
Thanks for your help in finding these solutions.
18Michigans Future
- A Conversation with
- Governor Jennifer M. Granholm