Title: Welcome to our EDI Demonstration
1G.T.R. Data Inc.
Welcome to our EDI Demonstration
August 1997
2EDI Demonstration
- This demonstration will take you on a guided tour
of our software. After you have reviewed a slide
click on the left mouse button or hit enter to
advance to the next slide. To re-display a viewed
slide use the backspace key. - Each slide will contain a screen image with a
description of the fields on the screen.
3This is the EDI Main Menu. We will look at each
item in the menu following the logical flow of a
typical system setup.
4This is the EDI Maintenance menu. All
housekeeping functions relating to partners and
their relationships are set up here.
5The file location will define the directory
structure, file formats, and communication script
for the file location. A partner will be assigned
a file location to be used when generating or
receiving data. We can start a communication
script automatically upon data generation by
entering a script name.
6The communications script variables will be
defined on this screen. They will be placed into
the script template when the script is generated
after leaving this screen.
7This is the control file. It contains information
that the system will use when creating or
integrating EDI data. It is keyed on the entity.
The file location tells the system where the
location of the input, output and backup
directories and also defines the default
communications script to use. The delimiters are
hex representations of the characters used
between elements, sub-elements and segments.
8This screen allows the user to enter Partners.
Note the choose bar at the bottom of the screen.
These are the options that the user can select.
We have selected the General Option first.
9This screen defines the ISA or outer envelope.
The Partners EDI ID is the send address of the
partner. The qualifiers tell us what the ID is.
In our example ZZ means mutually defined between
the partners.
10The user ID is the sender on the ISA envelope.
The security for send and receive is also defined
on this screen with their qualifiers.The
test/prod switch allows for a test environment
between you and your partner.
11The information on this screen will be encoded
onto the GS or functional group segment. The GS
is the inner envelope of an EDI transmission.
This envelope surrounds the documents such as the
PO or INV.
12-The send and receive quantity method defines how
the translator deals with quantities and UOMs
and up to 6 date formats can be defined. -The
delimiters can be overriden from the
default. -The reference year can be defined as
well as the acknowledgment status. -The program
directories define where the translator puts its
scripts. -The file location defines the
communication script and data locations.
13The transaction set info is subdivided into 5
subscreens as shown below. Each transaction set
(by partner) is defined in these screens.
14The general option defines the version number for
the partner, the entity code to use on incoming
transactions, and whether we will trade the
document with the partner (send or receive).
Also, if the partner supports VICS.
15The other 3 options allow us to define general
parameters for a particular set. In the example
we have set up a logical parameter that will tell
the system to create either quotes or orders on
incoming orders.
16The other 3 parameter screens (character,
numeric, and logical) allow for input of other
17The group and transaction set numbers may be
controlled by partner. These numbers are used for
controlling functional acknowledgements.
18This is where you define the EDI users. This will
be the user that is coded onto the ISA header as
the sender.
19This program allows you to set up relationships
between Customers and Partners. Multiple
customers can be linked to a single partner where
the customer has multiple ship-tos, but only one
EDI partner relationship. You may also set up
relationships where the partner is using multiple
interchange addresses for different documents.
20This function has the same purpose as the
previous except it allows for the establishing of
Vendor Partner relationships.
21Keywords allow us to pre-define a specific word
that will represent a file.fieldname in the
database. This allows us to use the field in a
formula for outgoing and incoming transactions.
You will see how these are used in Segment
Maintenance where we tell the system the
relationship between an element and a field in
the XP database.
22This function will return the invoice line volume
discount. The value can then be mapped to an
element using the segment maintenance. The
literals surrounded by the are keywords.
INVLNDI is the keyword representing
invoice-line.volume-disc and INVLNDPC represents
invoice-line.dollar-pct. The if-then-else
statement is Progress like and illustrates the
powerful capabilities of the formula.
23This user defined table allows us to map our
partners codes to ours. In the example when
receiving data from our partner his UOM of e
will be translated into our UOM of ea.
Conversely we would set up a table so that our
ea will be converted to e on an outgoing
24- We have now completed the first part of the
demonstration. We are now ready to discuss how to
set up EDI elements and segments
25This is the Segment Maintenance function. Having
chosen a version,transaction set, and sequence
number the system displays a list of elements
within the segment. Our job will be to map the XP
database fields into the proper elements. Dont
worry, we have done most of the work for you!
26This element represents the Unit of Measure code
element. When data is received (incoming) the UOM
code will be mapped to invoice-line.uom-code. It
will be passed through the translation table
first to make the conversion from what our
partner sent us into something our application
will understand.
27The next screen that appears is the formula
screen. This is where we can apply a user formula
to our incoming or outgoing data. In the example
shown we have created a formula using keywords
and functions that will perform a calculation
before filling the element. The return value of
the formula will be mapped to the element chosen.
28This is the segment override screen. It is
similar to the segment maintenance except for the
Partner field. This is where we can set up
specific partner relationships or overrides,
whether they be at the element level or formula
29Transaction Processing
- Invoices and purchase orders are posted using
their respective programs within XP. If the
Vendor or Customer is designated as an EDI
partner then a document trigger is created when
the document is finalized. The user then runs the
EDI generation program to create the EDI data.
Once created the EDI data can be transferred to
the Value Added Network. - On the receive side, when data is received from
the Value Added Network it is integrated into the
application using the receive EDI data function.. - The next few screens illustrate these functions.
30This is the EDI Transaction Processing Menu. The
user can review the documents in the send queue,
EDI data can be generated and/or sent, and data
can be received. Functional Acknowledgments can
also be reviewed and regenerated for those that
your partner didnt receive.
31Document Review allows the user to display
documents and to change selected fields such as
the status. The status indicates if the document
was sent and can be changed to resend the
document. Documents are reviewed by type
invoices, p/os etc.
32This function allows the user to review the
status of the functional acknowledgements and
optionally reset the send status for problem
transmissions .
33When receiving EDI data, unprocessed transactions
are stored in the database as EDI data on hold.
This function allows you to edit this data in its
native ascii format before re-processing. The
data is organized by the segment, element with
descriptions for ease of maintenance.
34In this example of editing data on hold the N1
segment was chosen for editing. Note the
descriptors next to the data.
35The EDI module handles the 864 transaction set.
This set is used to transmit text.
36Here is an example of a text message received
form a trading partner.
37The System Management Menu contains document
purges, the restore from backup function and
other miscellaneous housekeeping functions.
38The data file Manager allows you to restore
input, output, or backup files from the backup
directories. This is used if you must resend a
file for example.
39Contact us for more information about this
module. Contact info is available on the last
slide. Ask us about currently supported
documents and our plans for future documents.
40We hope you enjoyed this demonstration.
The next slide will tell you how to contact us
for more information.
41G.T.R. Data Inc.How to reach us
- Phone 514-738-6680
- Fax 514-738-8538
- gtr_at_gtrdata.com
- http//www.gtrdata.com