Title: About ESF
1FP7 and the European Research Area  heard
anything !?"Â
Patrick Bressler Head of Unit Physical and
Engineering Sciences at the European Science
Foundation NuPECC meeting Munich, June 22/23,
2European science landscape
Research Institutes
NationalFunding Organisations
European Associations
Academia Europaea
3Basic Research Funding in Europe
FP 7 1 G/a
Open competition Scientific excellence
bottom up individual grants
Total 54 G/7a
gt 100 G/a
NationalFunding Organisations
41 M/a
foresight bottom up networking multinational
top down, variable geometries European
competitiveness, employment, innovation new
technologies economic growth
bottom-up Scientific excellence National
4What is ESF
- 75 Member Organisations in 30 countries, beyond
the European Union - Research funding organisations
- Research performing organisations
- Academies
5About ESF
- ESF provides a common platform for
- our Member Organisations (MOs) in
- order to
- advance European research
- explore new directions for research at the
European level - Through its activities, ESF serves the
- needs of the European research
- community in a global context.
6Current Organisation
7Strategic Plan - Pillars
- Science Strategy
- Science Synergy
- Science Management
8Science Strategy
- Foresight and Policy Briefs
- Forward Looks
- Member Organisations Fora
- Policy Briefing Reports
- Exploratory Workshops
9Forward Look
Series of workshops with foresighting
character. The state-of-the-art in 10 years and
what actions should be taken Expert
recommendations with an endorsement by the ESF
Governing Coiuncil
10Science Synergy
- Cooperation platform for
- MOs scientists
- ESF Research Networking Programmes (e.g., NES)
- ESF Research Conferences
- EUROCORES - European Collaborative Research
11EUROCORES Programme funding
Research inter-CRP funding
Individual Project IP-2
More IPs
More APs
Funding Agency B
Funding Agency C
Funding Agency A
Self funded
12Science Management close up
- ESF Expert Boards (Marine, Polar)
- MO representatives and policy makers,
coordination joint-planning, Policy briefings, - ESF office and administration
- ESF Expert Committees (ESSC, NuPECC, CRAF)
- Independent scientists, scientific advice,
roadmap and foresight exercises, - ESF office and administration
13About ESFWhats new
- ESF Tool kit (EUROCORES)
- EURYI - European Young Investigator Awards ending
- European CO-operation in the Field of Scientific
and Technical Research (COST) renewed - EuroBioFund
- Expert Committees
- Independent surveys
14Fundamental research in the European Research
Area?! Real Part
- European Research Area,
- Framework Programme 7
- European Research Council
- European Strategic Forum for Research
Infrastructures (ESFRI) - European Science Foundation
- How to do research?
16What is the European Research Area?
- In 2000, the EU decided to create the European
Research Area (ERA) to - enable researchers to benefit from world-class
infrastructures and work with excellent networks
of research institutions - share, teach, value and use knowledge effectively
for social, business and policy purposes - optimize and open European, national and regional
research programmes in order to support the best
research throughout Europe and coordinate these
programmes to address major challenges together - enable Europe to contribute to global development
and take a leading role in international
initiatives to solve global issues.
17What is the European Research Area?
- Goals
- To enhance research careers in Europe, incite
industry to invest more in European research
contributing to the creation of sustainable
growth and jobs in the EU. -
- To become a central pillar of the EU 'Lisbon
Strategy' for growth and jobs. - Green paper (http//ec.europa.eu/research/era/con
18Framework Programme 7
- FP 7 (2007 2013) to implement ERA
- make Europe the knowledge-based "most dynamic
competitive economy in the world" - (Lisbon goals, 3 GDP etc).
- to bundle all research-related EU initiatives in
reaching the goals of growth, competitiveness and
employment along with a new Competitiveness and
Innovation Framework Programme (CIP), Education
and Training programmes, and Structural and
Cohesion Funds for regional convergence and
19Frame work Programme 7
FP7 2007 2013 Specific Programmes
Cooperation Collaborative research 32.4 G
Ideas Frontier Research 7.5 G
People Marie Curie Actions 4.8 G
Capacities Research Capacity 4.1 G
(RI 1.7 G)
JRC non-nuclear research
Euratom direct actions JRC nuclear research
Euratom indirect actions nuclear fusion and
fission research
20Framework Programme 7
Thematic Cooperation
Support will be implemented across all themes
Collaborative research projects (Collaborative
projects Networks of Excellence
Coordination/support actions)
International Cooperation
Coordination of non-Community research
programmes (ERA-NET ERA-NET Article 169)
Joint Technology Initiatives (Article 171)
Coordination of national activities Networking
of national or regional programmes (ERA-NET,
ERANET) For Programme Managers Open calls for
proposals starting 2007 Coordination at
European level Coordination and cooperation
between Framework Programme and COST, EUREKA and
other programmatic and international
organisations (CERN, ESA, ESO, EMBL, ESRF, ILL
22European Research Council
- Reward the best researchers
- Researchers gain high European and international
visibility - Keep (young) researchers in Europe
- Favour brain gain and reverse brain drain
- Competition improves quality of research allows
benchmarking - High quality frontier research will stimulate
early-stage industrial investment boost
European share in IP and start-ups
23European Research Council
Two Funding Streams
- Two streams of activity are foreseen
- ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grant scheme
(ERC Starting Grant) - Call for proposals to be published in early 2007
- ERC Advanced Investigator Researcher Grant scheme
(ERC Advanced Grant) - Call for proposals at a later stage in 2007
24European Research Council
Initial structurefor ERC development
European CommissionDG Research
Scientific Council
Directorate SImplementationof the Ideas
- S1 Strategic mattersand relations with the ScC
- S2 Management
- S3 Logistical support
- S4 Administration finance
ERC political negotiation
25European Strategic Forum for Research
Infrastructures (ESFRI)
- ESFRI - launched in April 2002. It brings
together representatives of EU Member States and
Associated States, appointed by Ministers in
charge of Research, and one representative of the
European Commission. - The role of ESFRI is to support a coherent
approach to policy-making on research
infrastructures in Europe, and to act as an
incubator for international negotiations about
concrete initiatives.
ESFRI Roadmap of research infrastructures
26Basic Research Funding in Europe
FP 7 1 G/a
Open competition Scientific excellence
bottom up individual grants
Total 54 G/7a
gt 100 G/a
NationalFunding Organisations
41 M/a
foresight bottom up networking multinational
top down, variable geometries European
competitiveness, employment, innovation new
technologies economic growth
bottom-up Scientific excellence National
27PESC cooperation
- Examples
- EMRS/ESF materials, clean solar fuels
- CERC3/ERANET Chemistry cooperation
- ESF conference Research Integrity,
- Interdisciplinary new initiative workshop
Synergy of new national light sources, - FELs ERLs (user communities for IRUVX) FLASH,
4GLS, Fermi_at_ELETTRA, Arc-en-ciel, BESSY-FEL,
MAXlab IV, SLS -
- Output Science Policy Briefing
- (science, education, societal value) and
- ESF-Forward Looks, other projects (FP7)
28PESC cooperation
- options
- INIF synergy of national nuclear physics