Title: Teaching in the Clinical Arena
1Teaching in the Clinical Arena
- Vincent Chiang, MD
- OFD Medical Education Workshop
- March 27, 2007
- Educational assumptions
- Reality
- Theory
- Implication
- Practical
3Educational assumptions
- No one wants to be a bad teacher
- Most people are not taught how to teach
- You can be a great teacher
4Educational reality
- Teaching does not always go the way we would like
it to
5Features of successful educational institutions
- High, clear and shared expectations
- High academic engaged time
- Tightly coupled curriculum
- Frequent, appropriate assessment and feedback
- Powerful teaching
Hersh, RH. Declining by Degrees Higher
Education at Risk. Palgrave Macmillan. 2005
6Educational compact
- An educational compact is the agreement between
learner and teacher - There are four elements of every compact
Pratt D, Magill MK. Educational contracts a
basis for effective clinical teaching. J Med
Educ. 198358462-7
7Four elements
- Needs information, confirmation, direct
assistance - Expectations many, often unstated
- Roles
- Teacher model, expert, facilitator
- Learner (in)dependent, participant, competitor
- Content - involvement
Pratt D, Magill MK. Educational contracts a
basis for effective clinical teaching. J Med
Educ. 198358462-7
8Educational compact
- In medicine, the educational compact is often
- not negotiated
- not spoken
- not recognized
9Blooms Taxonomy
Bloom BS. Taxonomy of Educational
Objectives. Allyn and Bacon. 1984
10Learning Hierarchy
What actually happens in daily practice
Increasing Complexity
Ability to demonstrate specific clinical skills
Ability to apply factual knowledge
Ability to cite factual knowledge
Miller GE. The assessment of clinical
skills/competencies/performance. Acad Med 1990
11Assessment Hierarchy
Increasing Complexity
Rethans J-J, Norcini, J,Baron-Maldonado M, et al.
The relationship between competence and
performance Implications for assessing practice
performance. Medical Education 2002 36901-9
12Training Hierarchy
Increasing Complexity
- There is no such thing as a bad clinical teacher.
14How to do it
- Empower
- Role model
- Know your audience
- Imagery
15Seven simple secrets for successful supervision
- Three Mississippi
- Family Feud
- Birthing class
- Avoid the Heisman
- Vogue
16(No Transcript)