Title: Academic Surgery
1Academic Surgery Future Tense?Norman S
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4Mission of an Academic Surgical Department
- Provide a clinical service
- Conduct relevant research
- Ensure organisation and delivery of undergraduate
curriculum - Provide academic leadership to organisation
- Contribute to postgraduate training
- Clinical - same as NHS - Targets, EWTD, DTCs,
need for consultant led service, new contract,
higher patient expectations etc, etc, - Research - RAE, downgrading of applied clinical
research, obsession with basic science - Teaching - Increase in student numbers, more
intensive tuition - PBLs, OSCEs
- Discriminates against clinical research
- Applied physiological research - not sexy
- Overemphasis on molecular biology
- Consequences
- Universities disinterested in supporting clinical
academic posts - HEFCE monies used to recruit scientists to boost
7Situation at Barts and The London
- 2001 RAE
- Hospital based subjects Graded 4 (1997 3a)
- 5 million deficit
- Restructuring
- 70 of 308 (28) HEFCE posts axed
- 35 Clinical academics 35 support
staff - Student numbers increased in 2003 by 40 per year
8Data from UK Council of Heads of Medical Schools
- 1998-2005 40 increase in medical student
entry - Since 2000 12 decrease in clinical academic
staff - 33 Reduction in Lecturers
9Aspirations of Barts and The London
- Aims to be a 5 star Medical School
- Principal Investigators - Research income of
150,000 per annum 2 hours teaching/week - Teaching Research Post - Research income 50,000
per annum 8 hours teaching/week
10Possible Outcome(?Doomsday Scenario)
- No Academic Surgical Departments in UK
11Likely Scenario(?Preferable)
- Primarily teaching only academic units
- -Funded entirely by NHS
- -Minimal research clinical
- trials
- Selected Research Active Units
12Selected Research Active Units
- Funded by mixed economy -
- NHS, HEFCE contribution dependant
- on external grant income
Core Academic Unit
Basic Research Group
Translational Research Group
13To secure a future we need to
- Raise profile of clinical research
- Emphasise the need to translate basic science
discoveries into the clinical arena - Fund infrastructure of clinical research via NHS
- divert SIFT - Inculcate ethos that everyone has an onus to pass
on skills and knowledge to younger genertation
i.e. teach
14The students of today are the doctors of tomorrow
and the consultants of today are the patients of
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16In the UK we need action now particularly for
Academic Surgery !!