Impacts of Tourism

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Impacts of Tourism


As It is a well-known fact that tourism is a sector that can contribute to the economic growth of a region. Moreover, tourism produces social benefits to the region. Culturally, tourism is said to be an element of community enrichment, thanks to the meeting of different cultures. Also tourism can positively contribute to the maintenance of a natural environment by protecting, creating or maintaining national parks or other protected areas. This paper focuses on the tourism sector and its impacts on the economy, environment and the sociocultural being of the host community. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Impacts of Tourism

Impacts of Tourism
  • - Aritro Dasgupta

Impacts of Tourism
  • This includes major changes to the tourism
    destination which has long term repercussions
  • Changes may be either physical or to the people
  • Tourism exerts a disproportionately high effect
    at certain places
  • Destinations where tourism is the primary
    economic activity sees far greater impacts than
    areas where tourism is one of many business
  • Certain external forces too strong cannot be
    immunized again at local level

Types of Impacts
  • Environmental physical
  • Socio-cultural
  • Economic
  • Technological

Levels of Impacts
  • Positive
  • Negative

Environmental Physical Impacts
  • Increased patrolling of wildlife areas for
    conservation efforts top wildlife species like
    tigers rhinoceros attract tourists so
    conserving these species becomes a target for
    tourism developers
  • Afforestation projects specially launched in big
    cities along countryside for purpose of
  • Protection measures against natural calamities
  • Tourism creates alternative sources of income in
    places prone to over-fishing poaching

  • Pollution environmental degradation of the area
    on over-exposure
  • Auxiliaries of tourism being stretched to the
  • Tourist inflow leads to vast accumulation of
    wastage, most dangerously solid wastes
  • Leads to demographic shift as large number of
    people get attracted to the destination for
    employment purpose, resulting in added pressure
    for limited resources

  • Soil water quality deterioration due to
    effluents released from hotels other service
    industry firms
  • Increased chances of landslide other man-made
  • Foreign plant animal species enter native areas
    on larger scale resulting in unsustainable land

  • Exposure to new cultures brings modernity
  • Shedding of superstitions
  • Better educational opportunities arise
  • Specially in the Indian context, caste-based
    discrimination has gown down remarkably along
    tourism routes
  • Local art culture gets boost through contact
    with tourists, they often appreciate local craft
  • Indigenous cultures may get protection when alien
    cultures come into contact show interest in
    raise awareness on their conditions

  • Indigenous cultures may get protection when alien
    cultures come into contact show interest in
    raise awareness on their conditions
  • Economic development may also spur the protection
    of culture

  • Commoditization of cultures
  • Traits considered negative by general human
    population may get transmitted during process of
    cultural exchange through tourism
  • Alcoholism, drug-peddling sex-trade have become
    major ills in certain tourism destinations
  • Food habits in particular have seen major change
    leading to mass scale obesity across parts of the
    developing world in places where it didnt exist

  • Cultural stereotyping as certain people are fixed
    by popular imagination to be expected to behave
    in a certain manner the opposite disappoints
    the tourist
  • Dilution of local cultures when contact with
    bigger, more powerful ethnic communities

  • Community cultural programmes are inimical to
    certain beliefs have a significance for the
    local people but tourism commercial pressures
    have forced people to replicate cultural events
    on a regular basis even at times where the
    significance does not exist
  • eg travelers to New Zealand expect to see the
    Maoris to perform the Haka (war dance) at any
    time of their pleasure in exchange of money

Economic Impacts
  • Ready made market now available for sale of
    locally made commodities raw materials
  • Destination awareness spawns an entire gamut of
    job opportunities through tour operators, travel
    agents, drivers, shop keepers selling various
    kinds of commodities, service providers etc.
  • Improved income for state through local taxes
    like luxury, sales property
  • Multiplier effect

  • Due to tourist inflow cost of local commodities
    rises exponentially tourists may have high
    budgets, but locals get priced out
  • Off season unemployment or underemployment (more
    likely) as too much dependence on1 sector for too
    many people
  • 1 bad year due to some unforeseeable happening
    may lead to complete economic ruin of the area

  • Hype of certain local commodities means they all
    get exported to urban upper class markets within
    or outside the country locals dont get to
    consume traditional quality products grown on
    their own backyard
  • eg best grapes from Nashik all get exported or
    made into wine, locals no longer get best grapes

Technological Impacts
  • Work has become more efficient in places through
    exposure by use of technology eg GPS trackers to
    predict coming of cyclones across the eastern
    coast of India, idea initially spawned through
    tourism as such devices were used by tour
    operators in Sunderbans
  • Tourism development plans have become more
    efficient through use of satellite image maps
  • Better security arrangements may be made

  • Over- dependence on technology may lead to
    unemployment as labour gets weeded out
  • Certain skills become redundant too early

Multiplier Effect
  • Multiplier is a factor of proportionality that
    measures how much an endogenous variable changes
    in response to a change in some exogenous
  • Endogenous variable is one which originates
    within the system
  • Exogenous variable is one which originates
    outside the system
  • It is the effect where the addition of certain
    variables leads to an exponential impact

Tourism Multiplier
  • In tourism sector, per unit of direct spending in
    the sector leads to generation of investment many
    times more
  • Spending may be divided as- primary, secondary
  • Primary is the direct expenditure
  • Secondary is the derived expenditure resulting
    from related activities
  • Induced is the spending which results from an
    automatic rise in living standards which arises
    out of the above 2 causes

Tourism Multiplier
  • Multiplier effect is more high in tourism than
    in most other sectors because of the
    labour-intensive nature of the industry
  • Effect is greater in underdeveloped countries
    with a greater dependence on tourism as a source
    of foreign exchange
  • The spread of tourism revenue in an economy is
    usually more even due to the large number of
    players in the market
  • Tourism revenue also stays within shores of a
    country, dos not get shipped out

Components of Primary Tourism Revenue
  • Airfare
  • Duties related to travel
  • Local travel within tourism destinations
  • Hotel fare
  • Food consumed other expenses within hotel as
    part of lodging bill
  • Spending at historical sites, national parks
    other places of interest specifically understood
    at tourism hotspots

Components of Primary Tourism Revenue
  • Direct purchases from souvenir shops
  • Commissions to tour operators, travel agencies,
    transport operators (who specially conduct
    tourism based modules), event management agencies
  • Toll taxes on tourism circuits

Components of Secondary Tourism Revenue
  • Local travel as part of general public transport
  • Spending on food other knick-knacks outside
    hotel or usual tourism circuit
  • Spending on visits to unusual places, not famous
    for tourism
  • As security is beefed up, security agencies
  • Purchase of essentials local comforts while
  • Toll taxes on general roads
  • Investment in tourism education by setting up of
    specialized institutes universities

Components of Induced Tourism Revenue
  • Due to higher levels of income expenditure on
    more expensive, luxury products
  • Exposure to foreign culture leads to investment
    in technology like internet

Measurement of Tourism Multiplier
  • Orthodox method Multiplier (primary
  • Unorthodox method Multiplier (primary
    secondary)/initial expenditure

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