Title: Bacteria
1Bacteria Virus UnitViruses
- Sub cellular parasite
- Composed of protein coat nucleic acid core
(remember Hershey Chase Experiment) - No nucleus or cytoplasm
- Size 25nm to 250nm (1nm1X10-6mm)
3Shape of virus
www.kumc.edu/emrl/ laboratorystaffadvisorycommitt
- Spherical
- Cube or brick
- Needle shaped
- tadpole shaped
- bacteriophage
www.alteck.it/pagine/ alteck2_new.htm
ibmp.u-strasbg.fr/ dep_viro/BNYVV/
4www.sirinet.net/jgjohnso/ aboutviruses.html
5Bacteriophage diagram
micro.magnet.fsu.edu/ cells/virus.html
6Virus ability to cause disease
- Pathogen- virus that causes a disease
- Virulence- ability to to cause disease, how
difficult the disease is to control - In 1918 400,000 Americans died of the flu
- What type of nucleic acid they have
- Retrovirus (RNA core) virus (DNA core)
- Generally very specific about what they invade
- Bacteria virus (bacteriophage)
- Plant virus
- Animal virus
- Often specific down to the type of cell they will
invade - Ex polio only invades neural cell in the brain
and spinal cord
8Method of transmission
- Wind
- Water
- Direct contact
- Transmitted by host
- Contact by waste
- Blood(body fluids) or sap
helios.bto.ed.ac.uk/bto/ biology/imagmem3.htm
www.equinehospital.net/ Chest20wound.htm
9Types of Infection
- Lytic infection
- (lyse- rip open)
- Lysogenic infection
- (kinder gentler infection)
11Lysogenic Cycle
Viral genome reproduces with host genome
www.sirinet.net/jgjohnso/ aboutviruses.html
13History of the study of Viruses
- 1776 Jenner
- 1880s Pasteur
- 1892 Dimitri Iwanoski
- 1898 Martinus Beijernick
- 1935 Dr. Wendell Stanley
14Economic Importance of Viruses