Environmental and Transport Policy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Environmental and Transport Policy


... rail authority which directly contributes to the funding of new rail ... a major increase in heavy rail spending and some 25 new light rail schemes. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Environmental and Transport Policy

Chapter 12
Sawyer The UK Economy 16e
  • Environmental and Transport Policy

Nature of environmental problems
  • Environmental problems arise when the integrity
    of the life support systems and amenity, are
    compromised by human activity.
  • A major class of environmental problems is
    pollution, the discharge of waste products into
    the atmosphere, bodies of water or to land.
  • Another important class of environmental problems
    is the destruction of wildlife and its habitats.
    Wildlife losses reduce biodiversity, which is an
    important life support system.

  • Biodiversity comprises three concepts
  • species diversity the diversity of plant and
    animal species present on earth
  • ecosystem diversity an ecosystem is a system of
    interacting and inter-dependent plants and
  • genetic diversity -- the diversity of genetic
    material that the earth contains. Biodiversity is
    important for maintaining and advancing human

Sustainable development
  • Debates on environmental policy has focused on
    the idea of sustainability and sustainable
    development. This debate springs from the belief
    that current levels of global economic growth is
    putting the life support systems at risk.
  • Factors leading to these fears.
  • The discovery of holes in the stratospheric
    ozone layer resulting from supposedly inert
    substances commonly used in refrigeration and air
    conditioning. The stratospheric ozone layer
    performs a vital function in filtering out
    harmful ultra-violet radiation.

Sustainable development
  • The rate of destruction of tropical rain forests.
    The majority of species of plants and animals on
    earth are found in these habitats, and tropical
    forest plants have been the source of numerous
    vital pharmaceuticals and foodstuffs. The loss of
    these forests posed a serious threat to
    biodiversity and led to fears about the impacts
    on world climates.
  • Global climate change, global warming, stemming
    from the emission of greenhouse gasses. The most
    important of these is CO2 from the combustion of
    hydrocarbons in electricity generation and in
    motor vehicles. Deforestation is also an
    important source of CO2.

Causes of environmental problems
  • The traditional view of environmental economics
    is that environmental problems arise as a result
    of the presence of externalities.
  • Externalities are commonly described as impacts
    on the utility, cost or production function of
    one economic agent by variables under the control
    of another economic agent and where the effect is
    not the subject of a market transaction.
  • Pollution is generally a case of an externality.

Causes of environmental problems
  • The externality view of pollution has been
    challenged on the grounds that the key problem is
    not a failure to take account of such effects but
    a failure to understand them or even to be aware
    of their existence.
  • One traditional economic argument is that the
    prime cause of external effects is the inadequate
    definition and policing of property rights, since
    otherwise externalities would always be
    eliminated by market activity in the form of
  • Two further important criticisms of the standard
    economic view of environmental problems given so
    far which that should be mentioned.
  • the assumption that government intervenes with
    the intention and ability to correct the problem
  • application of this approach requires that we
    know how much compensation sufferers from
    environmental problems would need to fully
    compensate them.

Pollution policy
  • The objective of pollution control policy,
    therefore, is to prevent damage by containing
    pollution levels to the absorptive capacity of
    the environment. The authorities concerned
    achieve this by specifying pollution targets and
    controlling the activities of polluters to
    achieve them.
  • The policy issues concern the method of control,
    what is known as instrument choice, and how to
    monitor the effects of that control.

Pollution policy
  • Instrument choice
  • The economics of instrument choice for pollution
    control depend on the nature of the discharge
    source? Is it a point discharge or a non-point
  • The conditions for point pollution can be
    summarised as follows
  • the locations of the discharge sources are known
  • they are relatively few in number so that the
    costs of targeting them are not excessive
  • the discharges are fairly regular in timing, not
    sporadic and unpredictable
  • they can be detected and measured with current

Pollution policy
  • Point pollution
  • There are then three basic control instruments
    that can be used
  • A regulation backed by legal penalties usually
  • A pollution tax
  • A tradable permit. A permit to discharge
    specified amounts of a pollutant. These may be
    bought and sold by polluters.

Pollution policy
  • The problem with a pollution tax is that to set
    it to the correct level, the control authority
    needs to know the polluters abatement cost
    curves. This information is not readily available
    to it. If it asks the polluters they will
    probably understate their real costs of abatement
    since that will reduce the tax that they pay.
  • The information problem is avoided by allowing
    the gains from trade to be realised. The
    authority fixes the standard as in the regulation
    but issues it to the polluters in the form of
    entitlements to pollute, which they can trade
    with each other. This is socially efficient
    because each polluter knows its costs of
    abatement and will trade if the price is right.
    This is the third instrument, the tradable
    permit. By creating a market in pollution permits
    or entitlements the authority is able to achieve
    the socially efficient distribution of pollution
    abatement without the information needed for the
    pollution tax.

Pollution policy
  • The conclusion that permits are more efficient
    than regulation needs further examination. The
    superiority of tradable permits arises because
    permits minimise the costs to polluters of
    meeting a given specified abatement target. But
    these are only part of the social costs of
    pollution control. There are in addition the
    costs to the authority of monitoring and
    enforcing its policy. Efficiency is achieved by
    choosing the instrument that minimises social
    costs of meeting the pollution target.

Pollution policy
  • Social costs polluters costs authoritys
  • There are reasons for supposing that the
    authoritys costs will be lower for regulation
    than for either taxes or tradable permits.
  • With a regulation the authority is monitoring to
    answer a simple question are the emissions at or
    below the standard set? It does not need to know
    the actual level of emissions provided that they
    are within the permitted limit and further action
    is only required when a breach of regulation
    takes place. With a tax, on the other hand, the
    authority needs to determine the actual emissions
    in order to calculate the tax and in addition has
    to collect the tax. With a tradable permit system
    it has to determine the actual emissions and
    ensure that the polluters possess permits or
    entitlements for those emissions at the time they
    take place. These are more complex control
    problems that will require more sophisticated
    measurement and a more elaborate administration.

Pollution policy Water
  • The responsible body in England and Wales is the
    Environment Agency. The starting point for the
    system is a set of targets for the water quality
    for controlled waters rivers, estuaries and
    large lakes known as Water Quality Objectives
    (WQOs). Industrial premises discharging into
    controlled water must have a discharge consent.

Pollution policy Air
  • Control of air pollution is divided between Local
    Authorities, the Environment Agency and the
    Pollution Inspectorate. Emissions of sulphur
    dioxide, nitrous oxides and particulates are
    subject to a similar system to water. They are
    monitored at the chimneys, maximum volumes and
    concentrations of chemicals are specified and the
    polluters are liable to prosecution and fines if
    they exceed the limits. More toxic substances
    such as PCBs and the major sources of pollution
    such as large combustion plants and major
    chemical works are subject to a different system
    known as Integrated Pollution Control (IPC).

Pollution policy
  • Integrated Pollution Control
  • With IPC the objective is to reduce the pollution
    to the lowest level possible and to choose the
    means of disposal which poses the least threat to
    the environment. This means that the medium to
    which the pollution is discharged can be varied
    to what is called the best practical option
    (BPO). Within BPO another acronym applies,
    BATNEEC, best available technology not entailing
    excessive economic cost.
  • Land
  • The principal issue concerns the disposal of
    waste, domestic and industrial to landfill sites.
    By EU Directives the UK Government is attempting
    to increase the proportion of waste that goes to
    recycling rather than land fill. Local
    Authorities have been given recycling targets and
    a tax is levied on the volume of waste going to
    landfill. This is the only current example of the
    use of a tax to control point pollution.

Pollution Policy
  • Non-point pollution
  • With non-point pollution it is not possible to
    directly measure and target pollution. Recourse,
    therefore, has to be to indirect methods.

Transport Policy
  • The transport sector is a very major cause of
    environmental problems, including air pollution,
    noise, water pollution from run-off, and visual
  • The ideal charging system would charge a rate per
    vehicle kilometre that would vary with the
    emission characteristics of the vehicle and with
    where and when it was used. Such systems are now
    technically possible in the form of electronic
    road pricing which, although developed primarily
    to deal with problems of congestion, could also
    be used to reflect the environmental costs of
    road use.
  • It is likely that any such systems introduced for
    the foreseeable future will be confined to large
    cities and will be much simpler flat rate charges
    for entering an urban area, with only limited
    differentiation by vehicle type.

Transport Policy
  • A more significant development is the
    governments proposals for introducing a charge
    per kilometre for heavy goods vehicles
    administered by satellite based location
    technology, which would pave the way for much
    more differentiated charges. The government has
    also announced a review of inter-urban road
    charging, though with any reforms being still
    well into the future.
  • The final approach discussed above, that of
    tradeable permits, appears extremely complicated
    for a system involving millions of different

Transport Policy
  • For many years, government policy towards roads
    was what has been described as predict and
  • An important part of this so-called 'new realism'
    in transport policy was an appreciation of
    environmental constraints, but it was also argued
    that in purely practical and fiscal terms it
    would simply not be possible to cope with
    forecast traffic growth by increasing road space.

Transport Policy
  • The key features of the July 1998 White Paper
  • An emphasis on integration between and within
    modes and between policy areas - transport,
    environment, land use, health, education.
  • The introduction of new five year local transport
    plans, produced by local authorities to show how
    the objectives of transport policy would be
  • The establishment of a strategic rail authority
    which directly contributes to the funding of new
    rail infrastructure as well as being responsible
    for refranchising passenger services on the basis
    of improvements in service rather than purely
    emphasising minimisation of subsidies.

Transport Policy
  • The promotion of bus quality partnerships or
    quality contracts in order to make bus transport
    a more attractive alternative. Quality
    partnerships are agreements between local
    authorities and bus operators that both will
    contribute to increased services, for instance by
    the local authority providing more priority and
    better information, and the operator new
  • A new appraisal framework to be applied to
    government funding of all modes of transport, in
    order to achieve a better balance of objectives.
  • Powers for local authorities to introduce road
    pricing or a tax on non-residential parking and
    to retain (most of) the revenue to finance other
    transport measures.

Transport Policy
  • The major new development since the White Paper
    was the publication of the 10 year transport plan
    in 2000 (DETR, 2000). This foresaw a major
    increase in spending on all modes of transport,
    including expansion of trunk road and motorway
    capacity, local road maintenance, a major
    increase in heavy rail spending and some 25 new
    light rail schemes.

Wildlife policy
  • Problems of wildlife policy properly viewed as
    policy failure, a consequence of inappropriate
    Government policies.
  • More than 90 per cent of the land in Britain that
    is not built on is agricultural land. Most of the
    remainder is plantation forest. The only areas
    that might under some definition be called wild
    are the inter-tidal zones, the tops of some of
    the highest mountains and some small off-shore
    islands. In consequence much of Britains
    wildlife exists on agricultural land and
    agricultural policy is central to its

Wildlife policy
  • Agriculture development over the last fifty years
    has been characterised by two inter-related
    processes intensification and specialisation.
    These processes have led to large-scale losses of
    wildlife and wildlife habitats. Habitats have
    been lost by the destruction of hedgerows and
    farm woodlands, the ploughing up of old
    grassland, the drainage of wet meadows and
    marshland, the replacement of hay meadows by
    temporary grass and arable crops and the
    ploughing of stubbles for winter-sown cereals. In
    addition to the destruction of habitat, intensive
    use of pesticides and fertilisers has further
    destroyed wildlife. Survey data has shown large
    reductions in the populations of almost all
    species of farmland birds and virtual extinction
    of many plants and insects.

Wildlife policy
  • Wildlife might be viewed as a positive
    externality of the agricultural industry, a
    by-product of farming that has the
    characteristics of a public good.
  • Wildlife conservation in England is the
    responsibility of a statutory body English Nature
    (EN), answerable to the Department of the
    Environment. The Countryside Council for Wales
    and Scottish National Heritage fulfil the same
    role in Wales and Scotland. These bodies
    designate Sites of Special Scientific Interest
    (SSSIs) that need protection. The basic
    instrument for protecting SSSIs is a management
    agreement with the owner of the land. The owner
    agrees to manage the land in ways that protect
    the scientific interest in return for a payment
    based on the profits she would make by damaging
    the site. If it were ploughed up the plants would
    be destroyed but the owner would receive higher
    profits. The payment would be the difference
    between the profits from the two uses of the land.

Wildlife policy
  • This system of protection has been subject to a
    number of criticisms
  • Management agreements are voluntary and for a
    limited period.
  • The owner is compensated for losses from
    protecting the site. In contrast polluters are
    not compensated for their losses from reducing
    pollution and instead can be fined for polluting.
  • Wildlife habitats are fragile and easily damaged
    and the damage is often irreversible.
  • There is a problem of moral hazard the landowner
    can take action which damages the scientific
    interest and blame it on natural causes.
  • EU legislation takes a different approach to
    protection. The Habitats Directive is concerned
    with protecting biodiversity from deliberate
    destruction from economic activities such as road
    building, urban development, mining and

Cost Benefit Analysis
  • There are a number of methods that may be used to
    produce money values of environmental effects.
    The most common are
  • estimates based on preferences revealed in
    market transactions (revealed preference
  • methods based on hypothetical questions (stated
    preference methods).
  • methods based on avoidance costs.

Cost Benefit Analysis
  • The methods used and the results obtained from
    environmental valuation remain highly
    controversial and their use in practical decision
    taking rare.
  • For instance, in the road sector, where a form of
    cost-benefit analysis is applied to all major
    projects, the only costs and benefits quantified
    in money terms are capital and maintenance costs,
    vehicle operating costs, journey time savings and
    changes in accidents.
  • Environmental effects are assessed in physical
    terms and a 'score' is attached to the overall
    environmental impact of the road (on a seven
    point scale ranging from large beneficial to
    large adverse). The resulting scores relating to
    all the objectives of road investment are then
    subjectively assessed to produce a decision.
    Whether this approach leads to too much or too
    little emphasis being placed given on
    environmental effects is a matter of hot debate.

The global environment
  • Global environmental impacts are particularly
    problematic to deal with because the impacts of
    pollutants emitted in one country have impacts on
    citizens of other countries.
  • A tendency for each country only to take action
    to curb emissions to the extent that it is
    justified by the benefits to their own citizens.
  • In the case of global warming, international
    negotiations led to the Kyoto Protocol, which was
    agreed in December 1997. Under this, the ECU
    collectively agreed to cut greenhouse gas
    emissions by 8 per cent below 1990 levels by
    2008-2012. Subsequent negotiations concluded that
    the UK had an above average scope for cutting
    emissions and that its target should be a 12.5
    per cent cut. However, the British government has
    set itself the tougher target of reducing
    greenhouse gas emissions to 20 per cent below
    1990 levels by 2010.

The global environment
  • Global warming from carbon dioxide emissions is
    clearly an area in which the potential for
    pricing as a way of allowing for environmental
    costs is greatest. Carbon has the same effect in
    terms of global warming wherever and whenever it
    is emitted, and, therefore, a simple tax on the
    carbon content of fuels, would appear to be the
    most efficient instrument way of achieving the
  • The effect of increased energy prices on
    consumption in the transport sector in the long
    term appears to be substantial, with a 10 per
    cent increase in the price of fuel leading to a
    reduction in motoring of the order of 3 per cent,
    and an improvement in the fuel efficiency of cars
    of a similar magnitude.
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