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... colony, and Macau employs a legal system based on that of Portuguese civil law. ... (14) To decide on questions of war and peace; and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • China is a huge country with a total
    land area of 9.6 million square kilometers, and
    more than 1.3 billion people which amounts to one
    fourth of the world population.
  • China law is one of the oldest legal
    traditions in the world. At present, Chinese law
    has been a complex mix of traditional Chinese
    approaches and Western influences.

Uniqueness of Chinese Laws
  • 1. One unitary country with multiple legal
  • Since the return of Hong Kong and Macau in 1997
    and 1999, China has three legal jurisdictions.
    This is part of the One Country, Two Systems
  • Hong Kong still retains the common law system
    inherited as a former British colony, and Macau
    employs a legal system based on that of
    Portuguese civil law. They have their own courts
    of final appeal and extradition policies.
  • Hong Kong and Macau are outside of the legal
    jurisdiction of China, except on constitutional

2. Striking Chinese Characteristics
  • For most of the history of China, its legal
    system has been based on the Confucian philosophy
    of social control through moral education, as
    well as the legalist emphasis on codified law and
    criminal sanctions.
  • Confucianism relies on traditional informal
    methods while Legalism makes standard law that
    even the emperor should be bound by.

3. Significant external influences
  • The civil law tradition has dominant influence on
    Chinese law since the Qing dynasty to 1940s and
    re-emerging as a significant force in modern
  • The Soviet Union influence was great between
    1950s and 1970s and even can be identified today
  • Common law is also finding its way into Chinese
    law, especially in procedural law and commercial
  • In general, Chinese legal system is largely a
    civil law system, reflecting the influence of
    Continental Europe legal systems. However,
    earlier traditions from Chinese history have
    retained their influence.

Case Law
  • In China, unlike common law jurisdictions such as
    the United States or England, there is no strict
    precedential concept for case law.
  • In theory, each case stands as its own decision
    and will not bind another court.
  • in practice lower peoples courts judges often
    attempt to follow the interpretations of the laws
    decided by the Supreme Peoples Courts.
  • Moreover, higher courts can use the finality of
    their judgments on appeals as having a binding
    effect on the lower court that issued the first
    judgment or order.

Supremacy of the Constitution
  • The highest and ultimate source of legal norms in
    the PRC is the Constitution of the People's
    Republic of China.
  • It establishes the framework and principles of
    state, and lists the fundamental rights and
    duties of Chinese citizens.
  • Any laws contravening the constitution are null
    and void.

Brief History
  • Over the past century, there have been numerous
    constitutions in China.
  • The first attempts towards implementing a
    constitution in China were made during the final
    decade of the Qing Dynasty.
  • Several constitutions were subsequently
    promulgated by various controlling groups between
    that time and the establishment of the PRC.

  • After PRC establishment in 1949, China has
    adopted 4 constitutions consecutively.

  • 1954 constitution was based on the constitution
    of the Soviet Union.
  • 1975 constitution of the PRC was modeled on the
    ideology of the Cultural Revolution. This
    constitution subjected the NPC to the Communist
    Party and removed previous constitutional
    protections such as equality under the law and
    private property succession rights.
  • 1978 constitution moved away from the ideologies
    of the Cultural Revolution, it did retain some
    remnants of it. It also retained Communist Party
    control over the state structure.
  • 1982 constitution shifted to economic
    construction and modernization. This Constitution
    also contains more extensive rights than any of
    the previous constitutions.

  • The current constitution was adopted at the Fifth
    Session of the Fifth National People's Congress
    on December 4, 1982.
  • Since then, the Constitution has been amended 4
    times, respectively in 1988, 1993, 1999 and 2004.

State Nature
  • The socialist system is the basic system of the
    People's Republic of China.
  • The National People's Congress and the local
    people's congresses at various levels are the
    organs through which the people exercise state
  • All administrative, judicial and procuratorial
    organs of the state are created by the people's
    congresses to which they are responsible and by
    which they are supervised.

Economic system
  • China implements socialist market economy.
  • The basis of the system is socialist public
    economy with the public ownership remaining
  • Individual, private and other non-public sectors
    of the economy exist and are major components of
    the socialist market economy.
  • The state encourages, supports and guides the
    development of the non-public sectors of the
    economy, and exercises supervision and control
    over the non-public sectors of the economy in
    accordance with the law.

  • Socialist public property is inviolable.
  • The state protects socialist public property.
    Appropriation or damaging of state or collective
    property by any organization or individual by
    whatever means is prohibited.
  • The lawful private property of citizens is
  • The state protects according to law the right
    of citizens to own and inherit private property.
  • The state may, in the public interest,
    appropriate or requisition private property of
    citizens for its use in accordance with the law,
    while making compensations.

The Legislative system
The Legislative system
  • The legislative system refers to specially
    defined activities by a specially appointed organ
    to work out, recognize and change laws and
    regulations by using its designated rights,
    following certain procedures and applying the
    necessary technique.
  • China's legislation includes
  • the legislation of the National People's Congress
    and its Standing Committee,
  • regulation making by the State Council and its
    relevant departments,
  • the legislation of ordinary localities, ethnic
    autonomous regions, special economic zones and
    special administrative regions.

The National People's Congress
  • NPC is "the highest organ of state power" and
    exercises "the legislative power of the state."
  • The Constitution and Law on Legislation enshrines
    the NPC with authority to
  • Enact and amend the Constitution
  • Enact laws
  • Supervise national legislative operations and,
  • Exercise its power in other legislative efforts.

the NPC Standing Committee
  • The NPC Standing Committee is the permanent
    office of the NPC. Its legislation is of the
    highest level next to that of the National
    People's Congress.
  • The Constitution and Law on Legislation grant the
    following major legislative authorities to the
    NPC Standing Committee
  • The power in enacting and amending laws
  • The power in interpreting the Constitution and
  • The power in supervising legislation and,
  • Other legislative powers.

State Council
  • the State Council is the highest administrative
    organ of the central government .
  • the State Council mainly exercises the following
    legislative functions
  • To implement and amend administrative rules and
  • To submit drafts of laws to the National Peoples
    Congress and its Standing Committee
  • To make provisions through authorization
  • Regulation making supervision within a certain

  • the National Peoples Congress and its Standing
    Committee can, according to actual necessity,
    authorize the State Council to make
    administrative rules and regulations in regard to
    matters that should be stipulated by laws and
  • Except for matters regarding criminal
    legislation, the basic political rights of
    citizens, the rights of personal freedom, and the
    judicial system.
  • The State Council is also empowered with a
    certain degree of supervision rights in
    regulation creation. It has the power to change
    or cancel any unsuitable decisions and orders
    made by its subsidiary departments or by local

Departments of the State Council
  • The regulation making by the departments under
    the State Council is one with Chinese
    characteristics, The State Council has several
    dozen ministries, commissions, and other directly
    affiliated organs. The rules and regulations they
    make have equal validity.
  • Article 90 of the Constitution stipulates that
    "The ministries and commissions issue orders,
    directives, and regulations within the
    jurisdiction of their respective departments and
    in accordance with the law and the administrative
    rules and regulations, decisions, and orders
    issued by the State Council."

Local legislature
  • Local legislatures refers to the local organs of
    state power that make and amend standard legal
    documents within their own administrative areas,
    in accordance with relevant laws.
  • Local legislation is an important aspect of the
    whole legislative system of the country.
  • general local legislation, including 22 provinces
    and 4 special municipalities, (26)
  • local legislation in ethnic autonomous areas, (5)
  • local legislation in the special economic zones
  • special administrative regions. (2)

Local legislation in China mainly cover the
  • to effectively enforce the Constitution, laws,
    rules, and regulations. On one hand, local
    legislation can make these laws and regulations
    more specific to the local situation for
    effective performance at different places in
    different situations, with the help of
    implementing rules or flexible regulations. On
    the other hand, local legislation can make the
    above easier to perform or supplement wherever
    the rules are inadequate.
  • to settle those issues that legislation at the
    central level cannot solve independently or for
    which central legislation temporally does not
  • to independently solve all issues that should be
    settled through local legislation. For example,
    issues related to local policies, economy,
    education, science, culture, public health, civil
    affairs, and other specific issues that should be
    settled through local legislation.

The Executive System
The President
  • The President is the legally head of state.
  • He is responsible for state's foreign affairs and
    defense affairs.
  • By law, the President must be a Chinese citizen
    of 45 years of age or older. The President cannot
    serve for over two successive terms, a term being
    the equivalent of one session of the NPC, which
    is five years.

State Council
  • The State Council, which is largely synonymous
    with the Central Government, is the chief
    administrative authority. It is chaired by the
    Premier and includes the heads of each
    governmental department and agency. There are
    about 50 members in the Council
  • As the chief administrative organ of government,
    its main functions are to formulate
    administrative measures, issue decisions and
    orders, and monitor their implementation draft
    legislative bills for submission to the NPC or
    its Standing Committee and prepare the economic
    plan and the state budget for deliberation and
    approval by the NPC.
  • The State Council is the functional center of
    state power.
  • The State Councils term of office is five years

The Judicial system
The nature of the judiciary system
  • the judiciary means law enforcement activities
    conducted by the country's judicial organs and
    organizations in handling prosecuted or
    non-prosecuted cases.
  • Judicial organs are responsible for
    investigation, prosecution, trial and execution
    of cases, including the prosecutors, the trial
    institutions and the custodial system.

The structure of Courts
Court System
  • China has a four-level court system.
  • the top is the Supreme People's Court
  • Lower courts are the higher people's courts in
    provinces, autonomous regions, and special
    municipalities (31)
  • Intermediate people's courts at the prefecture
    level and also in parts of provinces, autonomous
    regions, and special municipalities (376)
  • Basic people's courts in counties, towns, and
    municipal districts, (over 3000) which are
    further subdivided into about 20,000 smaller
    units referred to as peoples tribunals located
    in towns and villages.

Supreme Court
  • The Supreme Court is in Beijing. The highest
    judicial organ, exercising the highest judicial
  • The Supreme Court exercises the following powers
  • Supervise lower courts and special courts.
  • Try the following cases a) First-hearing cases
    falling under its jurisdiction as prescribed by
    the law. b) Cases appealing or protesting rulings
    of higher courts and special courts, and
    protested cases submitted by the Supreme
  • Approve death penalty cases.
  • Issue judicial interpretations on how to apply
    law and writs.
  • Lead and manage judicial administration of courts
    at all levels across the country.

Higher Peoples Court
  • The first instance cases assigned by law, or
    transferred from lower courts
  • Major criminal cases which impact the entire
  • Hearing cases of appeals or protests against
    judgments and orders of lower courts

Intermediate Peoples Court
  • First instance jurisdiction in some cases,
  • Those transferred to it from basic peoples
  • major cases dealing with foreign parties
    Endangering the State Security
  • criminal cases subject to sentence of life
    imprisonment or death
  • hearing appeals and protests.

Basic Peoples Courts
  • Local level courts adjudicate criminal and civil
    cases of first instance. Excluded from
    jurisdiction are criminal cases carrying penalty
    of death or life imprisonment, as well as certain
    foreign civil cases.
  • The courts can request that more important cases
    be transferred to a higher court.

Special courts
  • Special courts are courts set up in special
    departments for special cases wherever necessary.
  • military courts to try cases involving crimes
    committed by servicemen
  • maritime courts to try maritime or sea-shipping
    cases for the purpose of exercising judicial
    jurisdiction over maritime affairs.
  • railway courts to try the following types of
  • (1)Criminal cases investigated by railway
    public-security authorities and filed by railway
    prosecutors. (2)Cases involving economic disputes
    on railway transportation.

The procuracy
  • The court system is paralleled by a hierarchy of
    prosecuting organs called procuracy at the apex
    stands the Supreme People's Procuracy.
  • The procuracy is a unique institution in Chinese
    law. It is equal to the court in its
    constitutional status.
  • The procuracy performs multiple functions as an
    investigative, prosecutorial, supervisory, and
    judicial body.

Organizational form of State Power
  • The National People's Congress is the highest
    organ of state power.
  • The NPC includes a Standing Committee that
    functions much as the NPC does when the NPC is
    not in session.
  • The National People's Congress exercises the
    following functions and powers
  • (1) To amend the Constitution
  • (2) To supervise the enforcement of the
  • (3) To enact and amend basic statutes concerning
    criminal offences, civil affairs, the state
    organs and other matters

  • (4) To elect the President and the Vice-President
    of the People's Republic of China
  • (5) To decide on the choice of the Premier of the
    State Council upon nomination by the President,
    and to decide on the choice of the Vice-Premiers,
    State Councillors, Ministers in charge of
    Ministries or Commissions and the Auditor-General
    and the Secretary-General of the State Council
    upon nomination by the Premier
  • (6) To elect the Chairman of the Central Military
    Commission and, upon his nomination, to decide on
    the choice of the other members of the Central
    Military Commission

  • (7) To elect the President of the Supreme
    People's Court
  • (8) To elect the Procurator-General of the
    Supreme People's Procuratorate
  • (9) To examine and approve the plan for national
    economic and social development and the reports
    on its implementation
  • (10) To examine and approve the state budget and
    the report on its implementation

  • (11) To alter or annul inappropriate decisions of
    the Standing Committee of the National People's
  • (12) To approve the establishment of provinces,
    autonomous regions, and municipalities directly
    under the Central Government
  • (13) To decide on the establishment of special
    administrative regions and the systems to be
    instituted there
  • (14) To decide on questions of war and peace and
  • (15) To exercise such other functions and powers
    as the highest organ of state power should

Citizens Basic Rights and Obligations  
Basic Rights
  • In March 2004, an Amendment to the Constitution
    was adopted by the Second Session of the Tenth
    National People's Congress, which included the
    statement "the State respects and safeguards
    human rights" in the Constitution, thus ushering
    in a new chapter in the progress of China's human
    rights undertakings.

  • The Chinese Constitution comprehensively
    stipulates the citizens' basic rights and
  • Based on the Constitution, China has enacted a
    series of laws on the protection of human rights,
    and set up a relatively comprehensive legal
    system for the protection of human rights.

The people's rights to subsistence and
development are guaranteed.
  • China's Constitution focuses on realizing the
    people's rights to subsistence and development.
  • two great historical leaps
  • from being poverty-stricken to having enough food
    and clothing, and then to reaching the moderately
    well-off stage.
  • China has successfully solved the problem of
    feeding 22 percent of the world's population with
    less than 10 percent of the world's arableland.

Citizens' civil and political rights are
  • China's Constitution and law protect citizens'
    rights to freedom of religion, speech and press,
    and of association.
  • Citizens' rights to property, reputation,
    personal name, honor, personal dignity and
    personal safety as well as the right to keep
    one's property from encroachment are also
    acknowledged and protected.
  • China has set up and improved an open information
    system and other related systems to ensure that
    the citizens enjoy full democratic rights to
    information, supervision and participation in
    public affairs.

People's economic, social and cultural rights are
  • Constitution and law protect citizens' rights to
    labor, rest, gender equality, equal pay for equal
    work for men and women, intellectual property,
    social security, receiving material aid and
    education, marriage and divorce, as well as the
    right to engage and participate in scientific
    research, literature, art and other cultural

The special groups of people, such as women, the
aged, minors and the disabled, are guaranteed.
  • China has enacted
  • the Law on the Protection of the Rights and
    Interests of Women,
  • the Law on the Protection of the Rights and
    Interests of the Aged,
  • the Law on the Protection of Minors
  • the Law on the Protection of the Disabled

The rights of the ethnic minorities are
  • China has 55 minorities
  • Article 4 All ethnic groups in the People's
    Republic of China are equal.
  • People of all ethnic minorities, like citizens of
    the Han ethnic group, enjoy all equal civil
    rights specified in the Constitution and laws,
    and participate in the management of state and
    local affairs on an equal basis.

Preferential policies
  • There are also wide-ranging preferential policies
    in place to promote social and economic
    developments for ethnic minorities, including
  • preferential employments,
  • political appointments,
  • business loans.
  • Universities typically have quota reserved for
    ethnic minorities despite having lower admission
    test scores
  • Ethnic minorities are also exempt from the
    one-child policy which is aimed toward Han

  • The state protects the lawful rights and
    interests of the minority ethnic groups and
    upholds and develops a relationship of equality,
    unity and mutual assistance among all of China's
    ethnic groups. Discrimination against and
    oppression of any ethnic group are prohibited
    any act that undermines the unity of the ethnic
    groups or instigates division is prohibited.
  • The state assists minority ethnic groups in
    accelerating their economic and cultural
    development according to the characteristics and
    needs of the various minority ethnic groups.
  • Regional autonomy is practiced in areas where
    people of minority ethnic groups live in compact
    communities in these areas organs of
    self-government are established to exercise the
    power of autonomy. All ethnic autonomous areas
    are integral parts of the People's Republic of
  • All ethnic groups have the freedom to use and
    develop their own spoken and written languages
    and to preserve or reform their own folkways and

  • The Chinese government pays serious attention to
    the positive role played by international
    conventions on human rights in promoting human
  • China has joined 21 international conventions on
    human rights, and has adopted a series of
    measures to fulfill its obligations as specified
    in those conventions.
  • In October 1997, the Chinese government signed
    the International Covenant on Economic, Social
    and Cultural Rights. The Chinese government
    submitted its first report on the implementation
    of the Covenant to the United Nations in 2003 as
  • The Chinese government also signed the
    International Covenant on Civil and Political
    Rights in October 1998.

Basic Obligations
  • Safeguard the unification of the country and the
    all its nationalities
  • Abide by the Constitution and the law, keep state
    secrets, protect public property, observe labor
    discipline and public order and respect social
  • Safeguard the security, honor and interests of
    the motherland and not commit any acts
    detrimental to the security, honor and interests
    of the motherland
  • Defend the motherland and resist aggression
  • Pay taxes.

National Emblem and Flag
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