Title: NPhardness and Phylogeny Reconstruction
1NP-hardness and Phylogeny Reconstruction
- Tandy Warnow
- Department of Computer Sciences
- University of Texas at Austin
From the Tree of the Life Website,University of
From the Tree of the Life Website,University of
4DNA Sequence Evolution
5Evolution informs about everything in biology
- Big genome sequencing projects just produce data
-- so what? - Evolutionary history relates all organisms and
genes, and helps us understand and predict - interactions between genes (genetic networks)
- drug design
- predicting functions of genes
- influenza vaccine development
- origins and spread of disease
- origins and migrations of humans
6Molecular Systematics
7Major methods for phylogeny reconstruction
- Biology Polynomial time methods (good enough for
small datasets), and local search heuristics for
NP-hard optimization problems - Linguistics an exact algorithm for an
NP-hard optimization problem
8Outline for the rest of the talk
- NP-hard and polynomial time problems
- Phylogeny reconstruction in biology the NP-hard
maximum parsimony problem, and how we can solve
it better - Phylogeny reconstruction in linguistics the
NP-hard perfect phylogeny problem, and how we
solve it exactly - An open problem from whole genome phylogeny
- Thoughts about computational biology, and the
role of mathematics in this field
9Polynomial-time problems
- Shortest path Given edge-weighted graph
G (V,E) and two vertices, v and w, find
shortest path from v to w (O(n2) time) - 2-colorability Given graph G (V,E), determine
if we can assign two colors to the vertices of G
so that no edge connects vertices of the same
color (O(nm) time) - 3-clique Given graph G (V,E), determine if G
contains a 3-clique (O(n3) time) - For all these, nV and mE.
10NP-hard problems
- Some problems seem hard to solve
- Hamilton path Given graph G , determine if G has
a simple path going through every vertex - 3-colorability Given graph G, determine if G can
be properly 3-colored - Max-clique Given graph G, find a largest clique
in the graph
11Technical definition of NP-hard
- NP is the class of decision problems for which
yes instances can be proven in polynomial
time. (Example I can prove to you that a graph
has a 3-coloring by presenting that 3-coloring to
you. So 3-coloring is in NP.) - Definition A problem X is NP-hard if every
problem in NP can be reduced to X in polynomial
time (yes-instances mapped to yes-instances, and
no-instances mapped to no-instances). So
2-coloring can be reduced to 3-coloring - Definition A problem X is in P if it is in NP
and can be solved in polynomial time.
12NP-hard optimization problems
- Graph-theoretic examples
- Travelling Salesperson (TSP) find minimum cost
tour visiting every vertex - Maximum Clique find maximum sized subset of
vertices which are all pairwise adjacent - Minimum Vertex Coloring find minimum number of
colors so that every vertex can be assigned a
color, and no edge connects vertices of the same
13NP-hard decision problems
- Each optimization problem has corresponding
decision problem. For example, the max clique
optimization problem corresponds to the decision
problem - Input Graph G(V,E), positive integer B
- Question Does there exist a subset V of V such
that VB and V is a clique?
14NP-hard problems and polynomial time problems (P
vs. NP)
- Some decision problems can be solved in
polynomial time - Can graph G be 2-colored?
- Does graph G have a 5-clique?
- Some decision problems seem to not be solvable in
polynomial time - Can graph G be 3-colored?
- Does graph G have a k-clique?
15P vs. NP, continued
- The big question in theoretical computer
science is - Is it possible to solve an NP-hard problem in
polynomial time? - If the answer is yes, then all NP-hard problems
can be solved in polynomial time, so PNP. This
is generally not believed.
16Coping with NP-hard problems
- Since NP-hard problems may not be solvable in
polynomial time, the options are - Solve the problem exactly (but use lots of time
on some inputs) - Use heuristics which may not solve the problem
exactly (and which might be computationally
expensive, anyway)
17Example Maximum Clique
- Exact solution find largest k so that some
subset of size k is a clique. Runs in O(nk)
time. - Heuristic Pick a vertex at random, and greedily
assemble a set which is a clique, and stop when
you cant add any more vertices. Repeat until
tired (or bored, or running out of time, or ).
How do we evaluate the running time, or accuracy?
18General comments for NP-hard optimization problems
- Getting exact solutions may not be possible for
some problems on some inputs, without spending a
great deal of time. - You may not know when you have an optimal
solution, if you use a heuristic. - Sometimes exact solutions may not be necessary,
and approximate solutions may suffice. (But this
may not be true for biology.)
19Major methods for phylogeny reconstruction
- Biology Polynomial time methods (good enough for
small datasets), and local search heuristics for
NP-hard optimization problems - Linguistics an exact algorithm for an
NP-hard optimization problem
20Polynomial time methods
- Quartet-based methods
- Construct trees on all 4-leaf subsets
- Combine quartet trees into tree on full dataset
- Distance-based methods
- Estimate pairwise distance matrix dij
- Find tree T and edge-weights w(e) so that dTij
approximates dij - For both methods, if there are no errors (in
quartet trees or pairwise distances) then the
correct tree can be obtained in polynomial time.
Otherwise, optimization problems are NP-hard. - Polytime heuristics along these lines are popular.
21Phylogeny reconstruction
- In biology, the most popular approaches for
reconstructing phylogenetic trees are heuristics
for Maximum Parsimony (NP-hard) or Maximum
Likelihood (conjectured to be NP-hard) - In historical linguistics, a new approach based
upon exactly solving the NP-hard Perfect
Phylogeny problem has been useful.
22DNA Sequence Evolution
23Maximum Parsimony
- Given a set S of strings of the same length over
a fixed alphabet, find a tree T leaf-labelled by
S and with all internal nodes labelled by strings
of the same length over the same alphabet which
minimizes the sum of the edge lengths. - Motivation seeks to minimize the total number of
point mutations needed to explain the data - NP-hard
24Major phylogeny reconstruction methods
- In biology mostly hill-climbing heuristics that
attempt to solve NP-hard optimization problems
(maximum parsimony or maximum likelihood) - In historical linguistics much less is
established, but an exact solution to an
NP-hard problem looks very promising.
25Maximum Parsimony
26Maximum Parsimony
MP score 7
MP score 5
MP score 4
Optimal MP tree
27Maximum Parsimony computational complexity
28Exact solutions fixed-parameter approaches
- Fixed-parameter approaches restrict some
parameter and solve the problem exactly for those
cases. Examples - Does graph G(V,E) have a k-clique? Solvable
in O(nk) time (nV). - Does graph G(V,E) have a k-coloring? Solvable in
O(kn) time for general k, and in O(nm) time for
k2 (nV, and mE).
29Solving MP (maximum parsimony) and ML (maximum
- Why are MP and ML hard? The search space is huge
-- there are (2n-5)!! trees, it is easy to
get stuck in local optima, and there can be many
optimal trees. - Why try to solve MP or ML? Our experimental
studies show that polynomial time algorithms
dont do as well as MP or ML when trees are big
and have high rates of evolution. - Why solve MP and ML well? Because trees can
change in biologically significant ways with
small changes in objective criterion.
Local optimum
MP score
Global optimum
Phylogenetic trees
30MP/ML heuristics
Fake study
Performance of hill-climbing heuristic
MP score of best trees
31Speeding up MP/ML heuristics
Fake study
Performance of hill-climbing heuristic
MP score of best trees
Desired Performance
32Divide-and-Conquer Approach
- Step 1 Get good starting tree
- 1. Decompose the dataset into smaller,
overlapping subsets. - Construct phylogenetic trees on the subsets using
a base method. - Merge the subtrees into a single tree on the
entire dataset. - Refine the resultant tree to produce a binary
tree. - Follow with usual heuristic (hill-climbing or
other such strategy) to improve tree.
33Divide-and-conquer approaches
- Step 1 Get good starting tree
- Divide dataset into overlapping subsets
- Construct trees on each subset
- Combine subtrees into tree on full dataset
- Refine into binary tree if needed
- Step 2 Apply favored heuristic to improve tree.
34Using divide-and-conquer for MP and ML
- Conjecture better (more accurate) solutions will
be found in less time, if we analyze a small
number of smaller subsets and then combine
solutions - Need
- 1. techniques for decomposing datasets,
- 2. base methods for subproblems, and
- 3. techniques for combining subtrees
35The DCM3 technique for speeding up MP/ML searches
36DCM Decompositions
Input Set S of sequences, distance matrix d,
threshold value
1. Compute threshold graph
2. Perform minimum weight triangulation
DCM1 decomposition
DCM2 decomposition
37DCM3 Decompositions
Input Set S of sequences, and estimate T of the
true tree
1. Compute short subtree graph G(S,T), based
upon T
2. Find clique separator in the graph G(S,T), and
form subproblems
The graph G(S,T)
DCM3 decomposition
38Strict Consensus Merger (SCM)
39DCM3-boosting a base method
- Decompose the dataset into smaller, overlapping
subsets, using DCM3 - Construct phylogenetic trees on the subsets using
a base method - Merge the subtrees into a single tree using the
Strict Consensus Merger - Use PAUP constrained search to refine the
resultant tree
40Iterative-DCM3 vs Ratchet
41Iterative-DCM3 vs Ratchet
- Developing heuristics with good performance takes
mathematical insights, but may not involve
proofs. Even so, its really important. - Extracting information from the set of optimal
(and near-optimal) solutions is a major open
problem. - Other types of data (gene orders, morphology)
present novel challenges. - Reticulate evolution detection and reconstruction
is a major open problem.
43Ringe-Warnow Phylogenetic Tree of Indo-European
44Cognate Classes
- Two words w1 and w2 are in the same cognate
class, if they evolved from the same word through
sound changes. - French champ and Italian champo are both
descendants of Latin campus thus the two words
belong to the same cognate class. - Spanish mucho and English much are not in the
same cognate class.
45Phylogenies of Languages
- Languages evolve over time, just as biological
species do (geographic and other separations
induce changes that over time make different
dialects incomprehensible -- and new languages
appear) - The result can be modelled as a rooted tree
- The interesting thing is that many
characteristics of languages evolve without back
mutation or parallel evolution -- so a perfect
phylogeny is possible!
46Historical Linguistic Data
- A character is a function that maps a set of
languages, L, to a set of states. - Three kinds of characters
- Phonological (sound changes)
- Lexical (meanings based on a wordlist)
- Morphological (grammatical features)
47Perfect Phylogeny
- A phylogeny T for a set S of taxa is a perfect
phylogeny if each state of each character
occupies a subtree (no character has
back-mutations or parallel evolution)
48Homoplasy-Free Evolution (perfect phylogenies)
49The Comparative Method(Hoenigswald 1960)
- Used to verify relatedness between languages and
to infer features of the ancestral languages of a
group of related languages - Step 1 establish sound correspondence in a set
of related languages - Step 2 establish cognate classes
50The Ringe-Warnow Model of Language Evolution
- The nodes of the tree which contain elements of
the same cognate class should form a rooted
connected subgraph of the true tree - The model is known as the Character Compatibility
or Perfect Phylogeny.
51Character Compatibility and Perfect Phylogeny
- Ringe and Warnow postulated that all properly
encoded characters for the Indo-European
languages should be compatible on the true tree,
if such a tree existed - A tree T on which all characters are compatible
is called a perfect phylogeny
52The Perfect Phylogeny Problem
- Given a set S of taxa (species, languages, etc.)
determine if a perfect phylogeny T exists for S. - The problem of determining whether a perfect
phylogeny exists is NP-hard (McMorris et al.
1994, Steel 1991).
53Triangulated Graphs
- A graph is triangulated if it has no simple
cycles of size four or more.
54Triangulating Colored GraphsAn Example
- A graph that can be c-triangulated
55Triangulating Colored GraphsAn Example
- A graph that can be c-triangulated
56Triangulating Colored GraphsAn Example
- A graph that cannot be c-triangulated
57Triangulating Colored Graphs (TCG)
- Triangulating Colored Graphs given a
vertex-colored graph G, determine if G can be
58The PP and TCG Problems
- Bunemans Theorem
A perfect phylogeny exists for a set S
if and only if the associated character state
intersection graph can be c-triangulated. - The PP and TCG problems are polynomially
equivalent and NP-hard. -
59Solving the PP Problem Using Bunemans Theorem
- Yes Instance of PP
- c1 c2 c3
- s1 3 2 1
- s2 1 2 2
- s3 1 1 3
- s4 2 1 1
60Solving the PP Problem Using Bunemans Theorem
- Yes Instance of PP
- c1 c2 c3
- s1 3 2 1
- s2 1 2 2
- s3 1 1 3
- s4 2 1 1
61Some special cases are easy
- Binary character perfect phylogeny solvable in
linear time - r-state characters solvable in polynomial time
for each r (combinatorial algorithm) - Two character perfect phylogeny solvable in
polynomial time (produces 2-colored graph) - k-character perfect phylogeny solvable in
polynomial time for each k (produces k-colored
graphs -- connections to Robertson-Seymour graph
minor theory)
62The Indo-European (IE) Dataset
- 24 languages
- 22 phonological characters, 15 morphological
characters, and 333 lexical characters - Total number of working characters is 390
(multiple character coding, and parallel
development) - A phylogenetic tree T on the IE dataset (Ringe,
Taylor and Warnow) - T is compatible with all but 22 characters 16
(18) monomorphic and 6 polymorphic - Resolves most of the significant controversies in
Indo-European evolution shows however that
Germanic is a problem (not treelike)
63Phylogenetic Tree of the IE Dataset
64An open problem to take home
- computing the transposition distance
between two genomes - (important in whole genome phylogeny
65Genomes As Signed Permutations
1 5 3 4 -2 -6or6 2 -4 3 5 1 etc.
66Genomes Evolve by Rearrangements
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
67An open problem to play with
- Given two permutations on 1,2,n, compute the
minimum transposition distance (unknown
computational complexity) - (The corresponding problem for inversion
distances involves very beautiful graph theory
and algorithms.)
- NP-hard optimization problems abound in phylogeny
reconstruction, and in computational biology in
general, and need very accurate solutions - Many real problems have beautiful and natural
combinatorial and graph-theoretic formulations
- NSF and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation
(funding) - Collaborators Bernard Moret (UNM CS), Donald
Ringe (Penn Linguistics) - Students Usman Roshan and Luay Nakhleh
70Phylolab, U. Texas
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