1Presentation to The East Tennessee Clean Fuels
Coalition June 11, 2003
2What is Biodiesel?
- Biodiesel is a methyl ester derived from a wide
range of vegetable oils and related biomass
(fatty acid) feedstock.
- Biodiesel is made through a conventional chemical
process known as transesterification. - Griffins BioG-3000 is a registered fuel and fuel
additive with the U.S.EPA
3Griffin Industries Biodiesel Plant
Butler, Kentucky
4Griffins BiodieselProduction Advantages
- Commercial manufacturer and marketer since 1998
- Patented technology resulting in high product
yields, low emissions - Feedstock flexibility
- Can use any vegetable oils, greases, or tallow
5Biodiesel Raw Materials
- Oil or Fat Alcohol
- Soybean Methanol
- Used cooking oils Ethanol
- (yellow grease)
- Rapeseed
- Cottonseed Catalyst
- Sunflower Potassium hydroxide
- Corn Sodium hydroxide
- Beef tallow
- Pork lard
6Griffin Locations
7Biodiesel Distribution
Fuel distributor receives biodiesel from
biodiesel plant.
Biodiesel is taxed the same as diesel fuel.
8How Can Biodiesel Be Used?
- B100 As a pure (neat, or 100 vol.) fuel
- B20 As a blending stock with petrodiesel (20
vol.) - B2 In low levels with petrodiesel
(lt1 up to 5 vol.) - ANYWHERE 1 or 2 petrodiesel is used
9Biodiesel Technical Attributes
- BTU value (power) between 1 and 2
- Sulfur - virtually none
- Aromatic - virtually none
- Cetane Rating - average of 53
- Flash Point - above 100C
- Biodegradable
- Non-toxic
10Biodiesel Emissions Health
- Biodiesel is one of only two alternative fuels to
successfully complete the EPA-required health
effects testing under the Clean Air Act of 1990.
The tests showed no health threats and a 90
reduction in air toxins. - Mutagenicity studies show that biodiesel
dramatically reduces potential risks of cancer
and birth defects.
11Biodiesel Emissions(U.S. EPA)
12Biodiesel SpecificationASTM D6751-02
13Engine Manufacturer Warranties
- Engine manufacturers do not warranty any fuels -
only workmanship and materials - Biodiesel blends will not void an engine
manufacturers warranty
14Engine Manufacturers Position on Biodiesel
15EPAct (Energy Policy Act) and Biodiesel Credits
- Provisions of EPAct mandate alternative fuel
vehicle (AFV) purchases for Federal, State, and
fuel provider fleets - Each purchase of 450 gallons of neat biodiesel
fuel (B100) is equivalent to 1 AFV credit each
purchase of 2,250 gallons of B20 is equivalent
to 1 AFV purchase
16Presidential Executive Orders
- Greening the Government Through Waste Prevention,
Recycling and Federal Acquisition - EO 13101 - Principal Federal policy directive for
resource conservation and pollution prevention - EO 13149 - Federal fleets mandated to cut
petroleum use in Federal fleets by 20 by 2005
17Mammoth Cave N.P.
Generator/Storage tank
Why biodiesel makes sense.
19Biodiesel Economics
- Biodiesel can be the cost-effective solution for
medium and heavy-duty vehicles to help
accomplish - Energy Policy Act (EPAct) goals
- Clean Air Act goals
- Presidential Executive Orders- 13101/13149
- Reducing dependence on foreign oil
- Average cost is .01/gallon for every 1
20Biodiesel Economics
- Blends completely with petrodiesel
- Existing distribution system can be used (pipes,
tanks, fueling stations) - Safety infrastructure not required
- Existing engines can be used
- Good solvent, may clean out system initially
- B100 will degrade some types of natural rubber
21National Energy Bill - Status
- April 11 House passed H.R. 6
- May 5 Senate began debate on S.14
- June Senate is likely to pass S.14
- Before August recess House/Senate Conference is
likely to present combined bill for vote and
Presidents signature. - Odds for Energy Bill this year are very good
22Energy Bill Biodiesel Provisions
- Renewable Fuels Standard includes Biodiesel
- - House (5 billion gallons by 2015)
- - Senate (5 billion gallons by 2012)
- Biodiesel Tax Incentives
- - House (none)
- - Senate (Agribiodiesel would receive a
blended mixture tax - credit equal to 1 cent per percentage point
up to 20 of a - Biodiesel blend. Agribiodiesel refiners
would also have the - option of taking a federal Motor Carrier
Excise Tax rebate. - Recycled oil based Biodiesel would receive
½ of 1 cent per - percentage point up to 20 of a Biodiesel
blend, with no - option to take a Motor Carrier Excise Tax
rebate.) -
23Biodiesel Users(Presently over 150 fleets with
40 million road miles)
- Cincinnati METRO, Transit Authority of N.KY,
Lexington Transit - Mammoth Cave National Park (short summary 1)
- Kenton County
- Farming operations across Kentucky
- Nashville Electric Service
- Vectren Utility
- Cinergy
- State Departments of Transportation
Florida, Ohio, North Carolina,
South Carolina, Delaware, New Jersey, New York - Numerous School Districts
- Georgia Building Authority (short summary 2)
24Additional Markets
Stationary Generator
United Energy Dist.- Aiken, SC.
25Potential Markets
- Marine engines (B100)
- Environmentally-sensitive areas
- and wetlands
- Underground Mining, Off-road equipment and
agriculture - Locomotives
- Heating oil (B20)
- Griffin is
- Vertically integrated
- Quality producer of biodiesel - ASTM
- Feedstock advantaged
- A respected, proven leader in the biodiesel
industry - A growing supplier of specialty methyl esters
into non-fuel markets
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