Title: Small-Scale Biodiesel Production
1Small-Scale Biodiesel Production
- John Nowatzki
- Extension Ag Machine Systems Specialist
- North Dakota State University
- Dennis P. Wiesenborn, Professor, Agricultural and
Biosystems Engineering Department
- Biodiesel Today
- What is Biodiesel?
- Oil Extraction and Preparation
- Processing
- Quality Factors
- Questions/Comments
4US Biodiesel Production
864 million gallons projected for 2007
5 US Biodiesel Plants
864 million gallons per year.
Organization of producers, blenders marketers
6 US Biodiesel Plants
1.7 billion gallons per year
Organization of producers, blenders marketers
7Bio-fuel Information
Switchgrass Corn Wood Grain Straw Soybeans Sunflowers Canola
Yield/Acre 5 Tons 115 bu1 10 Tons 2 Tons 32 bu1 (1920 lb/ac) 1360 lb/ac1 1375 lb/ac1
Ethanol 80 gal/ton 400 gal/ac 2.7 gal/bu 310 gal/ac 80 gal/ton2 800 gal/ac 75 gal/ton3 150 gal/ac
Biodiesel 1.48 gal/bu 47.3 gal/ac 6 gal/cwt 82 gal/ac 5.9 gal/cwt 81 gal/ac
Processing Cost/gallon 1.50 - 2.00 (USDA estimate by 2012) 1.10 (Current USDA Estimate) 1.50 - 2.00 (USDA estimate by 2012) 1.50 - 2.00 (USDA estimate by 2012) .50 (Current USDA Estimate) .50 (Current USDA Estimate) .50 (Current USDA Estimate)
1. 10-year average ND yields, ND Agricultural
Statistics Service. 2. National Renewable Energy
Laboratory, Bioethanol Multi-Year Technical Plan,
Preliminary Draft (Golden, CO, Â July 1999). 3.
Iogen Corporation, Ottowa, CA
8What is Biodiesel?
- Processed engine fuel made from vegetable oils,
waste cooking oil - and animal fats
- B100 Pure Biodiesel
- ASTM D6751 Standard
9Seed Preparation
- Remove Extraneous Material
- Screening
- Pass Over Magnet
10Oil Extraction
- Expeller Pressing or Solvent Extraction
- Heat Seeds
- Crush Seeds
- Oil Extraction
- Crude Oil
- Cake
- 15 Oil
11Oil Preparation
- Degumming (May not be Necessary)
- Remove Phospholipids (gums)
- Water Wash
- Remove all Water
- Water - fatty acids form salts
- Heat to 120C
- Acid Degumming
- Settling
12Waste Cooking Processing
- Remove the Solids
- Remove Gums
- Determine Level of Free Fatty Acids
- Too high retards or stop processing
- May require titration
- Method of determining the amount of acids present
in the oil - Indicates amount of catalyst to use
13 Processing
- Chemical Reaction
- Oil plus Alcohol
- Yields Esters Glycerin
- Catalyst - Potassium Hydroxide
- Proportions (In theory)
- 10 parts oil - 1 part alcohol
- 10 parts biodiesel - 1 part glycerin
- Requires Excess Alcohol (In practice)
- 10 parts oil 2 parts alcohol
14Biodiesel Washing
- Removes remaining
- Catalyst
- Methanol
- Glycerol
- Soaps
- Gums
- Add water to top of oil
- Water collects at bottom
- Repeat until clear water
- Heat for 1 hour at 248 F
15Quality Factors
- ASTM standard D6751
- 18 factors
- Purity
- Storage
- Cold Weather Properties
- Engines Operation
- Complete Conversion
- Catalyst and Glycerin Removed
16Biodiesel Quality Factors
American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM)
specifications. Biodiesel Standard ASTM D 6751
17Quality Factors
- Total Glycerin - Incomplete Reaction
- Free Glycerin - Incomplete Washing
- May Separate in Storage
- Clogs Filters
- Total Acid number
- Methanol Carryover
- Effects on Seals and Hoses
18Small-Scale Equipment
50 gal in 2 hours -12,675.00 BK-300
50 gal in 60 hours - 7,995.00 BioPro_190 SSI
80 gal in 8 hours-6,800.00 Ester Machine B100
40 gal in 24 hours - 2,495.00 Home
Biodiesel_Bentonville, AR.
19More Information
John Nowatzki Extension Ag Machine Systems
Specialist North Dakota State University Telepho
ne 701-231-8213 Email John.Nowatzki_at_ndsu.edu h