Title: Multi Agency Ecosystem research
1Multi Agency Ecosystem research
- International Pacific Halibut Commission
2Background and motivation
- In January 1997, IPHC committed to a 3-year
Fisheries Oceanography project - Motivation was realization that observed trends
in halibut size and recruitment not explainable
by stock size - Changes appear to parallel trends noted in other
marine populations of the North Pacific - Goal to better understand factors affecting
growth and recruitment
3Biological changes in the halibut stock
Pacific halibut biomass and recruitment, 1943-1997
4Biological changes in the halibut stock
Kodiak females - size at age by decade
5Fish. Oceanog. investigations at the IPHC
- IPHC and the Thompson-Burkenroad debate
- IPHC has long term datasets to contribute to
research community - One person hired as FO investigator
- Focus of work was collaboration with other groups
investigating ecosystem variability - Initial emphasis on environmental forcing of
population dynamics
6Regime shifts in the North Pacific
Major marine populations showing abrupt
population shifts in mid-late 1970s
- Alaskan salmon
- Pacific halibut
- Gulf of Alaska zooplankton
- Arrowtooth flounder
- Canada geese, Pacific NW
- West Coast salmon
- California Current zooplankton
- Alaskan shrimp
- Alaskan king crab
- Steller sea lion
7Organizations engaged in NP ecosystem research
CRiSP Columbia River Salmon Passage
NPAFC North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission
OCC Ocean Carrying Capacity
8Active collaborations with IPHC
- IPHC-organized monthly meeting of Regime
shift/ecosystem response group. - Pacific Northwest Climate Impacts Group
- Bering Sea Ecosystem Research Plan
- PICES involvement at several levels
- Arctic Research Initiative
- NOAA/ESDIM data rescue project
- El Niño and beyond Year 2000 symposium
9Ongoing IPHC ecosystem-oriented research
- North Pacific climate variability in 20th century
- w/ UW, NOAA - Ocean Bottom Properties database - PMEL
- Density-dependent and independent control of
halibut growth and recruitment - Patterns in BS/GOA groundfish recruitment and
coastwide salmon production - AFSC, UW - Retrospective analysis of growth rates in halibut
and sablefish - OSU, ADFG, UAK - Stable Isotope analysis of halibut otoliths -
PBS, EVOS - Basin-wide zooplankton production - Univ. of
10Where is ecosystem research heading?
- GLOBEC NEP Goal To understand the effects of
climate variability and climate change on the
distribution, abundance and production of marine
animals (including commercially important living
marine resources) in the eastern North Pacific.
To embody this understanding in diagnostic and
prognostic ecosystem models, capable of capturing
the ecosystem response to major climatic
11Use of ecosystem research findings
- Force a paradigm shift in viewing how fisheries
populations fluctuate - multiple influences, no
steady-state or unique maximum sustained yield
level - Merge ecosystem analysis into models of
population dynamics and stock assessment - determine robust harvest strategies given general
understanding of climate impact on recruitment,
mortality, fecundity, etc. - use particular knowledge of current climate
status and trend to predict future
recruitment/growth trends - must overcome dichotomy between fisheries
modelers and oceanographers, ecologists
12IPHC-organized research group on
climate-fisheries interactions
- Monthly meetings held at IPHC starting summer
1997 - 20-30 local scientists (fed, univ, private,
press) present and discuss ecosystem research
with climate focus - Some recent issues
- Shift in GOA small mesh research trawl catches
- North Pacific climate variability since 1989
- NMFS strategic ocean research plan for salmon
- The role of climate in determining patterns of
marine fish production the storage effect
13Pacific Northwest Climate Impacts Group
- UW component of national research initiative to
study the impact of climate on natural resources - Research foci
- What time scales of climate variability most
affect natural resources - El Niño (3-7), Pacific Decadal Oscillation
(50-70) - How to incorporate climate forecasts into
14Bering Sea Ecosystem Research Plan
- Joint NOAA, DOI, ADFG initiative motivated by
prospect of Dinkum-Sands research funds (6-8 M) - IPHC attended planning workshops, summarized past
research efforts, helped draft plan - Hope to fund some future Bering Sea research
through this initiative
15PICES (North Pacific Marine Science Organization)
- Member of Regional Experiment (REX) task team
- Team that recommends comparable experiments for
different PICES regions - On organizing committee for Climate Change and
Carrying Capacity Program - PICES main foray into determining research
direction for ecosystem studies of the North
16Arctic Research Initiative
- NOAA funded initiative to encourage ecosystem
research in the Arctic region ( 1.5 M) - IPHC on panel that reviewed, rated and
recommended funded projects
17NOAA/ESDIM Data rescue project
- Cooperative project between AFSC, PMEL and IPHC
- Objective is to rescue historically collected
hydrographic data for the North Pacific that is
presently undigitized. - IPHC has notebook and log data back to 1933
- Data will be added to historical water column
properties database being maintained at IPHC - Valuable data for retrospective and historical
18El Niño and beyond Year 2000 Symposium
- El Nino and Beyond A conference on Pacific
climate variability and marine ecosystem impacts,
from the Tropics to the Arctic - IPHC on steering committee to design and organize
large ( 300 participants) symposium - Bring together physical and biological scientists
to synthesize evidence for ecosystem variability
and elucidate causal mechanisms